
The year enlisted.

Li Zheng had the heart to hit his head against the wall.

The gift is a piece of ink stone, Li Zheng carefully selected the gift.

Listen to Shao Xiaoqian said that her father usually have nothing to do when he likes to dance and play with ink, buy the four treasures of the literary house this is called to cast their favor.

No less than a little blood money in the future, people can let you arch away so many years of cabbage?

But never thought that this just met, he was nervous actually dropped the gift.

Looking at the horizontal lying on the ground of the ink stone, Li Zheng this time is completely wooden, although there is packaging, but do not know knocked no bad.

At the end, Shao Xianyong broke the deadlock, leaned down to pick up the ink stone on the ground, held in the hand and weighed, and then laughed: "Young man, don't be nervous, this is not to let you go to war."

Turning around and pointing to the sofa, he casually said, "Don't stand, sit."

Li Zheng hurriedly sat down, eyes and nose, sitting upright like an elementary school student.

Shao Xiaoqian's mother, Li Yueqin, came out of the kitchen and poured tea for several people, and her eyes sized up Li Zheng for a while before going back to the kitchen to continue her work.

When it was time to eat, Shao Xiaoqian told Li Zheng about signing up for the military.

Hearing that the young man in front of him was going to be a soldier, Shao Xianyong looked very happy.

"Young people should go to the army to exercise." He said, "Your young people nowadays do not lack knowledge, do not lack insight, is the shortcomings of the iron blood in the bones."

Words here is still a little bit not yet finished, pointing to the TV set and said: "Can not be like those young people in the TV set, one by one I look at do not know whether it is a man or a woman, such a next generation, how to defend our motherland and the border?"

Shao Xiaoqian said: "Dad, words can not say that, people that kind of pseudo-maidenization, killing power is very huge, think about it, even you have been on the battlefield veterans last time to see even tea sprayed a ground, when the war so that those pseudo-maiden group on the, where one stop, kill the enemy can not but can be nauseating death of the enemy!"

Shao Xianyong was amused by his daughter laughed, Li Yueqin also laughed, laughed, but also did not forget to criticize, so that his daughter to speak like a girl should look.

Li Zheng was very nervous, think Shao Xianyong should be a senior officer at the level of the chief, the inertia of the mind always think that the military is a very serious profession, do not smile kind of.

But really chat open to realize that the original even if it is a senior commander, back at home, take off the uniform in front of his daughter is also a father, no matter how many stars hanging on the shoulder, the baby daughter can also be flirting and amusing.

The atmosphere is very cordial, the family dinner was eaten for two hours before the end.

Shao Xianyong as a veteran, naturally want to Li Zheng such as the pursuit of military dreams of the young generation some encouragement.

In his words, although Li Zheng and Shao Xiaoqian were now a couple, there was still a long way to go in the future, so if they couldn't even endure a temporary separation, how could they spend decades together in the future?

Li Zheng's heart blossomed as he listened.

Shao Xianyong does not seem to have the intention to oppose, and said so, it is clear that he agrees with his daughter's choice and will not interfere.

From Shao Xiaoqian's home out has been more than eight o'clock at night, Li Zheng chest has a kind of indescribable pleasure, looking at the stars in the sky, and then look at the surrounding silent army barracks buildings, he can not help but pick up Shao Xiaoqian beside him, and fiercely spinning in a circle, while spinning, while shouting: "Xiaoqian, I love you!"

Shao Xiaoqian while smiling happily, while pretending to pound Li Zheng's back, mouth pouting and shouting: "Put me down, here is the barracks, don't let people see!"

This scene has always been deep in Li Zheng's heart, even afterward to the barracks, every time he remembers the sweetness of that moment, he will be like an idiot on his face piled up with a happy silly smile.

Time passes quietly, come to the fall.

Physical examination, political review of a series of processes completed, Li Zheng put on the armed forces issued camouflage uniforms, put on a big red flower, in the sound of drums and drums towards the station, into the military years belonging to their own.

Shao Xiaoqian and Li Zheng is not the same day to go, female soldiers to go two days earlier.

When they left, Li Zheng went to send.

To get on the bus, Shao Xiaoqian a pair of eyes red, quietly stuffed a note into the hands of Li Zheng, turned around and got on the bus.

Li is on the platform to chase a paragraph, only to remember the note, spread out the palm of the hand to see, it is written with a line - I look forward to you wearing a big red flower enlisted, hung with military medals discharge! Go for it, my manly man!

Shao Xiaoqian enlisted in the army two days earlier than Li Zheng, and went to the G military region.

Li Zheng went to the G Military Region D Group Army under the Menghu Regiment.

