
Truth? False?

Zhang Jian was a bit embarrassed.

This kind of scene-stealing speech was something he had tried time and time again on any occasion.

Once upon a time, when there were uncles and uncles from the army in his family, as long as he said this, he could always win appreciation.

But this Liang Hu Battalion Commander in front of him was a bit different, as if he didn't eat this.

However, let himself how to say it?

Tell him that he is because Li Zheng soldier, so he came to the army, to prove to Shao Xiaoqian to see that he is the real man and she chose that boyfriend is a waste?

Tell him that he's being careful, seeing Li Zheng and Shao Xiaoqian in pairs, he feels it's like a flower stuck in dried cow dung?

Tell the battalion commander that he actually saw Li Zheng and Shao Xiaoqian walking towards home hand in hand and then went home to tell his parents that he had to join the army this year?

Liang Hu looked at Zhang Jian in front of him and knew from his eyes that he wasn't telling the truth.

Liang Hu looked at Zhang Jian in front of him and knew from his eyes that he wasn't telling the truth. It took a long time for Zhang Jian to open his mouth again, "It's also a kind of inheritance, I didn't think of becoming a soldier before, I think my dad finished my life as a soldier, but this year, I saw a lot of my buddies went to the army, so I suddenly wanted to come."

Zhang Jian's tone was flat, as if he was talking about someone else's business.

Liang Hu knew that he still wasn't telling the truth, but he wasn't going to pursue it.

He thought that Zhang Jian was doing it because he wanted to develop in the army, and his father had told him to start practicing from the grassroots level first, and that he would still have to take the military academy in the future.

It only seemed too utilitarian to say so, so Zhang Jian didn't confess.

So he turned to Li Zheng, "Li Zheng, what about you? Why did you come to be a soldier?"

Li Zheng frankly said, "Same as what I wrote in the questionnaire before I enlisted, I've always wanted to be a soldier since I was twelve years old, it's my dream."

Liang Hu could tell that Li Zheng was telling the truth and asked again, "Why is being a soldier your dream?"

Li Zheng secretly gritted his teeth, and finally said it straight, "To repay the favor, back then it was the People's Liberation Army that saved me. Giving a gift to others is a good thing. I want to go and become a soldier, do something meaningful, dedicate my youth, as a kind of thanks to the PLA uncle who saved me back then."

These words sincere, honest, Liang Hu in fact has long read Li Zheng's file eucalyptus, also know everything, just want to let Li Zheng himself say to see if it is true.

Now it seems to be true, no false.

"Have you ever thought of doing in the army for a long time?"

Liang Hu finished, and suddenly felt that it was inappropriate to ask a new recruit like this.

So he explained again, "After all, like you such a famous brand college students, the examination is not seen ..."

Li Zheng was still very honest: "I intend to serve as a soldier for two years, after which I will go back to continue my studies and test after graduation."

Liang Hu's gaze slightly darkened tantalizingly, his mouth couldn't help but "Oh".

"Very good, you are a young man with goals and plans."

After saying that, he said to the two people, "Alright, you can go back."

This conversation was a bit baffling for the two people, not knowing what Battalion Commander Liang Hu's purpose was.

Of course they did not know, in fact, this kind of conversation Liang Hu every year to carry out, and are picking some good seedlings to talk about.

Their own favorite soldiers, the future at least two years to serve in the second battalion, to understand the ideological dynamics more conducive to management.

In the following days, everything was not different.

One after another, the new recruits began to arrive at the camp, more and more people, and the platoon room became more and more lively.

Since the soldiers are not yet all together, the first few days are some simple formation training, teaching the basic standing at attention, marching in unison, and squatting and standing up, the most basic actions.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the worst thing for new recruits is the heat.

Before I became a soldier to see the sun are hiding, now the sun is more menacing to be in the hot hot air on the ground meticulously do formation movements.

To the fourth day, all the soldiers have arrived, the morning of the fifth day, Wu Yi suddenly announced an important news, combined with the whole battalion of recruits in the afternoon to go to the division teaching team, so that they open their eyes.

"Open what eyes? Squad leader?"

Fatty Wei was always the most curious one in the team.

Wu Yi said with pride, "Remember our platoon leader?"

How could Fatty Wei forget?

The first time he saw Hou Jun, he was too impressed, those eyes, shooting out a gaze with a sword, can stab people.

Wu Yi said, "Do you know why our platoon leader is not at his post these days?"

The recruits shook their heads.

Wu Yi continued: "This year, the international 'Golden Eagle' sniper competition will be held abroad, and our PLA team also participated in the selection of participants are the elite snipers of the whole army, can be said to be the top stream, and this year the task fell on our military region, now the whole military region's most impressive snipers are in our division instructor brigade. The best snipers in the entire military region are now undergoing intensive training and selection in our division's teaching brigade. Have you guys ever seen a special forces movie?"

Ma Teng snatched the answer, "I've seen it! It's the kind of powerful character who can do anything in heaven and earth, and one is as good as a hundred!"

Wu Yi pooh-poohed, "Bullshit! That's just bragging! Don't believe in the movies, according to the kind of special forces they play, dying 800 times is not enough! That's for pretending, not real special forces!"

Ma Teng curiously said, "Then what does a real special forces soldier look like?"

Wu Yi said, "Like our platoon leader!"

Ma Teng said, "Aren't we infantry?"

Wu Yi was speechless for two seconds, then said, "You newbie know nothing! Although our platoon leader is an infantryman, this sniper level is above the level of special forces! Previously, our platoon leader led a soldier, took the first place in the military district sniper competition, the blood wolf brigade have you heard of it? He was selected by them! You say, our platoon leader is the master of the old special, is not more than those old special cattle ah!"

The new recruits were discussing, some people laughed and felt that Wu Yi was bragging, some people felt unbelievable and felt so excited that they actually came to this platoon, feeling that if they practiced properly in the future, they would be more bullish than the Special Forces?

Zhang Jian's mouth gently lifted a corner, gently spit out two words: "bragging."

Luckily, Wu Yi didn't hear it.

He raised his hand, signaling everyone to stop talking.

"Be quiet for a moment! Anyway, you guys went there this afternoon to observe and to cheer on our platoon leader! Our platoon leader ah ... speaking ..."

When he said this, he seemed to get stuck.

After tilting his head and thinking for half a day, he suddenly said, "Hey! I told you a bunch of new recruits a ball! You guys don't understand anything! Anyway, you guys remember, this year, our platoon leader will definitely be able to take the qualification to compete and go abroad to compete!"

Ma Teng suddenly spoke up again, "Squad Leader, so we don't have a platoon leader?"

Wu Yi was suddenly stunned.


This new recruit's words seemed to make sense.

But in his opinion, Hou Jun being able to realize his dream was a bigger thing than leading soldiers.

Because he knew too well about Hou Jun.

This competition meant a lot to Hou Jun and could only succeed, not fail.

So he said gruffly: "Our regiment is so many people, our company is also so many people, you are still afraid that there is no platoon leader? Our platoon leader is next year, with the end of your group of new recruits is more than enough! If it's really not possible, I'll reluctantly give you an acting platoon leader, so what?"


The recruits laughed.

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