
The platoon leader is furious.

In fact, Fatty Wei's excitement is understandable.

Every big boy has a dream to play with guns, especially real guns, that and the kind of air guns in the park stalls and water parks in the Zi water gun is not the same. Some friends are very curious, to play real guns, just find a shooting club can not be realized? But the fact is that in China, the civilian gun ban is very strict, muzzle kinetic energy more than 1.8 joules belongs to the firearm, private possession is a crime, need to go to jail, serious need to be sentenced.

Even if you play a lot of blue-fire Gatling, it is not as good as a real bullet fired by someone else.

A platoon first shot is in the afternoon of the next day, the day before this, Hou Jun arranged a full day of aiming training, in addition to running a cross-country in the morning, the rest of the time is almost no arrangement for physical training, the whole day is lying on the third practice aiming.

In the words of Fatty Wei, lie down so much that his eggs have shrunk.

However, this training is still very much like, nothing more than not engage in physical training is more pleasing to the new recruits, not to engage in physical fitness is already the great news.

During the afternoon assembly, Hou Jun looked at the weather.

Today is a cloudy day, cloudy, the sun shyly hiding in the clouds for a long time refused to come out, the breeze is cool, very pleasant.

Hou Jun stood in front of the team to routinely do the usual pre-departure speech.

"Today is a good weather, shooting this kind of weather is the most most suitable and beautiful, can produce good results, practiced half a month aiming, is a dragon is a worm, is a mule is a horse, today on the range will know, usually bullish and useless, the key moment or to look at the real skills. I can tell you, our fourth company is the whole division famous sharpshooter company, as far as I'm concerned, the division I said to shoot the second, then no one dares to call the first ... that ... Wei Guoxing, you in the team muttered what? You! Out of the line!"

Fatty Wei was startled and hurriedly shut up.

Just now, he only laughed and dripped a little, but I didn't expect Hou Jun's ears to be more powerful than an owl, and actually heard it.


But he had to obey the order.

Seeing that he was named out of the line, Li Zheng who heard what he had just said thought to himself that this fat man was giving himself trouble again.

The words that Fatty Wei said just now were - "Then how did you lose ... last time?"

This is Hou Jun's soft underbelly.

Last time, the key moment collapsed a fart, resulting in running target, this thing everyone knows Hou Jun depressed for several days, depression are written on the face.

No one dares to mention that, including the company cadres, not to mention the new recruits, but privately discuss it as fun.

Fatty Wei to the front of the queue, stood there awkwardly, wanting to use the toes on the ground to pick out a three rooms and two halls, the heart is more anxious.

Hou Jun asked, "Repeat what you just said."

Fatty Wei did not dare to say, the face is not red, and finally did not dare to hold back half a word.

Hou Jun roared, "Say it!"

Fatty Wei scared a jolt, blurted out, "I said platoon leader you so powerful last time how to lose!"

As soon as his words left his mouth, he was shocked himself first, and the new recruits in the team were all shocked and couldn't close their mouths.

Fatty Wei looked like he was about to cry, he shouldn't have done that, how did he confess this honestly?

He wanted to make up a reason to casually fool around, saying that what he just said was that the platoon leader was powerful, the platoon leader was bullish, and the platoon leader was invincible.

But when he was making it up in his mind, Hou Jun yelled and directly leaked the truth.


Li is in the ranks are closed eyes, can not bear to see the tragic end of Fatty Wei.

You know, Hou Jun is known for his strict training in the company itself, and is usually notorious for having no human feelings, so if Fatty Wei pokes his lung pipe in public, will he not punish Fatty Wei out of his shit?

"I know you guys are talking about me privately."

Surprisingly Hou Jun didn't have the imagined rage like thunder, but suddenly changed his tone and became gentle.

"In my first year as a soldier, I took first place in the entire regiment's rifle shooting one exercise, and I shot three times during the test, three times with full rings. Let me ask you all, who can do it?"

The team fell silent.

This achievement was indeed scary enough.

The bullseye of the 100-meter fixed chest ring target was only ten centimeters in diameter, about the size of the tip of a grain of rice when viewed through the mechanical sight.

Hitting a full ring once would have a component of luck, but three times in a row, as a new recruit, there is no other reasonable explanation other than strength.

"The next year, I went to the group army to participate in the sharp competition, intensive training for three months, I camouflage uniform wear bad two sets, other places did not rot, just the elbow position rotten."

Hou Jun's gaze coldly swept over every recruit, the pride of a veteran written all over his face.

"Starting in the third year, all the competitions and tests in the division, rifle, sniper rifle, I was first, never fell short. But I admit, my luck is very bad, I have always wanted to represent our country's military, as a Chinese soldier to participate in sniper competitions abroad, to put it vulgarly, I would like to see those foreign foreign devils are not like the online gang of beautifully blown so powerful, is not our Chinese soldiers are going to be shorter than others. I admit that there is also a component of vanity, I want to take a first class merit badge discharge, don't in front of the chest back to the village, I waist plate will be harder than a steel plate, didn't get ... all these years I don't have the face to go home."

"You guys say I lost again this time. That's right, I lost again. Do you guys know who my opponent was that day? His name is Zhong Rui, he is the best sniper of the Group A Army Blood Wolf Special Brigade, but do you guys know? He used to be my soldier, he used to be like you guys, standing in front of me like a dumbass who didn't know anything, I was the one who brought him out and made him one of the best snipers, but alas, he was spotted by the Blood Wolf Brigade and picked off ..."

Hou Jun stopped, some complex emotions in his gaze.

The recruits at the bottom were hearing about this for the first time and couldn't help but start to whisper and mutter.

Li Zheng never expected that the sniper who defeated Hou Jun that day was actually a soldier that Hou Jun himself brought out.

He suddenly understood that Hou Jun was so depressed after coming back from the field those days.

For Hou Jun, he could have won, but because he ate a bad stomach and farted, everything is gone, and the opponent is still his own former soldiers.

Suddenly remembered Hou Jun in the duty post next to the words with himself, listen to his tone, as if you need Li Zheng to make a commitment to be willing to teach his sniper technology.

At that time, Li Zheng also looked down on Hou Jun a little bit, an acting platoon leader who has been a soldier for more than eight years, a veteran, just a little bit of ambition.

But now linked to Zhong Rui that thing again look, seems to understand their own platoon leader.

You have worked hard to cultivate the cabbage let others pick up the ready-made arch away, for anyone who is not comfortable in the heart, not to mention that this was arch away cabbage turned back to let you eat your own flat, almost choked to death, that kind of mood is actually understandable.

"I just want to say, to this day I did not go abroad to compete as I wished, and did not get my dream of first-class merit in the martial arts field, the head of the regiment said to declare a second-class merit for me, my condition is enough. But I don't want it, I don't want a consolation prize, I want a military medal that I fought for with my own strength. Saying these words is not to make you think how powerful I am, but to tell you that if you are half as powerful as I am, you haven't been a soldier for nothing!"

He pointed his hand, half-turned around, said to the direction of the target range: "One by one, don't follow me to five or six bulls too take themselves too seriously, the first time new recruits shooting, running target a lot of, can hit and pass even if you have not practiced in vain for most of the month, let's set off now, go to the target range to use the strength of the word, don't usually hide in the team as a broken mouth long tongue, to my failure to judge, you have that qualification? Do you have that kind of qualification?