Meng Hu Regiment, this name sounds loud enough.

On the day of enlistment to the barracks, Li Zheng was the loneliest person in the entire train station.

Other people have family to see off, he did not.

His grandmother was old, and Li Zheng didn't want her to come all the way to the station to see himself off. Only one teacher from the school came to see him off on behalf of the school.

"Li Zheng, do a good job when you get to the army, don't lose the face of our Donghai University."

The teacher who sent him off was surnamed Luo, who taught criminal law, but anyone who studied law belonged to the category of those who favored overly rational thinking and were definitely partial realists.

Sure enough, after some encouragement, Mr. Luo's words turned, and with a little regret tone said: "With your grades, after surviving the undergraduate can be guaranteed graduate school, the future to stay in the school's great opportunity, other people to go to the army I can understand, you choose to go to the army I was never thought of."

Li Zheng said, "Being a soldier is my dream."

Mr. Luo's expression was like looking at aliens. In his opinion, most of the college students still want to find a way out of the military, many of them want to get extra points for graduate school, and some of them want to get a reduction in tuition fees.

Li Zheng received scholarships year after year, it seems that he should not care about these right.

But he is a teacher, and can not explicitly say that this practice is not desirable, after all, it is a good thing to dedicate to the country.

So he smiled and said, "It is good for young people to have dreams ..."

After a pause, he felt that he still had to remind Li Zheng, "But the past two years is good, don't stay in the army for too long."

Li Zheng immediately understood Mr. Luo's "good intentions", the latter means, although according to the provisions of the enlistment of college students can be withdrawn from active duty within two years to return to school to study in their own majors, the student registration will always be retained.

That is to say, no matter how many years as a soldier, the school registration is still there, when to return to school when discharged from the army can be.

However, if you have been in the military for too long, even if you go back to school or even graduate, you will still be at a disadvantage compared to your peers.

The disadvantage is in the age.

For example, you have been a non-commissioned officer for a period of five years, Li Zheng's current age of 21 years of age, the time of discharge 26 years old, back to school for two more years, graduation has been 28 years of age, this time the same class of brothers and sisters either graduated from law firms or public into the system for a few years, read the masters of the graduated and employed, and their own or just get a diploma to enter the community to find a way out! The "freshman".

This was Mr. Luo's kind words from the perspective of "realism".

Li Zheng understood, but was not moved.

Becoming a soldier is not an impulse to see, for Li Zheng this is a well thought out matter.

What is the dream?

It is something you can sacrifice everything to pursue.

Whether or not life is complete without regrets depends on whether or not you realize your dreams.

"Thank you teacher."

Teacher Luo obviously saw what was on Li Zheng's mind, and he was slightly embarrassed, knowing that it was really meaningless for him to say such words at this time.

So he coughed dryly twice, hid his emotions, and then found an excuse to leave: "The school is still a bit of a matter, teacher I won't send you to the car, later on, I guess the leaders of this city will have to focus on you to give a speech, you know me, the profession I'm interested in, and those superficial efforts I hate the most, go first."

Li Zheng quickly nodded: "Teacher you go busy, I will take care of myself, thank you teacher you come to send me."

Teacher Luo looked around, all the newly enlisted youths were surrounded by their family members variously telling their farewells, only Li Zheng was alone.

He was an orphan, Teacher Luo knew that.

But Li Zheng was also the most competitive student he had ever seen, this young man wherever he went Teacher Luo didn't feel the need to worry, from his teenage years he started to take care of himself and even his grandmother properly, you throw him to Africa he can live well.

"Let's go let's go, Li Zheng, be competitive!"

He clenched his fist and waved it twice hard at Li Zheng, turning around and walking towards the outside of the square.

Teacher Luo had just left when a fat-headed, chubby new recruit appeared from behind him like a ghost.

"You're a college student?"

Li Zheng was coldly startled, phenomenon this guy walking how no sound, God out of nowhere like a ghost in the movie.

A look, immediately felt unscientific.

This goods chubby one, the volume is bigger than oneself, height is shorter than oneself, weight is definitely one third more than oneself.

This guy everything looks big, only the eyes are small, like two random sesame seeds still on the face.

"Yes ..."

"From Donghai University?"

"Uhm ..."

"Famous brand name university ah!"

The fat man immediately got excited, not caring whether the two people knew each other or not, a pair of meaty hands reached over without saying anything, grabbed both of Li Zheng's hands, and shook them fiercely.

The expression on his face was like a relative meeting the People's Liberation Army.

Li Zheng was somewhat confused by the fat man's sudden enthusiasm.

