
Uninvited guests in the dining hall

Fatty Wei's failure to get on the show hit him hard, originally thought he was talented, but it turned out that no one appreciated his talent when he got to the army.

So he ordered more crayfish from Lao Chen, this time also added KFC, as well as fat house happy water and so on, organizing a class of brothers in the National Day gala after the night hiding in the grass by the wall to feast a lot.

Because it is the National Day, the bath is not limited to time, so this curfew assembly opened a very carry on, a full half an hour before simmering back to the row of rooms.

Fatty Wei's disillusioned heart in the high-calorie, high-spice crawfish and KFC to find solace, the next day after the mood is much better, the noon meal to get the rice bowl are whistling, a small mood is quite beautiful.

Company battalion National Day are additional meals, chicken, duck, fish and meat, and drinks and beer, can be described as sumptuous.

Recruit camp food is not bad, the reason why Fatty Wei wants to organize a late-night snack conference one is to want to get close to everyone, the second force, in addition to special circumstances, otherwise there is no late-night snacks to eat, Fatty Wei's stomach that is used to eating late-night snacks can not stand to the night, always rebel.

The hot topic of discussion in the dining hall on this day is Zhang Jian's performance of the capture fist and Li Zheng's explanation of those funny and strange criminal eucalyptus cases at the gala, which is better to see.

But all of Zhang Jian's things, Fatty Wei always disdain, tone of voice are disgusted, said: "Fighting a set of boxing is just, there is no technical content! Isn't there an old saying that knowledge is power? Look at others Li Zheng, said the law, with our life in the immediate interests of the relevant, the future may be useful. When things go wrong, it's the law that counts, right? We can't rely on a set of captured fists to protect our rights and interests, right?"

Li Zheng told him, in fact, yesterday's eucalyptus examples are his teacher said, he is just picking up the wisdom of others.

Fatty Wei does not mind at all, continue to lose justice to boast: "You do not say, anyway, I think you are a talent, in the future you retired from the army to join the profession as a lawyer, I pay you to do my company's legal adviser, right, I will then go to hire a will capture the fist to me as security ... "

When the fat man said this, he deliberately glanced in the direction of Zhang Jian at the end of the table intentionally, carrying some kind of unspeakable hint.

As soon as the words left his mouth, he suddenly heard someone behind him asking, "Little comrade, is there anyone at this location?"

Li Zheng raised his head and saw a middle-aged man in physical fitness uniform standing behind the crowd, holding a stainless steel rice bowl filled with rice.

Who is this?

Li Zheng felt that this person had some familiar faces.

But for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Fatty Wei froze, then enthusiastically patted the chair next to him, "No one, you sit."

Waiting for the middle-aged man to sit down, Li Zheng measured the other party's clothing, pants seem to be military pants, the top is wearing a short-sleeved physical fitness uniform, plate inch head, black skin, full of military flavor.

Fatty Wei also saw it, and hastened to curry favor: "Chief, are you a new company cadre?"

The middle-aged man picked up a spoon and spooned a mouthful of rice into his mouth, and then clamped a mouthful of food, nodding while eating, "Not really new, just passing through, my stomach happens to be hungry coming in to eat some rice."

"This can?"

Fatty Wei's black bean eyes rounded, thinking to himself, can this still be done?

This troop is good ah, it seems that no matter which company cadres, hungry passed through whose camp cafeteria can come in to rub rice.

The middle-aged man asked Fatty Wei while eating: "Little comrade, what do you think of this meal? Is it good? Can you eat enough?"

Listening to this middle-aged man is the voice, Li Zheng has a feeling of déjà vu, as if where I have heard ...

Fatty Wei took the spoon in the dish fiddled twice, a face can not say dislike but also like in the dislike of the tone said: "For the dining hall, may be okay! It's not like I've ever had a rice diner at home anyway. But if you evaluate it by my standards, this dish is, well, average ..."

Said pointed to the bowl of seaweed and egg drop soup said: "Although the egg drop soup is egg drop soup, but according to my practice I must put the shellfish to hang flavor, do not need more than one pot of soup you put a seven or eight shellfish, the freshness came out, of course, can not be put more than one put more than one put to grab the flavor."

"... and this sweet and sour pork, here to do well ... is just to be able to enter the mouth only, say not too good, but also really not as good as I do my own sweet and sour pork.... ..."

