
The least popular people

The news of Zhuang Yan's entry into the E Division quickly spread throughout the battalions and companies of the regiments, causing quite a shock.

Almost all of the officers' first reaction upon hearing the news was to think that they had a problem with their ears and were hallucinating.

"What? It's that Prairie Wolf that crazy Zhuang?"

"What? You say that again! Did I hear you right!"

"What's he doing in our division? It's not a good thing that he's here!"

In fact, it was no wonder that after the battle between the red and blue confrontation on the prairie three years ago, the entire E Division was too impressed with Zhuang Yan.

Menghu regiment chief Li Haiou was on the training ground when he heard the news is in the boot camp training ground side, that day he came here to see the recruits live firing, after all, after another week is the recruits under the company's day, in the under the company before, the entire new regiment is to carry out a big assessment, every year at this time, are Menghu regiment to show off their skills, and compete for the honor of the time.

It is said that a year's plan lies in the spring, the new recruits under the company means that the new year starts training, taking an open door is definitely a good luck, conducive to encouraging morale.

"Regimental Commander! Regimental Commander!"

Liang Hu, the commander of the second battalion of recruits, shouted and jogged all the way to Li Hai-Ou's front, his hat was not on his head, but grasped it in his hand, a layer of sweat was seeping out of his forehead, and it seemed to have run all the way here.

"Shout what shout?"

Li Haiou looked at the tiger general under his command with some displeasure.

"Staggeringly do you look like a battalion commander?"

Liang Hu didn't even care about Li Haiou's criticism anymore, pointing his finger in the direction of the New Corps regiment headquarters, he said, "Guess who I saw?!"

Li Haiou frowned, "Who? It's not Vice Division Commander Zhang, right?"

Zhang Wenqing was more concerned about the training of new recruits, recently always running to the new battalion, especially like to come over to the second battalion, especially interested in the few recruits of the fourth company who shot well.

Last time, just because of these few recruits in two actually can keep 4 hours of the gun stable, he also really out of pocket to let Hou Jun take a few soldiers to eat and come to a meal of crayfish.

Liang Hu will head are shaking out heavy shadow came: "No no no! I said chief, you won't think of who it is even if you think through your head!"

Li Haiou impatiently waved his hand at him, "Get it! Don't sell yourself short in front of me, what's the big deal about the character? Even if the head of the military region comes, I should do whatever I want, it's not like a tiger came down from the mountain and ate people?"

Liang Hu's eyes let out light, as if he had mastered some great secret: "Chief, guess who I just saw when I came back from the regiment's office?"

Li Haiou also seemed to hear something unusual, and hurriedly asked, "Tell me! Who?"

Liang Hu sold the mystery before revealing it, "Zhuang Yan! Crazy Zhuang!"

"Huh?" Li Haiou didn't react at once, this name was familiar and unfamiliar, her head short-circuited and went blank.

"Who?" He subconsciously asked after him.

Liang Hu said, "The Blues! Grassland Wolf! Crazy Zhuang!"

Li Haiou's head felt as if a shock bomb had been shoved into it and banged, his mind buzzing.

Zhuang Crazy?

Zhuang Yan?

Chief of Staff of the Blue Army?


He cursed in his heart.

Then asked, "Him? Liang Hu are you sure it's him?!"

It was no wonder that Li Haiou's head was short-circuited, after all, the Prairie Wolf's station was thousands of kilometers away from here, one south and one north, in addition to the red and blue army confrontation exercises, the two forces had nothing to do with each other, neither subordinate nor co-training subjects, not to mention the eight rods can't hit each other, even if they took a few more rods can't hit each other.

"That's right!" Liang Hu twelve points sure, almost decisive, said: "I came out of the regiment, just met him into the door, Shi deputy chief of staff waiting for him at the door, I saw clearly, I also salute them to come, salute, I suddenly feel that person looks familiar, hurry to look at a few more eyes, and suddenly remembered, that is, Zhuang crazy!"

This time, no longer believe Li Haiou.

"What the hell is he doing here?!"

Li Haiou had a feeling of gnashing his teeth.

The shame of three years ago was vivid in his mind, and one pile came out from the depths of his mind.

Although the red and blue confrontation victory and defeat is a common thing in the military, but at least the soldiers have their own dignity and honor.


Not only lost.

Also lost very badly.

Miserable even if.

The problem is, Zhuang crazy tactics and infiltration techniques used completely not in accordance with common sense, Li Haiou think those means simply too shameless.

The first time to send people to install the tracker even if, the second time to re-confrontation, damn crazy Zhuang sent people in their resident power supply system to do tampering, E Division for several days in a row several days of power outages, sent to repair, said the Blue Army's Special Forces directly with graphite bombs to the power supply to the abolition of the provisions of the restoration period of at least three days.

At that time, E Division's operations department put their heads together and guessed that it was Crazy Chong who wanted to disrupt E Division's logistical support plan. Because of the destruction of electricity, the entire division had to rely on field generator sets for security. For a pro-war unit, these preparations were still available, but there would be an unplanned shortage of fuel.

Everyone had expressed contempt for Madman Zhuang's tactics, wasn't it just fuel? Bullying E Division for not having a home base?

So they quickly mobilized the logistics department and collected enough oil from the local area overnight and sent it to the base.

You have a good plan, I have a ladder.

E Division's staff officers and the following regimental commanders were quite pleased at the time, do not want to test the E Division's logistical support?

Let you see!

But never thought ...

I did not expect ah did not expect.

You anticipate people's anticipation, but they anticipate you anticipate his anticipation.

As in Go, you saw three moves, they saw five.

Later, when the confrontation officially began, the regiments coordinated dozens of kilometers out, froze and did not see the shadow of the blue army.

The original reconnaissance information obtained is all false, air reconnaissance found the so-called Blue Army armored clusters are all their camouflage troops to get out of the fake.

In those days, the grassland daytime temperature was extremely high.

In addition to some sporadic attacks, E Division was unable to find the main force of the Blue Army, and that confrontation required that the main force of the Blue Army be found and fought, with the killing effect as the evaluation criterion for determining winners and losers.

E Division was like swinging a punch with a full reservoir of power and realizing that it hit the air and almost flashed itself.

Tens of thousands of troops went deep into the hinterland of the prairie, scraping the ground variously between hills and weeds, but not even finding the shadow of their opponents.

The scouts that were sent out, either returned without success or the mud ox went into the sea and never returned ....

As the head of the main attack regiment, Li Hai-Ou those days on the prairie basking in the bright, poisonous sun, anxious mouth are up several bubbles.

Let E division up and down did not expect is, "drag" word trick is still just an appetizer, Zhuang crazy dig pit is still in the back, soon, E division really tasted Zhuang crazy real "cunning" means.