
There's no way to catch up.

The reason why Zhuang Yan accepted the challenge very happily was also very simple.

He could see that Li Haiou was arching his fire, and he could also see that he was trying to make himself drop his face on the ground here and not be able to pick it up.

Combat troops are like this, one word - wild!

Whether you are a cadre or a soldier, you have to have a four-word township magic weapon - to get it!

Zhuang Yan is a soldier step by step, how can not know the troops of this popular name into the agreement?

The military reform is already on the verge, the probability that he will be appointed as the commander of one of the units in the future is extremely high.

Since this was the case, it was necessary to establish authority.

If you want people to obey you, you have to hold your own.

What tactical and strategic command, what new mode of operation, what military philosophy, that is all false.

The most direct way is that you win the most powerful soldiers of this troop in the martial arts field, then others at least think highly of you three times.

What's more, many of these recruits present today will be the backbone of the unit in the future, and many of them may be future officers. To make a unit as hard as a slug, it is necessary to give them a soul that belongs to the commander himself, so that it can penetrate into the hearts of every grassroots combat unit, every officer and soldier.

Li Haiou could not see this.

When Zhuang Yan was making preparations, the recruit team, Wu Yi began to take on the role of tournament lecturer again.

"... First run 400 meters, hit the 8 centimeter sized circle, but also with the fastest speed, but also hit the 8 numbers you wrote down, I drop that good boy, this is called bull!"

Li Zheng asked, "Squad Leader, 400 meters to hit such a small circle, can you really hit a hundred shots? Is our sniper rifle that accurate?"

Before Wu Yi answered, Yang Hui, a super military fan, answered on the spot, "This sniper rifle is the first high-precision sniper developed by our country, and its accuracy has reached the international advanced level, with a 100-meter error within 1 MOA, as long as the shooter is good enough to hit it."

Fatty Wei asked, "I've heard before that not only are our guns not good, but our bullets are not good either, no specialized bullets."

Yang Hui hemmed and hawed and smiled, "That was before, the old days, now they use special bullets, a round of several tens of dollars, know what is called special bullets?"

Fatty Wei shook his head.

Yang Hui said proudly, "Ordinary rifle bullets we use are copper-coated bullets, the material is not all copper, special bullets are all copper bullets, the shell is all copper. Rifle bullets are called reloading bullets, what is reloading bullets? What is rear-loading? It is to load the firing charge into the cartridge case first, and then the machine installs the bullet head, while this sniper bullet is front-loading, after the cartridge case is made, the bullet head is loaded from the position of the primer, and then loaded with the firing charge, and finally loaded with the primer, which ensures the flatness between the bullet head and cartridge case, and achieves the ultimate minimization of the error, and avoids the process error generated by the ordinary bullets when the bullet is finally closing the mouth of the pressure cartridge head, so that the bullet head can be used to fire the high explosive force generated by the powder instantly. The high-explosive gas produced by the gunpowder at the moment of discharging is extremely high in consistency, which reduces the muzzle vibration when firing, thus allowing the density and consistency of the bullet's point of impact to reach the highest degree ..."

Before he could finish his words, a sharp whistle sounded in the distance.


Then, the eyes of the crowd all turned to the direction of the podium at once.

Only to see that the red flag in the signaler's hand had already fallen, and two silhouettes shot forward like arrows.

"Hurry up!" Fatty Wei suddenly shouted, "Brothers, let's bet on who will win, I think that Chief Zhuang will win, if he loses I'll treat the whole platoon to a meal in town, you guys pick the place, you can order whatever you want! If he loses, you guys get your money together and treat me to a meal!"

Wu Yi instantly turned cold, blanked Fatty Wei and said, "Okay, I bet on the platoon leader to win!"

Many recruits bet on Hou Jun to win.

After all, we all see that Zhuang Yan is at least thirty-five years old, and Hou Jun is only in his twenties, so he has the advantage in age.

Not to mention Hou Jun's marksmanship we have all seen, just now the Zhuang head just ping ping ping ping fired a few shots, did not see the results better than Hou Jun, the first shot is still a little off.

Especially the shooting team that a few, all think that the head of the Zhuang is just average, their own usually can play 10 ring it.

Only Yang Hui, Zhang Jian, Li Zheng did not bet.

Fatty Wei was very proud and asked a few people, "Are you guys placing any bets?"

