
The ghost in the washroom.

The barracks of the fourth company of recruits were temporarily borrowed, the washroom was on the first floor, opposite the basketball court and the lawn, there was a washstand inside, there was a shower cubicle, not far behind was the cooking class, the left side was the entrance and exit door, the right side opposite was a weed field, through the weed field to walk more than thirty meters was the second battalion's fence.

Every night after training there were twenty minutes to take a shower and deal with personal hygiene, and then go back to the platoon room to fold quilts.

Folding the quilt is almost a long-term training program throughout the entire period of the new recruits, although it is not the most important, but definitely very important, every day the squad leader will be from a variety of common subject articulation of time to train this necessary skills as a soldier.

The washroom was a pretty interesting place for new recruits.

It was a private place, so many recruits would vent their frustrations caused by training here, curse a few times, and spray the squad leader's iron face.

Some words can not be said in the platoon room, because the platoon leader is not in the squad leader, anyway, there are always people watching, to speak always have to have some scruples, especially the topic involves which squad leader.

Of course, the squad leader platoon leader will also go to the washroom, they also need to take a shower, otherwise the same become salted fish.

If the squad leader is there, everyone will keep quiet and wash carefully, but if the squad leader is not there, then they will speak freely and freely, and the sky is the limit.

This twenty minutes is the most relaxing twenty minutes of the day, more fascinating than the time in the morning to wash your face and brush your teeth.

In the morning, after washing up, you have to face a day of formal training, while washing up in the evening means that you can soon fall into bed and have a good time.

So every second in the washroom was precious.

This evening, the end of the day's routine training, Li Zheng dragged his tired body into the washroom, he could feel his neck are lake with a thin layer of salt, greasy, hand touching like touching in a layer of fine sand, that is the daytime sun out.

Walked into the cubicle, unscrewed the shower, cold tap water drenched down, Li Zheng could not help but cry out in his heart: "Cool!"

Taking a bath at home has never been so refreshing.

Perhaps the more tired and dirty a person is, the more they can realize the pleasure of bathing.

In the army, Li Zheng learned to bathe quickly.

The reason why it had to be quick was because bathing meant more time for free movement if it saved time.

Division E was located in the middle of nowhere, the compound was mountainous and definitely a negative ion zone, there wasn't much of an industrial area nearby, so the air transparency was extremely good, and at night when you looked up at the starry sky you could sometimes see the Milky Way in the sky.

There's nothing like sitting on the grass by the basketball court with a head of wet hair after a shower, blowing in the cool evening breeze and listening to the sounds of the insects more enjoyable.

A quick shower requires only two passes of water - the first to wet yourself from head to toe, then a quick slathering of soap, a jab and a scratch, and then another pass of water to dry off and dress and then get out.

Careful can also be applied after the soap first brush your teeth, soap bubbles smeared on the body for a longer time, rinse when the cleaning effect is also quite a lot.

This day after brushing his teeth, rinse soap bubbles, turn around to see Fatty Wei standing in the doorway of the cubicle.

The lights in the washroom are not bright, perhaps the problem of wattage, in fact, this place does not need to be bright, and not let people visit the museum.

Fatty Wei stood in the cubicle right out one meter away, people just stand in the shadow, huge body blocked the already not much light, let Li Zheng shower cubicle more dim.

At first glance, it really startled Li Zheng.

"Holy fuck!"

This time, it scared even the college student who was already quite polite into cursing foul language.


Fatty Wei raised his index finger to his lips in a silencing gesture.

However, under this kind of light and atmosphere, it was quite a bit like those perverted demons in horror movies terrorizing others to keep quiet.

"Don't be so loud."

Fatty Wei looked nervous as well.

Li Zheng subconsciously took a towel to cover his vital parts, and subconsciously glanced at the soap placed next to him.

Fortunately, the soap was still there, so there was no need to pick it up ...

Why did Fatty Wei suddenly appear here like a ghost?

He walks without making a sound?

How long has he been standing here looking at himself?

Li Zheng's heart was suddenly a little hairy, some bad thoughts and some strange things he had seen on the internet before swept through his mind.

"How long have you been standing here?"

"Not long." Fatty Wei said, "Estimate just a little while."

Li Zheng heard the sound of water everywhere beside him, and it seemed that his comrades were bathing, so he slightly put his heart down and asked, "What are you looking at me bathing for? Have a special fetish?"

Fatty Wei had his back to the light and couldn't see his face, but his body language and tone of voice immediately expressed disdain, his hand raised, like chasing away flies, and he said disdainfully, "F*ck! What did you think of me then? When brother was at home, the girls chasing me could line up from the village entrance to my house."

Li Zheng think about it, to Wei fat wallet thickness, according to reason does not need to starve to this extent, so said: "What are you looking for me?"

Fatty Wei's voice is very light, like a thief walking: "Hurry up and dry yourself out, I'll take you to enjoy."

"Enjoy?" Li Zheng's brain train of thought was again brought a little off: "No, I don't want what you enjoy."

Fatty Wei seemed to be in a hurry, impatiently said, "When your buddy only came to shout at you to go, don't treat your good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs ah!"

Li Zheng couldn't help but pat his brain, like he wanted to slap out all those messy things from before.

"Okay, okay, okay."

He agreed while wiping himself off, thinking that he was also overly concerned, Fatty Wei had been in contact with this person for almost a month, and there were no signs to mark this guy as abnormal.

"Right away."

Li Zheng dried the water stains on his body in three strokes, then numbly put on his clothes, put the soap and other small odds and ends in the basin, and walked out of the cubicle.

"Where to?"

"Follow me." Fatty Wei made a gesture, just like the underground party joint: "You'll know when you go, don't ask."

Li was heading towards the door when Fatty Wei called out to him, "This way."

The voice was still so sneaky, and after finishing, he pointed to the right side of the washroom.

"Over there?" Li Zheng felt something was wrong.

Over there on the right side was the window.

Fatty Wei completely lost his patience and came over and pulled Li Zheng over to the right side.

The two of them came all the way to the windows.

Fatty Wei pointed to one of the windows and said, "Go out here."

Li Zheng saw that Fatty Wei pointed to the window glass do not know when gone, empty exposed a big mouth, as long as you step on the window sill, slightly bent over can drill out.

Outside the window was dark, and the weeds swayed as the cool wind passed.

"What are you doing?"

A thought popped up in Li Zheng's head, this bastard shouldn't be unable to stand the pain of training and want to escape, right?

This is muddy water, can not be tripped.

Fatty Wei said, "Look at this point of interest, afraid that I will harm you?"

Li Zheng could not refute for a moment, carefully asked: "You are not trying to escape, right?"

Fatty Wei looked at Li Zheng with a retarded expression: "You're a famous college student, what's in your head is shit? This area is surrounded by troops, where the hell am I going to escape?"

Li Zheng asked, "Then you ..."

Before he finished his words, Fatty Wei pushed him, "It's okay, it won't harm you, I swear on the ancestral tablets of my ancestral hall! Absolutely good things!"