This fat man in front of him was neither a relative nor a friend, but his face had the warmth of a casual acquaintance that only a salesman could have.

What does he want?

Look at the camouflage uniform on his body that was exactly the same as his own, as well as the silver trolley case that was uniformly issued by the Armed Forces Department.

That's right, this one was a new recruit like himself.

"You ... me ..."

Li Zheng was embarrassed, desperately trying to draw back his hand, but how can not shrink back, the fat man's strength is not small, grasping dead.

The fat man said sincerely, "Don't be afraid, let's make a friend, I ah ... high school graduation, no, high school is still just barely graduated that kind of, my high school teacher is afraid that I rely on the school not to go, so let me hurry to graduate and get out of the way, so I like to be friends with you guys these brand name college students the most, my last name is Wei. My name is Wei Guo Xing, you call me fat brother, they all call me that."

Li Zheng made a red face, almost begged and said: "line ... fat brother, you first let go, this daytime, we two big men so grab hand ... not good... ..."

Fat brother as a dream first woke up, "Oh" a sound, finally the two fat paws shrink back.

"It's okay, after we are a pot of spoon rice to eat the revolutionary comrades, that song how to sing? ... Eat the same pot of rice, sleep in the same bed ..."

Li Zheng can't help but laugh and cry, this goods really can toss, are singing on.

Release the hand of Fatty Wei suddenly remembered what important things like, a turn, pull open a leather bag resting on the trolley bag, revealing the inside of a strip of soft red China.

Although Li Zheng does not smoke, but know that this cigarette is very expensive, it seems that in front of this fat man is not bad money Lord.

Fatty Wei did not hurt at all to take out a, to Li Zheng hand stuffing, a side stuffed while saying: "Take brother, after you are my brother, what difficulties remember to find fat brother me, you are going to D group army, right? I am also ..."

He nagged, just like B society is collecting little brothers.

Li Zheng is not the main person who loves to take advantage, and quickly refused, "Fat brother, I don't smoke."

"Don't smoke?" The fat man's two sesame eyes were even smaller, but his gaze was more focused, stabbing at Li Zheng's face as if he had seen some kind of monster.

"Men don't smoke?"

Li Zheng originally felt that not smoking is the healthiest way of life, but look at Wei Fatty the expression of hatred, as if not smoking is their own do something treasonous.

Fatty Wei's hesitation did not last three seconds, the big Chinese cigarettes once again stuffed over: "Do not smoke can, take, to the army to the squad leader platoon leader and so on, pulling the relationship!"

Li Zheng noticed that Fatty Wei's leather bag, which looked rustic, was coffee-colored and had "LV" printed all over it.

Donkey brand!

If it's not the A-goods from Guangzhou, this bag is estimated to cost 10,000 yuan.

Just as the two men were pushing around, one insisting on giving and the other on not wanting, the assembly whistle blew, and then a cadre from the Armed Forces Department was shouting with a loud-speaker--

"Gather! All gather here!"

Hearing this, Li Zheng was like an amnesty and hurriedly said, "Gather, gather first!"

After saying this, he hurriedly fled and ran to the cadres of the armed forces department to gather there.

The new recruits stood together in a crowd, finally lining up.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, Fatty Wei actually stood on his right side, and was scowling at himself.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

The cadre of the Armed Forces Department who was holding a loud male called out a few times, finally quieting down the squad of recruits in front of him.

"Below, first of all, please invite the city leaders to speak."

A leader-like cadre with gold-rimmed glasses and a white shirt walked to the front of the procession, stood under the red flag and touched the speech, and began his impassioned speech.

This speech, read once a year, for the cadres in charge of conscription is familiar, every year a little change according to read it is, nothing more than to the new enlisted youth blessing, said that the military is an honorable mission, to the army to the glory of their hometowns, and strive to see everyone's meritorious congratulations as soon as possible cloud clouds.

Speech is not long-winded, fifteen minutes or so.

The armed forces department cadres again took the loud public announced: "The following please recruits on behalf of the speech!"

At the back of the recruit team, a tall and shapely recruit wearing camouflage 07-style digital camouflage uniforms walked up in big strides, and when he reached the front of the team, he first saluted the cadres of the Armed Forces Department and the municipal leaders to the side, and then made a standard turn to the right to face all of the new recruits.

When he saw the person coming, Li Zheng's jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock.

This recruit representative was no other than Zhang Jian whom he met near Shao Xiaoqian's house!

How did he come to be a soldier too?

Why didn't I see him before?

Countless exclamation points and question marks popped out of his mind, and Li Zheng's mouth couldn't even close.