Li Zheng looked at Wu Yi, and his two men also looked at Wu Yi.

Wu Yi found out and stomped his feet, "What do you new recruits think of me? Are you worried that I'll retaliate if you don't bet on the platoon leader? I'm that kind of person!"

Li Zheng laughed and raised his hand, "Then I'll bet on Chief Zhuang to win."

Although Zhang Jian was reluctant to be on the same side as Li Zheng, he could see that Zhuang Yan seemed to be more powerful.

Yang Hui was a big military fan and also saw something.

So the two of them went on to say one after the other, "I think Chief Zhuang wins."

At the end, Yang Hui said to the other recruits in the same platoon, "You bunch of amateurs! Think you're sniper rifle fighters? People school rifle, get the gun the first shot off point is normal, can three shots on the correction over the person, are masters!"

"Look! Chief Zhuang is running so fast!"

Ma Teng couldn't help but stand up, pointing and shouting in the distance.

The crowd took a look and saw that Zhuang Yan was even faster than Hou Jun!

That's right!

Faster than Hou Jun!

Wu Yi thought he was blind.

Old squad leader Hou Jun's military level he knew better than that, four hundred meters obstacle course is the top level, 1 minute 36 seconds ah!

Faster than Hou Jun?

That major?

Rubbed his eyes a few times and realized that it was still true!

The podium to the shooting range road in addition to the sand road is the grass, at this time the two have run to the grass.

Zhuang Yan is like flying on the grass, his steps are big, his feet don't touch the ground, carrying that 6.5 kilograms of high precision sniper is like a gazelle on the African prairie in general swiftness.

Li Haiou was waiting near the firing line.

He had thought that Hou Jun would arrive ahead of him, but he hadn't expected that Zhuang Yan would be the first to arrive!

This is evil!

Damn it!

The shock in Li Haiou's heart was indescribable.

At that moment, he suddenly felt that he used to like to take the quality of a single soldier to press people that thing is how naive.


Only because with the general officers than, not with the master than!

Compared with Zhuang Yan ...

Himself ...

He did not even dare to think down.

Good thing that just now did not have their own hot brain personally asked to go on the match, otherwise this old face I'm afraid with the boiling water stewed on three hours, are rotten without.

Shi Song said to Li Hai-Ou with a smile, "Hai-Ou ah, see what I mean? Even if I really give you two wings, you can't run away from him, Chief of Staff Zhuang."

In fact, not only was Li Haiou shocked, but the most shocked person in the room was Hou Jun himself.

As a high-minded and proud veteran, when it comes to military than in E Division, who has ever balked?

But now he saw it.

Zhuang Yan had already left him five or six meters away.

That's a man in his thirties!

How could he be so fierce?

He had to guess that Zhuang Yan was desperately speeding up to save face.

But running so fast, how could he adjust his breathing quickly later?

This is to save face, do not want precision?

According to this section of the current 400 meters running should control the speed, can not run to death, after all, it is not a hundred meters, just a moment, running a four hundred meters are nearly a minute time, not to mention that nowadays also carry a more than ten pounds of sniper rifles, as well as equipment?

This whole outfit down, there must be a small twenty pounds.

Zhuang Yan had already arrived at the shooting ground line in the blink of an eye, and the person had already quickly placed the gun on the target position, and then picked up the envelope from the ground that was pressed down with a stone, drew out the white paper from the inside, unfolded it, and skimmed through it quickly.

Then he did not adopt a prone position, but took a sitting position directly, picked up the sniper's rifle, set it on his own left arm, and aimed-

Hou Jun had just arrived at the firing ground line at this time, he had no time to see how Zhuang Yan was doing, and hurriedly picked up the envelope on the ground and opened it.


The first shot rang.

It was Zhuang Yan who fired the first shot.

Then came the second shot.

Hou Jun finally put down the envelope.

"He's actually in a sitting position!?"

For a moment, he also had the urge to take a sitting position.

But compared to shooting from a prone position with a tripod, the sitting position was just too much more difficult.

Because the barrel of the gun was on his left arm, it was particularly affected by the body's breathing, especially after 400 seconds of strenuous running, how to control the stability of the alignment?

He was shocked.

However, at least he was a veteran, although he was currently behind, he quickly stabilized his mind, quickly eased his breathing, and racked the gun.


Hou Jun's first shot also rang out.