The middle-aged man stuffed a piece of sweet and sour pork into his mouth, while asking Fatty Wei with interest, "How did you make your sweet and sour pork?"

Seeing that someone was breaking up food with him was right up Fatty Wei's foodie's alley, so he was instantly energized.

He can't do anything else, but when it comes to eating, he is definitely an expert.

"Pineapple must be used to cut pineapple to the left flavor, ground pineapple, understand? No pineapple sweet and sour meat is no soul, rely on vinegar and sugar to blend out the sweet and sour how can not compare to the natural sweet and sour pineapple meat to bring more natural and delicious, and the selection of meat must be used to use the finest pork, pork species should be good, must be fat more lean less, made out of the cold, so that the package of syrup on the outside to become a thin and crispy shell, the inside of the pineapple and the marinated pork, teeth bite down, the crunchy hard coating in your mouth exploded, can hear the sound of the soul, the fat in the tongue melting. When your teeth bite down, the crunchy sugar coating explodes in your mouth, you can hear the sound of the soul, the fat meat in the pork is fat but not greasy, touching the tongue that is melted, the lean meat fiber teeth a touch on the break, the taste of sweet and sour moderate, salty and fresh, sweet does not steal the taste of the acid is not too much ... that kind of taste ... Tsk! ... beauty!"

Speaking, Fatty Wei said himself intoxicated, a face of curly love and nostalgia.

The middle-aged man smiled kindly and said, "Yuanbei this thing is very expensive, used to cook the troops this pot of rice is not suitable, you said that the chilled goujou meat I also ate, but unfortunately the workmanship is too cumbersome, is not suitable for the troops of the pot of rice."

Fatty Wei got energized and retorted, "You're wrong to say that. When our squad leader trained on us, he told us that we should strive for excellence in any subject, don't keep saying that you can't do it, just ask yourself why you can't do it, and if you can't do it, do it well and do it until you do it!"

Li Zheng knows that this is indeed what Wu Yi said, no, to be precise, Hou Jun said, and then was picked up by Wu Yi and brought back to talk to the first class of recruits.

In fact, there is another paragraph in this sentence, can't do is your ability problem, won't try to do is your attitude problem.

The ability problem is excusable, attitude problem?


Punish you to death!

The middle-aged man did not expect Fatty Wei's mouth so tricky, after a moment of bewilderment, nodded, did not say anything.

Fatty Wei see their own reasoning, middle-aged people and good to talk to the appetite, that would have been no zipper mouth is more gushing, began a variety of slurping, slurping from the food to the training, slurping from the training to the facilities.

"Why don't you turn on the hot water system in the summer? Why don't you turn it on? This mountain is still very cool at night, I'm at home at night all open hot water bathtub, here is really ... inhuman ah ..."

Li is trying to stop Fatty Wei, after all, the company team is really not as bad as he said, purely Fatty Wei himself to find a stumbling block to spray, in fact, is to vent their own yesterday's colored segments on the show can not be depressed.

Suddenly, he realized that the situation seemed a bit wrong.

On the side of the cooking class, the squad leader called Zhang Fei seemed to be looking this way in the direction of the kitchen door, and a few veterans' eyes were secretly glancing this way, whispering about something.

Li Zheng turned his head to look out of the window, and from afar, he saw the battalion commander and company commander, as well as the instructor and a group of cadres hurriedly walking towards the direction of the dining hall.

There is something wrong with the atmosphere ...

He stretched his foot under the table and kicked Fatty Wei, throwing a wink at him to signal him to shut up.

Fatty Wei was on a roll, was kicked by Li Zheng, looked at him unhappily and said, "What's the matter, I haven't finished yet!"

Turned back to pick up the words, but forgot where he said.

That's right, the original blind spray, said where is where, of course do not remember.

Fatty Wei was a bit spoiled, blankly glanced at Li Zheng, turned to the middle-aged man, suddenly, he frowned, and surveyed the middle-aged man who smiled amiably and warmly at him, and asked cautiously, "Old comrade, haven't we met somewhere before?"

The rice in the tray in front of the middle-aged man had been swept away, Li Zheng took a look and thought that this person ate really fast, and did not waste a single grain of rice, the last remaining soup was dipped clean with a small steamed bun and eaten.

The middle-aged man drew out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, smilingly said to Fatty Wei, "Yes, we have met."