
Thoughts of the regimental commander

E Division this year's recruit training to take the form of unified management, the division to establish a new regiment, divided into four battalions of recruits, each regiment to send the squad leader to the new regiment as the backbone, basically "unified management, each regiment to bring their own" principle.

Menghu regiment leader Li Haiou is standing in the second battalion of recruits four company dormitory building on the lawn in front of, is to the second battalion of recruits Liang Hu asked the battalion commander to welcome new recruits to receive the preparations for the new whether it is appropriate to ask, while asking, the eyes of the battalion towards the direction of the main entrance intentionally or unintentionally look at a few eyes.

Li Haiou is 41 years old this year, in this level of the regiment is not the youngest, but also not the oldest, in his own words called "just right".

His hometown in the seaside, his father Lao Li in the year when he was a small Li when the sea defense company as a militia, often with the local naval garrison patrols, in the sixties also personally caught a sea infiltration from the island of Taiwan agents.

Back then, Li's dream was to be properly enlisted in the Navy and put on a naval uniform, wear a cap with two fluttering bands, and stand on the side of a ship with a steel gun in his hand, also a formidable one.

Unfortunately, cross-strait relations gradually eased, the coast guard company also withdrew, in the years wasted in the small Li also worn into the old Li, when the dream did not come true.

Later, the old Li married and had a son, and sent his son to become a soldier, wanted to be the Navy, the result of a mistake as the Army, the seagulls did not fight the wind and waves in the sea, and became a tiger on the land.

When Li Haiou ultimately did not let his father disappointed, from soldiers to cadres, step by step solid spell over, the year of the cadres to visit the family, has always been thrifty family old Li rare broad a time in the village set up twenty tables, drunkenly seized his son had to go to the shrine to the ancestors to swear to his son to be the most outstanding soldiers.

Li Haiou did not live up to his father, Li, Menghu regiment of the work of the colorful, year after year, the training of advanced unit banner carried back to the regiment.

For each year's recruits, Li Haiou twelve points on the heart. The reason for this is because the quality of the annual recruits directly affects the combat effectiveness of the next two years of the Meng Hu Regiment.

It is said that the army is a melting pot, can be bad iron whipped into good steel.

In fact, this sentence is quite a bit of some idealistic colors.

To forge into good steel, first of all must be a piece of suitable material.

After all, rotten iron is also a piece of iron, not plastic. If you are a piece of plastic, even if you invite Sun Wukong, the Great Sage, to be the squad leader, you can't turn plastic into steel.

Therefore, picking soldiers is an extremely important thing, and it is also a discipline.

Li head personally to the boot camp today, but not just to check the work of orientation, but today the first batch of new recruits are about to arrive, how he could not sit in the regiment, immediately after getting up from the lunch break, called the driver to drive the car in a hurry to send himself to the location of the new regiment.

Although it is a new battalion, but individual regiments are actually secretly secretly competing. Because each battalion by a different regiment to send backbone and cadres over the management, the head of the new regiment is the division's main training deputy chief of staff as, in fact, this arrangement in the head of the division's small mind.

You are not powerful? It is a mule is a horse out of simmering, who is awesome who will bring their own crop of new recruits to bring good, bring out the kind, the best can bring out the flower.

The most important thing in the army is competition, who is a hero and who is a good man, compare on the training ground.

Li Haiou is a cadre from the soldiers to cadres, not lack of ambition. According to the soldiers directly to the cadres are not long, most of the battalion level on the transfer.

Not do not want to do, is not dry down. The reason is very simple, the level of the more up, the more is the need for education and cultural background support, the soldiers are teaching brigade dry training brigade graduated from a one-year system directly as platoon leader, to the level of the company can make do, really on the battalion level and the institutions of the students, the gap is out.

Therefore, Li Haiou is essentially an extremely competitive leader, otherwise he can not do this level.

Because of this, to say than the theoretical background, perhaps Li Haiou is not the most outstanding head of the E Division, but to say to the work of the stock of hard work, no one compared to Li Haiou.

These days Li Haiou is busy with veteran discharge and winter training arrangements, has been busy, but today or busy time to run to the second battalion of the new regiment, personally check the welcome work here.

"These days the cooking class should work two shifts and be on standby at all times, the new recruits arrive at the army at irregular times, sometimes at night, some soldiers' homes are far away, and they will have ideological emotions when they run all the way, so they should make hot noodles at all times, so that they can eat hot food when they arrive."

"Right, there is also the water in the shower room, the boiler should be hot, the water is cold, the new recruits will be sick as soon as they come to take a shower, but also training what training?"

