
There are masters in the second platoon!

The 95-1 gun used a spotting hole and collimator to shoot, not a notched collimator, and this type of mechanical sight was characterized by higher accuracy and easier fixing of deflections.

Through the spyhole, Li Zheng quickly found the collimator and aimed it roughly at his target number 3.

Then he opened his eyes to release his vision and looked at the target in the distance - this process was also a detail that Hou Jun had taught him during training, to make sure that what he was aligning himself with was not the target corresponding to his own target.

For veterans, this was a very simple thing.

But for the recruits is a very important detail, that is Hou Jun with the soldiers brought out of the insights, many new recruits on the target position on the nervous, aiming is aiming, shooting also opened, the target also hit, and finally found that it is not their own target, a few rounds of bullets but masked to others on the target.

This kind of funny thing is not rare in the new recruits when they first hit the target, even the veterans sometimes in the night shooting will also make a lost lake.

After determining that it was target number 3, Li Zheng slightly put his heart down.

"Start shooting!"

The field commander's firing order was finally given.

Li Zheng numbly opened the safety, pushed it to the single-shot position, and then pulled the bolt to send the bullet into the chamber.

The crisp sound of pulling the bolt carried a vague murderous aura.


While Li Zheng was still aiming, someone else's gun had already gone off.

He was still a little affected and subconsciously tried to look around to see who had fired.

But soon he realized that it was a mistake.

"Don't look ...Don't look ...Three dots and aim for the lower edge ..."

He stabilized his emotions and kept reciting the shooting mantra silently.

In the spyhole, the collimator was already leveled and aligned with the bullseye that was as big as a grain of rice.

Being a soldier requires good eyesight, and at this point it shows its value.

100 meters to see a 10-centimeter white center, and to be only the spotter and collimator leveled just after the alignment of the lower edge, poor eyesight a little bit can not be done.

After the bullseye several times clear and mold lake, Li Zheng finally gently began to pull the trigger.

The pressure exerted by the index finger makes the magazine linkage trigger bullet yellow began to lengthen a little ...

There is a trigger stroke here that requires patience and a steady breath.

The slightest wobble may affect the trajectory.


In Li Zheng's anticipation, the trigger finally set off.

Inside the chamber, the nose slammed out, the firing pin accurately hit the mercuric primer, the firing charge in the cartridge case was instantly ignited, and in the narrow barrel, the explosion generated by the firing charge instantly spawned a huge amount of energy, pushing the cartridge out of the barrel at a speed of 920 meters per second.

The moment the gun went off, Li Zheng felt an inexplicable sense of exhilaration and excitement, and the tantalizing smell of nitrous smoke drilled into his nose caused his brain to instantly and frantically secrete dopamine, which was incomparably painful and pleasurable.

Not far behind the shooting line Hou Jun clasped his hands in front of his chest, his eyes have not left the distant No. 3 target.

Just now, Zhang Jian's first shot had been fired.

10 rings.

That was a pretty good score.

It seems that although this kid's mouth is bullish, but he still has a few real skills, from junior high school, he has been in contact with live ammunition, and the second generation of the army who entered the instructional unit to play with guns with the cadets is really not just a name.

Among the recruits in the platoon, Hou Jun had the greatest expectations for Zhang Jian and Li Zheng.

He appreciated Li Zheng more.

Because Zhang Jian was given natural resources because of his family's advantages, it was similar to running a sneak race, the starting line was not even in the same position.

Li Zheng, on the other hand, was not, his parents died early, he could only rely on himself.

Hou Jun believes that the fact that a person who has lost both parents can rely on his own efforts to get into a prestigious university in itself shows that this person is more capable of suffering and more determined and patient than his peers.

This kind of character is the foundation of being a good soldier.

What's more, through the recent training and observation, Hou Jun thinks that Li Zheng's character is very suitable to be a sniper - quiet, meticulous, stable, good physical fitness, good endurance.

Of course, these are just the basics, a good shooter has the most important point - gun sense.

The word "gun sense" cannot be described in words, it is a feeling.

If you want to use words to describe, like you and the gun is a pair of lovers in a past life, this world meet, a see the heart will have the same feeling, the gun listen to you, you point where the gun will hit where.

This is talent and has nothing to do with hard work.

Li Zheng's character and daily training are excellent, but the gun sense must be to get the gun after live fire to see, so Hou Jun more expect Li Zheng out good results to prove that he is not wrong.

