
There are masters!

Li Zheng finally saw who the one talking in the corner really was.

This new recruit is called Yang Hui.

Yang Hui is a good-looking man, white, tall and thin, not much to say, to the army has been two days, today is the first time to see him openly speak.

It is really a surprise to see him speak openly for the first time today.

Zhang Jian couldn't help but say, "Simple? You'd rather say something not simple."

Yang Hui did not buy Zhang Jian's account at all and rolled his eyes and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to answer when I say it."

In fact, Yang Hui also knew that Zhang Jian was a son of the army, and had been in contact with firearms and understood the operation of active weapons at a very early age.

Only, the reason why he was unconvinced was because he was not used to it.

Purely unable to look at Zhang Jian's arrogance and unselfishness.

Fatty Wei got excited and poked Li Zheng fiercely, "There's a show to see, there's a show to see."

Li Zheng, however, did not have the kind of Fatty Wei's energy to look at the situation, Yang Hui looks gentle, actually dared to directly challenge Zhang Jian.

On the understanding of the troops, Li Zheng feels that the entire platoon ... no, is the entire battalion of recruits no one compared to Zhang Jian.

At least he grew up in the army battalion from laughing, and the soldiers are contacted from childhood, this is absolutely not good compared.

However, Yang Hui actually said that Zhang Jian answered the question too simple!

No three two three, how dare you go to Liangshan?

It was evident that Yang Hui must have something to hold before he dared to openly challenge Zhang Jian.

Wu Yi interjected, "What are you doing? This is for you to introduce yourselves, not for you to fight here!"

Hou Jun, however, said, "No, I think this is fine, you let them continue."

He looked down at his watch.

"There's still time, there's no rush, big deal, I'll wash up later."

Hou Jun actually came to be interested, he could see that Yang Hui must be a bit pissed off to dare to be so bold.

He turned over the roster, on top of recording the names and ages of the recruits, the remarks column after Yang Hui's name reads - good at military.

Good at military?

What kind of specialty is this?

But there was no information showing that he was a son of the army.

But Hou Jun was in no hurry.

He said to Wu Yi, "The purpose of tonight's platoon meeting is for everyone to get to know each other, and it's good right now, what are your specialties and what are you capable of, I think we can see it through this question and answer."

After saying this, he asked Yang Hui, "What kind of question do you think is complicated?"

Yang Hui said, "Platoon Commander, two days ago I saw you participate in the sniper selection, it was a real skill! There are many kinds of firearms, to play fine, play through, have to work hard, but when it comes to the gun, the most testing is no better than the sniper rifle. The platoon leader's level is definitely the best of the best."

After saying that, he actually gave a thumbs up towards Hou Jun.

Zhang Jian drip cooed, "I said you are what you have, it turns out to be the ability to kiss ass ..."

Hou Jun was reluctant to mention what happened that day and hurriedly moved away from the topic, "You mean to ask questions about the sniper's specialization?"

Yang Hui didn't even blink his eyebrows and said confidently, "That's right!"

The corner of Zhang Jian's mouth raised, snorted a cold laugh and said, "I'm afraid you haven't even had a sniper's rifle, so what's the point of bragging."

He was the one who had really touched the sniper rifle and played with live ammunition.

Over the years, following his father, the chief of staff, went to the shooting range do not know how many times.

Although it is not possible to really practice like a soldier, but the shooting within 300 meters is really built a lot of bullets.

For the sniper's specialty, he can not be considered proficient, not even beginner.

But bluffing amateurs is still more than enough, which is why the train on the way into the restroom said a bunch of Xiu Feng parameters will be Li Zheng bluffed.

Hou Jun saw two people arguing, then came out to do the referee said: "The real gun you can not touch for the time being, but on paper this thing can still be said. Snipers don't just rely on familiarizing themselves with the parameters and calculations, but it's not true that the parameters and calculations have to be well known, at least this is the foundation. Okay, since you guys are interested, I'll come up with a question to see how thick your base is. Not bad, it's a bit interesting tonight, I didn't realize that this recruit platoon of ours is a crouching tiger and hidden dragon, I underestimated you guys."

Yang Hui said, "Platoon Commander, please come up with a question, although I didn't grow up in the army since I was young like others and touched a gun a few times in my old man's honor, I wouldn't be as bullish as other people, as if there is no one else but him."

Zhang Jian's face became ugly.

It had been five days since he joined the army and arrived at the army.

During these five days, Zhang Jian's high-mindedness plus that choking poisonous tongue had indeed offended quite a few people.

In Zhang Jian's view, this is very normal, you are not, not on not, say you are not allowed?

But other people look at it will not think so.

The road is not flat, someone shoveling, things are not flat, someone tube.

It seems that Yang Hui is the one who can't stand to watch.

Hou Jun thought about it, said a title: "Say a simple point, too difficult I'm afraid you really can not answer. Or the most commonly used sniper rifle, one of our issued equipment, 88 type sniper rifle. The target distance is 400 meters, the air pressure shows 650 mmHg, temperature is 10 degrees, wind speed is 6 meters per second, the light is clear, the field of view is good, please ask if you are a sniper, how to correct, please report the parameters."

After hearing this, except for Zhang Jian and Yang Hui, the rest of the new recruits were dumbfounded.

This was just like listening to heavenly books.

How to fix it?

Completely clueless ah ...

Wu Yi also felt that this this question was too difficult, so he said, "Old squad leader, how could the new recruits know this question, this is a sniper's post-initiation question."

Hou Jun said, "Aren't they all cowboys? Is this difficult? The second year snipers will definitely be."

After saying that, he raised his chin towards Yang Hui and Zhang Jian.

"Both of you, say the answer, whoever says it right I'll have a prize!"

One by one, when the recruits heard the platoon leader say that there would be a prize, they all jumped at the chance.

But it's useless to try.

They had to know how to do it!

Fatty Wei scratched his ears and cheeks, scratched half a day with no conclusion, looked at Li Zheng next to him, then asked: "College students, do you understand?"

Li Zheng said: "I do not understand. Ballistic correction to have a ballistic table, it is very complicated, I heard that professional snipers will be in their own stock on the actual ballistic table of their gun, convenient to their own shooting time calculations, visible memorization of this thing is not easy. This question, to a layman, is a heavenly book that can't be answered."

Fatty Wei sighed, "Look, everything needs a background these days, right? Look at him Zhang Jian, isn't he taking advantage of the fact that he was raised in the army? But ..."

He turned his head to look at Yang Hui and said with a suspicious face, "What is this Yang Hui? He would know the answer?"

Li Zheng laughed, "Fatty, we must admit, this platoon is really like what our platoon leader said, hidden dragons and crouching tigers! I've been preparing for several years to become a soldier, and I thought I was well prepared, but I didn't realize that I'm still not as good as others."


Wu Yi reminded everyone to be quiet.

"Zhang Jian, do you have an answer?"

He asked Zhang Jian.

This question he felt was too difficult for a new recruit, but perhaps Zhang Jian's kind might actually be able to answer it.

Zhang Jian frowned and bit his lip and thought for half a day, temperature, altitude, air pressure, cross wind, all the environmental conditions that should be there.

Can before himself are on the flat ground sniper shot, which has learned the method and formula for sniper correction at a certain altitude?

He couldn't help but sneak a look at Yang Hui.

The latter was very calm and looked at himself with a smile on his face.

What the hell!

Zhang Jian was bitter in his heart, but he couldn't say anything.

Everyone was looking at him, how could he get off the stage this time?

Admit defeat?

No way!

I can't admit defeat!