
Tough Adaptation

After this battle, just like Yang Hui, Li Zheng was getting a good reputation in the recruit company.

After all, from the beginning, Zhang Jian that kind of bullish booming rely on their own in the army more than a few days of night porridge to anyone who look at the arrogance has offended a lot of soldiers of the same year.

Other people are Zhang Jian contempt is not capable of refutation, Li Zheng is the real strength in speaking, all the new recruits feel that this is on behalf of their own back in the game, the heart can not speak of the dark pleasure.

Li Zheng does not know is, also because of this, he was platoon commander Hou Jun attention.

Recruit training is actually a very painful thing, don't open the annual training mobilization opened a lively, what good weapons and equipment, what new weapons are pulled out, to the parade ground on a set, neatly shelved there on the momentum alone makes people feel majestic and majestic.

In addition to the speech of the division head, the veterans in the opening of the mobilization meeting will be military performances, and hard work and grappling and precision shooting, anyway, how to beat the blood how to come.

But all the new recruits who have participated in the opening mobilization of the new recruits will be infected by the atmosphere, feeling that the blood in the veins are running a few times faster, and for a while they just hate to have no war to fight.

Generally on such occasions, the veterans look at those chicken-blooded new recruits with a look of stupidity.

From them, they can definitely see themselves back then.

Waiting to return to the company, officially entered the training period of the new recruits, Li Zheng and his new recruits comrades realized that the old veterans bragged that the period of the new recruits is very difficult to say that this is not true at all.

In fact, from the intensity of training, recruit training with the teaching brigade of the sharpest training, pre-sergeant training compared to the ass.

But the hard part is a period of adaptation.

From the local comfortable life all of a sudden into this every day 5:30 wake up, has been training until 9:30 p.m. to turn off the lights before going to bed life, during the day but also from the queue to physical fitness training, a lot of people within a few days has been complaining of suffering.

When Li Zheng University to participate in military training, what march, running march, march have learned.

Before becoming a soldier, he thought that he should have no problem with the formation training.

But really become a soldier, put on the uniform for the serious army formation training only to find that the year was secretly scolded by students as the devil's instructor now seems to be like a neighboring grandmother general kindness.

Let's talk about a march.

At that time in the university military training, Li Zheng felt that the instructor has been considered strict to the degree of cruelty.

But here, a march can be refined to an unimaginable degree.

For example, every day during the training team, the squad leader would erect two pillars on the playground, pull up a line, and then let the new recruits put their hands on their belts and practiced a kicking action alone.

According to the action of marching in a straight line, the stride of each step was 75 centimeters, and the foot should be 25 centimeters from the ground.

This has to be accurate to the centimeter, not a centimeter off.

The ropes on the two pillars are about 28 centimeters off the ground, and when the toes of the feet touch the ropes, the soles of the feet are just 25 centimeters off the ground.

This kind of training gives recruits a visual impression of exactly how high a kick is going to go, and it's really a good way to do it.

In order to form muscle memory, so that each step out of the kick is powerful and stable, so the training requirements kicked out directly after the foot will be fixed in the air, the toes next to the white cotton thread, to maintain this kind of action as if the point of the action, not moving to stand for a long period of time.

How long is a long time?

Initially it was five minutes.

This is still relatively easy.

Then it was ten minutes.

Then it was fifteen minutes. ...

Sometimes when the continuity was not done well, the whole platoon would stop and all stand in front of the column and kick their feet and keep this up for at least twenty minutes.

You think that's the end of it?

Li Zheng had been so naive.

"It's eighteen minutes ... Hang in there ..."

"Not bad, hold it well this time! Wei Guoxing, watch your toes, move again and I'll give you extra time!"

"Good! Twenty minutes! Now take a break, all rub your legs for me and relax your muscles."

In Li Zheng's opinion, Wu Yi was considered a very responsible and patient squad leader.

Although this old soldier had been fanning the flames when he was fighting with Zhang Jian before, he was not sloppy at all in training, and he would carefully and tirelessly correct every action and every problem.

"Ouch my mom ..."

Wu Yi just shouted to stop, Fatty Wei holding his leg immediately fell to the ground and wailed.

"My legs don't seem to be my own ..."

Wu Yi heard the wailing, turned his head to see Fatty Wei's appearance, and immediately frowned: "Wei Guoxing, look who's like you? Did I tell you to lie down? Look who's lying down? Get up!"

Wei Fatty's eyes rolled and yelled, "The squad leader ... has cramps ... has cramps ..."

After saying this, Fatty Wei hugged his fat legs seven feelings on his face, his five senses are screwed together, looks more painful than the labor in the delivery room.

Wu Yi was a little surprised, this only stood for 20 minutes, how to cramp?

Hastily rushed over to take a look, Fatty Wei's expression didn't really look like he was pretending, so he hastened to say, "Stretch out your right leg, I'll rub it for you, it'll be fine soon."

Fatty Wei stretched his leg and wailed again, "Class president, can not straighten it ... finished finished, my leg is not a problem ...."

Wu Yi said to Li Zheng next to him, "Go, run to the battalion headquarters, find a hygienist to come over, just say that someone has cramps, the situation is somewhat serious."

"No need to call the hygienist."

Hou Jun flashed out from the side at some point, still holding an apple in his hand, glancing down at Fatty Wei while nibbling on it.

Then with the apple in his mouth, he squatted down and pinched on Fatty Wei's right leg.

Afterward, he stood up and said, "The situation is somewhat serious."

He turned his head to Wu Yi and Hu Chenxi next to him and said, "You two are first time squad leaders, you don't know anything anymore, do you know why new recruits get cramps during training?"

Wu Yi did not know what medicine Hou Jun buried in the gourd, puzzled: "It is not adapted, all of a sudden the training intensity is too large resulting."

Hou Jun said, "That's right, you all had cramps when you were recruits, right? No need to make a fuss, I'll tell you, it's because of the lack of exercise and lack of activity which leads to cramps, you two think about it, after a year in the army, do you still have cramps?"

Wu Yi and Hu Chenxi thought about it and really didn't, so they shook their heads together.

Hou Jun said, "That's right! That's why you guys still lack experience in leading soldiers! Normally in this situation, you help him up and walk, then later on ask him to go for a three kilometer run to move his feet around, and I guarantee that he won't cramp up again for a day. If he still cramps up, then run five kilometers, move the meridians around and run the blood, it'll be fine!"

Wu Yi and Hu Chenxi looked at each other.

Obviously, Hou Jun's old squad leader was talking nonsense again, the words in front of him were still reliable, but the more he said in the back, the more outrageous he became.

Running five kilometers and three kilometers with cramps?

This is not adding fuel to the fire?

The two of them looked at Hou Jun, who was easily nibbling on an apple, and suddenly understood.

"Right, right, the platoon leader is right."

Wu Yi immediately turned to Fatty Wei who was still lying on the ground but had already sensed that the situation was not good, "Hear that? Come come come--"

He said to Hu Chenxi, "Squad Lieutenant come and give us a hand, let's set him up and move around first, then pull him to run a three kilometer ... no, five kilometers, to run five kilometers, to completely move around."

When Wu Yi spoke, lying on the ground, Wei fat man's mouth ouch sound is getting smaller and smaller, when he heard the last said "five kilometers", Wei fat man suddenly exclaimed: "Ouch I rely! It seems to be fine!"

He rubbed his thighs vigorously, then stood up fiercely, his chubby figure instantly becoming extremely flexible.

"Squad Leader! A miracle! I'm fine!"