"... By the way, have the instructors of your companies had centralized training? Ideological work to keep up, and soon to be eleven National Day, the arrangement of the camp cultural programs to keep up, lest the recruits produce ideological emotions, remember not to desert, desertion is the political responsibility, I withdraw your post!"

Being Li Haiou some advice of the second battalion of recruits Liang Hu has been nodding his head, the head of his admiration, others he Liang Hu does not serve, Li Haiou head of the regiment he serves.

On the military, 41-year-old Li Haiou to the training ground can compete with the squad leader backbone a little bit not to lose the wind, people to the middle age is the light of this military quality, visible back then is how much sweat, how much blood to practice out.

In a word, follow the Li leader to do, Liang Hu feel down-to-earth.

"Head you rest assured, the work of the recruits I assure you and the regimental party committee that there will not be any problems, or you dismiss me."

Looking at the love of the general to pack a ticket, Li Haiou eyes have a smile, but the tone is still very serious: "Not just to be stable, it is useless to just seek stability, the soldiers are ready to fight, we must always keep in mind to be able to fight and win the war thinking, the soldiers should be practiced fine, especially ...."

Said here, Li Haiou stopped talking, twisted his head towards the direction of the first and third battalion each looked at.

"We can't let the other two brother regiments look down on us, especially the 1 regiment, bragging all day long that they are the ace of the E division, after this year's new training, the soldiers we bring must be in the big test to crush them head on, don't let them always be five and six people who have no one else in their sights."

Liang Hu said, "This new recruits over, the division is early divided into gear eucalyptus, out of the reconnaissance battalion over there can give priority to picking people, we can not have this power, the soldiers are good soldiers poor not only look at the training, but also have to look at the bottom of the head, I have heard that the 1 head of the recent old to the division to run, is not it ..."

Said here, Liang Hu quite worried frowned.

Li Haiou atmospherically laughed, then said, "He has a Zhang Liang plan, I have a ladder over the wall! I'll tell you ..."

After saying that, the tone will be lowered to the lowest, almost pasted in Liang Hu's ear side of the whispering and admonishing.

Liang Hu listened and listened, the originally taut face gradually stretched like a flower.

"Chief! High!"

He couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

After the two of them deliberated in low voices, Li Haiou suddenly remembered something.

"Just now I saw Hou Jun on the backbone list, didn't Hou Jun go to the sniper selection? And arranged for him to take new recruits?"

Liang Hu sniffed and busily explained, "Chief, Hou Jun is going to participate in the sniper international competition selection, but his intensive training has come to an end, and the intensive training place is in the teaching brigade side, very close to us here, I thought, this kid is the best squad leader of our battalion, he has a lot of experience in leading the soldiers, this time I let him come not to be a squad leader, it is to go to the first platoon of the fourth company of the new recruits to be an acting platoon leader. He's the best squad leader in our battalion. Soldiers bear one, generals bear a nest, he is more stable as a platoon leader."

Li Haiou said: "Liang Hu, this horse is good for you can not be used to death, I remember Hou Jun seems to be many years did not visit home, right? This year you still do not take advantage of the National Day, let people go home to see?"

Liang Hu explained, "Chief, you've wronged me by saying that. It's not that I don't let him go back to visit his family, it's that he's not willing to go back himself."

"Not willing to go back?" Li Haiou wondered, "There are still people who are unwilling to visit their relatives?"

Liang Hu said, "I also asked him if there is something at home, he said no, what can I do?"

Li Haiou thoughtfully said, "It seems that I have to find time to talk to him before ..."

Liang Hu's words turned, asked about another thing: "Chief, I recently heard the old folks in the military command say, our army may want to military reform, this has nothing to do with our regiment?"

Li Haiou glanced at Liang Hu: "You are well-informed, this is not finalized, you own heart on the line, do not go around blindly shouting."

Liang Hu smiled, "Chief, you still don't know me? My mouth is locked. However, I am just a little worried ..."

Li Haiou interrupted Liang Hu, "What are you worried about? We as soldiers think so much why? The sky can't jump leaves, can't break the head! Even if the military reform, it can still change the number of our Meng Hu Regiment?"

Liang Hu smiled a little reluctantly, his lips moved, but in the end he said nothing.

Suddenly, Li Haiou's gaze became bright, shining into the distance like radar.

On the boulevard in the direction of the division's main gate, two dark green buses were heading this way, with large red flowers hanging from the front of the buses, especially conspicuous in a verdant green.

"The new recruits are here, hurry up and pick them up, just do as I say!"