
To the company

Shao Xiaoqian want to be a special forces thing, at first Li Zhengzheng really did not put in mind.

Little girl, thought to watch a few TV dramas as a real?

Estimated that let her go to the communication company that kind of place to climb poles, running a few hundred meters on the back of the coil will be crying.

After the next day, the new regiment was officially disbanded, and the new recruits started to go down to the company.

Most of the new recruits followed their original squad leaders and platoon leaders, but some of them were assigned to other companies because the veterans of each company were discharged differently, and the number of recruits that needed to be replenished was also different.

After living together for more than two months, they have established a deep comradeship with each other, and when they have to leave their original company to go to another company, it is inevitable that they have to say goodbye again.

Meng Hu Regiment's site is not far away, only about seven kilometers from the new regiment, within the E Division's site.

The first platoon did not have many people, most of them are still in the fourth company, but they were assigned to different platoons.

Li Zheng, Zhang Jian, Ma Teng and Fatty Wei were still together, they were still in the first platoon, and the platoon leader was still Hou Jun.

At ten thirty, everyone packed up their things and squeezed into the car, and several military trucks sped along the highway all the way towards this Menghu Regiment's compound.

Out of the divisional gate, the car toward the southern highway has been driving.

E Division's site was originally a mountainous area, there is only a town nearby, but at least only a few kilometers from the town center, the highway can occasionally see the local people.

But the Menghu Regiment is different, its station is in the deep mountains, the more you go, the more desolate the surrounding scenery seems.

At first, you could still see scattered civilian houses along the roadside, but later on, there was nothing along the road, and both sides of the highway were nothing but barren mountains and wild hills, or just trees and weeds.

"Platoon Leader, where exactly is our regiment's station? How do I look is to the mountains to drive it?"

Sitting at the rear of the car behind the shift Wei Fatty finally could not help but ask Hou Jun.

Hou Jun said, "Tiger Pass, our regiment's station is in Tiger Pass."

Fatty Wei listened to the name of some of the ridge bone cold, originally as a soldier thought occasionally can also enter the city to stroll, now it seems that this hope is like the sunshine of the soap bubbles, beautiful, but all of a sudden on the broken.

But still can not help but ask again: "Tiger Pass? Isn't it the name of a town?"

Hou Jun said, "Does it sound like a town name to you? That's the name of a valley, and our troops haven't left it since we changed defense here in '84."

Fatty Wei immediately felt some despair.

Thinking to himself, "It's over, it's over, this time it's really isolated from the world.

Wu Yi on the side as if he saw through Fatty Wei's mind, laughed: "Wei Guoxing, you are out of the big city, how? That kind of city life is not tired of ah? You've come to be a soldier, and you still think you can have a good time? Tiger Pass is a good place, good mountains, good water, good scenery, the air is negative ions, you are there as a soldier for two years, I guarantee that the physical quality can be up a few grades."

Trucks in the uninhabited mountain highway drove less than half an hour, and finally over a mountain range, in front of the eyes of a slightly flat valley, the lead car turned left and drove into the mountain pass.

Looking out from the car, only to see the valley appeared in a number of staggered in various parts of the barracks, barracks style is a bit old, far away can also see in the training ground parked a few armored personnel carriers, the woods side can also see a few unknown type of armored vehicles, the top of the vertical several gun barrels, caliber does not seem to be large, like anti-aircraft fire.

The recruits were all feeling fresh, sticking their heads out and looking at all the weaponry outside, one by one pointing and talking.


With a sharp sound of brakes, the truck finally stopped.

Hou Jun and the other squad leaders were the first to jump out of the truck and greet the new recruits on board.

"Here it is here! All get off!"

"Don't dawdle! Move faster!"

"It's our company! Come down and take a look! This is where you'll live, train and fight!"

Under the urging of the squad leaders, the recruits were driven off the bus like ducks being sent to the food market.

Li Zheng carried his own backpack and took his own front carrier, and got off the bus with the crowd, and what came into his eyes was a three-story high concrete structure barracks.

The outer wall of the barracks is the old-fashioned stone and rice wall, the structure and the boot camp time to live similar, no different.

However, on the lawn in front of the barracks were erected several instruments that he couldn't understand, there were single and double bars, but there were also some unnamed training equipment that he didn't know.

A hanging gun private poked his head out from the upper floor, saw the convoy, enthusiastically yelled up towards: "Company commander! Old Platoon, you guys are back?!"

Fatty Wei, carrying his own bag, stood by the concrete roadside and looked at everything here, unable to hide the disappointment in his eyes as he kept shaking his head.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk-"

Li Zheng asked him, "Fatty, what are you slurping for?"

Fatty Wei sighed, "I was fooled ..."

Li Zheng curiously said, "Fooled by what?"

Fatty Wei said with a constipated expression, "When I enlisted, the people in the armed forces department said that this troop station is in a big city ..."

He pointed to the surrounding mountains.

"Just this? This kind of big city?"

Li Zheng said, "Then he didn't count on cheating you, according to the administrative division, this is indeed a big city, only it's the most remote town around the big city."

Fatty Wei said, "You're wrong, this is the most remote corner of the town, a most desolate corner. I finally understand the words my father said with his comrades when they were drinking at our house."

Li Zheng asked, "What words?"

Fatty Wei skimmed his mouth and said with a lifeless face, "When you're a soldier for three years, a sow turns into a sable."

After saying that, dumbfounded and looked for a while, finally shook his head again, no words, carrying luggage to the collection.

In fact, Fatty Wei did not exaggerate.

Meng Hu Regiment's camp area is surrounded by mountains on three sides, small twenty kilometers away from the nearest town, this place can be said to be isolated from the world, because the surrounding area is a training area, which belongs to the military restricted area, even the local people are very difficult to enter, not to mention any outsiders.

Therefore, this place is rarely visited, with beautiful scenery, so it can be called a paradise in the world.

As the most famous sharpshooter company of Menghu Regiment, the fourth company's residence is more hidden compared to other companies, and independent, with more perfect training facilities and venues, which is the head of Li Haiou's favoritism and attention to this company.

The fourth company is located in the southwest side of the valley in a small depression, behind the mountain, the middle barracks, the right side of the past is a less than thirty meters high hill, the hill past is a range, belonging to the second battalion's own range.

It could be said that this recessed piece of valley was all the camp of the 4th Company of Sharpshooters, and it was a surprisingly large area.

The first platoon's barracks practice is on the first floor, everyone just entered the platoon room to put down their luggage, Fatty Wei took out the beef jerky he bought from the town before from his bag and started to distribute.

Everyone had a share, just not Zhang Jian.

"Brothers, we are comrades in a platoon and a trench from now on, everyone has to take care of me."

The first platoon this time, in addition to their own soldiers, there were also soldiers from other platoons in other companies.

As far as Li Zheng and Fatty Wei were concerned, there were two newcomers in the first squad.

After the division, Fatty Wei intentionally spread his hands towards Zhang Jian, "Sorry, no more!"

Zhang Jian, while organizing his own bed, coldly looked at Fatty Wei, probably wanting to say something, but in the end said nothing, only a cold note came out of his nostrils-
