
They call him Crazy Zhuang in the military.

A dark green SUV winds along the national highway leading to Group A's military headquarters.

The driver, a sergeant, stole a glance in the rearview mirror.

In the backseat, two officers of similar age sat shoulder to shoulder, one was the chief of staff of the Blue Army Brigade, and the other was a minister from the headquarters.

The reason why the sergeant was curious was because these two senior officers had been acting like two twenty-something boys since they got into the car, you punching me and I punching you, with no trace of the seriousness commonly seen in chiefs.


Speaking of serious.

By the way, the sergeant knows that the name of the chief with the general's star is Serious.

That name ...

That's interesting.

He himself was sent by the group army to be his full-time driver, and the two of them hadn't gotten along for more than half a month.

The sergeant learned from the mouth of the bystanders that the major general surnamed Yan named Su is the headquarters over to hang a point in the A group army, it is said to be over to supervise and guide the work of military reform.

In Chinese, Zhuang Yan = solemn and Yan Su = serious.

The two are called solemn and serious.


The two men are called solemn and serious.

A little interesting ...

In fact, the sergeant had heard of Zhuang Yan this person.

Three years ago, the E Division went to the prairie exercise field to participate in the red and blue confrontation, this Zhuang major is the chief of staff of the blue army, that E Division failed miserably, out of the division, from the beginning of the exercise into the long less than 4 hours, the command was terminated, set the fastest record of defeat.

Finally, the entire defense area was infiltrated into a sieve, the blue army do not know what reconnaissance means, the red army deployment as if in the palm of your hand, known as the E Division combat strength of the most bullish Meng Tiger regiment was going to launch a surprise attack, but I did not expect the opposite side as if they had grown eyes, long ago in the marching route laid out pockets waiting for the Meng Tiger regiment to drill.

The final result was disastrous, the battlefield situation was almost one-sided.

In the words of the troops, it was like being shaved, and it was said to be the Red Army unit with the worst record since the establishment of this base.

That time the sergeant saw the division commander of the E Division will be deputy regiment cadres called to their own command headquarters, summarize the reasons for the failure, before and after the hat fell three times, and finally came to the conclusion that it is not the red army incompetence, it is the blue army is too shameless!

It is said that the root cause of the shamelessness is the Zhuang major, he let the blue army troops directly from the red army into the field has not yet begun to maneuver before the scout has been sent, not only in the red army quarters installed a variety of monitoring instruments, and even in the division commander's seat under the car installed tracker ...

That's what led to the Command being taken out in a row less than four hours after the start of the battle.

I later heard that E Division went to the directorate to protest, saying that this was a clear violation of the rules of the exercise.

It was a big deal, and in the end, E Division was given a chance for a rematch, only to be defeated once again by this guy known as "Crazy Zhuang" ...

That time, the E Division's face has been disgraced.

I heard that because of this, E Division still can't hold its head up in front of the head of the military region.


The sergeant's thoughts were interrupted once again by the cheerful laughter from the backseat.

He couldn't help but steal another glance in the rearview mirror.

In fact, after receiving this Major Zhuang from the train station, the two of them had endless words all the way, happy as two children.

From their words, the sergeant heard the clues.

The two are recruits on a pot of spoon food comrades, and later also went together to the military region special brigade, together to participate in the headquarters selection, and then one went to the T country's Naval Special Warfare College for further study, one went to an armored military academy for further study, and then seriously went to the prairie to participate in the preparations for the construction of the famous red and blue army confrontation base, but also their own friend from the 4 division transferred there, when the battalion commander of the special operations battalion, the blue army's special brigade. The Blue Army's special brigade "Lightning" was also created at that time by Zhuang crazy.

It can be said that these two people are senior special operations forces origin of senior officers, only later turned to the military command positions in key positions.

"By the way, the old Xu now can be powerful, his kid last year military reform shifted, became the brigade commander of the air assault brigade, I went over there to check the work with him in a private get-together, he said that now it is very lonely, very much want you, hahahaha."

Serious and refreshing laughter was filled with a certain kind of flirting that only the two of them knew about each other.

"Lonely? He's thinking he's invincible, isn't he? If he feels lonely, come to the prairie and find me!" Zhuang Yan was also happy, smiled slightly, then punched on Serious's arm: "To say lonely, I was also lonely after you left, in the beginning it was you who got me to the prairie, but it turned out that you went back to the headquarters again within a few years, why do I always feel a little bit cheated?"

Serious said, "You see, the thought is not pure, right? The Blue Army is the place where you show your skills, these years, the head of the headquarters of all kinds of care for you, so that you let go to study the new method of warfare, you only found the stage there, if not for me, you were in the 4 Division still not suffocated to death? If people don't know me, I don't know you. You, Zhuang Yan, are the one who can afford to stay idle and be a stable official?"

Zhuang Yan laughed bitterly and stretched out his finger to point twice, and then asked, "I say you get me to the G military region this time, I'm afraid that there are hard bones for me to gnaw on again, right?"

Serious this time do not laugh, really serious, said: "Well, you know, the troops from last year has been in the military reform, you see, Lao Xu's troops have been changed, and now it is the turn of the G military region, the future of the whole army to be changed, the direction has been set down to unswervingly go, without any discounts to go, the whole army of these group armies, all the brigades after the re-consolidation After all these group armies, after all the brigades are reformed and re-combined, abolished and added, the workload is large, not to mention the need for more young and strong officers with a new era of military awareness to supplement the grass-roots command positions, the head of the headquarters this time, I was sent to assist in the reform of the military in the G military region, and has already begun to prepare for a job, and you are the most suitable for me to serve as the commander of the new type of combat troops of a talented person, the promotion of talent does not avoid relatives, I mentioned you to the organization, but also explained the relationship between you and me, they value you very much, and you are very important. relationship, they value you very much, the head of the military region also said, you were originally out of the G military region, come back is also considered to go back to your mother's home, go to other troops for so many years, it is time to come back to make a contribution, right?"

Zhuang Yan sighed with emotion and looked out the window.

The evergreen trees in the south of the year on both sides of the highway flying backwards, for a moment, he seemed to have a kind of time-traveling feeling, when he sat on the Dongfeng military truck, also so watching the trees along the national highway backward and farther and farther away from his hometown, and it was also from that time that he embarked on the road of the military, stepped into a professional soldier's journey belonging to his own.

"After going around and around for so many years, it's back again ...."

Serious seemed to have also felt the feeling of revisiting his hometown in Zhuang Yan's heart, and a layer of nostalgic halo lit up from his eyes.

Outside the car window, the trees disappeared one by one, and the faces of those comrades seemed to be reflected in the car window like a slide show, the old fan lake, Zhang Jianxing, Yin Xiancong, Luo Xiaoming, Zhou Huping, Han Yanwang, the old white hair ...

etc. etc....