Three seconds later, the No. 3 target rose a target reporting pole, the top of the pole red circular target indicator began to left and right in an arc trajectory back and forth waving.

10 rings!

It was a 10-ring in target reporting terms!

"Cool!" Next to him, Wu Yi clenched his fist and waved it in the air, proudly saying to Hou Jun, "Platoon leader! Two 10-ringers!"

Hou Jun looked at the other target positions, the sound of gunfire was rising and falling, and the reporting poles across the street were also rising and falling, waving frantically, as each point of impact and the number of rings were reported.

"7 ring - off to the upper left -"

"9 rings - piece right up -"

"8 rings - off to the bottom -"

Taking a general look, Hou Jun saw that most of the ones reported out were 7-8 rings, and there were quite a few 9 rings as well.

So far, the only ones who reported 10 rings were Li Zheng and Zhang Jian.

It seems that he is sure to win this time against the 2nd and 3rd platoons!

Suddenly, the recruits watching the battle over in the second platoon erupted in applause.


"10 rings!"


10 rings?

Someone from the 2nd Platoon actually hit 10 rings?

Hou Jun was a bit surprised.


With the sound of the gun, the second platoon's No. 14 target position, the target reporting pole reported another 10 rings.


Hou Jun was a bit moved.

Just now did not see the second platoon have 10 rings, it is estimated that the recruit who fired the gun was not even in a hurry to fire the gun before, he waited until the others had fired one or two rounds before firing the gun.

In the case of so many recruits shooting at the same time and still be able to remain so cool and calm, not panic and calmly aiming, and then determined to shoot, and once the shot, the interval is very short, shows that this shooter for their own marksmanship is extremely confident!

So seasoned, a new recruit?


While he was frowning and not yet finished pondering, another 10-ring was hit on the 14th target.

Hou Jun looked far away and saw the recruit lying on the target position.

The body is not tall, or even short, can not see the face, only see the body shape is thin, not a strong physique, the skin is a little black, the tongue of the training cap pulled back ninety degrees angle, crooked on one side.


Did not wait for him to look back.

There is a 10 ring appearing ...

The recruits on the second platoon side had already clapped their hands badly, and Hou Jun turned his gaze back to his platoon.

As he turned his head to look at the 14th target position of the second platoon, Li Zheng and Zhang Jian each fired two shots, both knocking out 3 rounds.

All 10 rings!

Huang Junwei, the third platoon leader, said to Hou Jun: "First platoon leader, I have to write a word of honor to you, there is no weak soldier under a strong general! The quality of the recruits in your platoon this year is really good."

Second Platoon Leader Wen Lei said, "We haven't finished shooting yet, there are still two rounds left."

He pointed to his own platoon, "My soldier finished, 50 rings!"

Hou Jun looked toward the No. 14 target position again, and saw that the small recruit stood up, apparently having shot all five rounds.

So fast! And so accurate! Backfire but first!

It was a gifted and good seedling!

He also had to praise in his heart, and then he couldn't help but ask Wen Lei, "Wen platoon, what is the origin of this soldier ...?"

Wen Lei smiled, "This soldier of mine is called Zhuang Haoran, his father is from the provincial shooting team, and he has been learning guns since he was a child!"

Hou Jun sniffed and immediately turned his head to stare at Wu Yi.

The meaning of the expression on his face couldn't be more obvious - aren't you in charge of picking soldiers? How come such a soldier ran to the second platoon!

The expression on Wu Yi's face seemed as if he had swallowed a pound of yellow dock, so bitter that the juice was coming out.

He could only show his hands helplessly.

At the time of picking soldiers, Hou Jun was still in the training team, and indeed he was the one who led the picking of soldiers.

However, at that time, he was concerned about picking Zhang Jian and Li Zheng, who had a high education level, and did not expect an inconspicuous short recruit to actually be a fierce man!

Then again, I can't really blame Wu Yi.

You say that this kind of creature of the new recruit, physical can see out, spirit can see out, but his family is the provincial shooting team, which is not written on the face, can not see it!


Zhang Jian's target position rang the last shot.

He stood up, and the empty gun rested on the target.

Hou Jun did not see Zhang Jian's last two shots.

However, from Zhang Jian's expression, it seemed that the situation was not good.

"What's going on?"

He asked Wu Yi, who jogged over and asked Hu Chenxi, who kept staring.

Hu Chenxi shook his head, "Four 10s, the last shot hit an 8 ..."