
The eve of the assessment

The week before going down to the company, the whole atmosphere of the new regiment became a little weird again.

In the past, everyone was in the large playground and comprehensive training ground to each occupy a piece of land, and then on the spot training.

But recently, a lot of new recruits have "disappeared" from the company.

I don't know where the squad leaders have taken the recruits, even if they occasionally appear in the big playground, they are practicing formation and other subjects.

The squad leaders meet and greet each other, and then talk to each other in a somewhat mysterious way.

"Fourth squad leader, why haven't I seen your squad lately? Where have you taken them?"

"Squad leader seven, I haven't seen your squad on the big playground either!"

"Oh! They're all in the platoon room folding their chores! Where are you guys? Where did you go?"

"Ah, we are also folding housekeeping, you know, this housekeeping is a person's face, face is not clean, mention other useless."

"Ah ... hahahaha!"

"Hey ... heh heh heh!"

In addition to this cloudy chat mode, the most talked about privately is about the reward for the big assessment at the end of the recruit period intensive training before the next company.

According to not necessarily reliable roadside agency sources, it was rumored that this year, the head of E Division was planning to give the new regiment seven third-class merit quotas.

Three of them were for squad leaders, of which the big head four were for recruits.

This is is explosive news.

Because in previous years, a recruit set training down, full of three indicators of merit quotas.

This year, it was directly doubled, and many veterans and cadres dropped their jaws.

To know, but all sent to bring new recruits are the backbone of the basic company, in addition to individual like Hou Jun, such as the old squad leader, most of the new squad leader, the kind of teaching brigade or non-commissioned officer school graduated last year back to the new sergeant.

This arrangement is quite understandable, after all, the new squad leader is in need of exercise opportunities, even if the return to the company just as a deputy squad leader, but also have to first on duty exercise exercise.

Lead soldiers is a technical job, the need for sufficient experience, just like shooting, read ten theoretical books is not as good as on the field to shoot ten rounds of bullets more intuitive and more rewarding.

In the instructional unit or non-commissioned officer school you learn more theory, and even this training unit has the practice of rotating squad leaders, but after all, the face is a pre-promoted non-commissioned officer, not a real recruit, that feeling is completely different.

The new squad leader is the most boiling new blood in the army, they are longer than the age of recruits, but also shorter than the old soldier oil Hou Jun, often just after two years of soldiers, chest are carrying a dream of joining the party or merit.

I heard that although the entire regiment only three places seem a little less, but better than in previous years only one.

The reason why the division head is so generous, some people secretly speculate and military reform related.

After all, the military reform do not know where to change, we will not be in the original troops, for these new sergeants a chance to make a merit, at least let the division chief heart a little comfort.

There is also the four new recruits of the merit quota.

It is said that will be in full armament five kilometers cross-country, equipment single and double bar a practice, shooting a practice and bomb throwing four subjects to determine the meritorious object.

The rule is simple, first.

Only the first can get a merit badge.

This is beyond doubt.

E Division's new regiment has three battalions and twelve companies.

That doesn't sound like much.

But when it comes down to it, that's more than 1,500 people, mainly to replenish the three main infantry regiments of new blood, excluding ground and anti-aircraft artillery recruits, who are far away from the site, so they organize their own battalion.

The difficulty of coming out on top and taking first place in a single category out of more than fifteen hundred people is not trivial.

In Fatty Wei's pertinent words - "If I can get a third-class merit, I can brag about defeating more than 1,500 people when I get out of the army!"

This is a bit of a big stretch, but it's not wrong when you think about it.

Every new recruit is now secretly trying to show their strength in the final exam.

Second platoon leader Wen Lei does not dare to think about other programs, but he has a trump card in his hand in the subject of shooting practice.

Zhuang Haoran.

This new recruit is his trump card to win.

His time as a platoon leader is not long, seniority is shallow, if he can come up with a single first in his platoon, back in the company is estimated that the company commander wants to give him additional dishes, in addition to this can take a red flag, which is the platoon leader's achievement, in the future can be written into the file eucalyptus to go.


This is what every soldier desires.

He had heard that there were a few new recruits in the first and third battalions who shot well.

In order to feel at ease, a few days ago he sent one of his subordinates, a deputy squad leader to scout for "firepower", quietly ran to the training ground of other people to peep at the level of each other's shooting.

When the vice squad leader came back he was humming a little song and shaking his head as he walked into the platoon room, Wen Lei knew at a glance that this was something, it must be good news.

"How is it?" Wen Lei asked, "Are there any recruits over there whose shooting level can compare to Zhuang Haoran's?"

The deputy squad leader unbuckled his belt, his head just shook, a disdainful smile crawling on the corners of his mouth, and said in a twelve-percent certainty, "Platoon leader, don't worry! I went to see their live firing, none of the new recruits can compare to our faction's Zhuang Haoran!"

After finding a water bottle, he drank some water and added: "They are still mysterious, do you know where they went to practice shooting? The first battalion ran to the river bank over the Clearwater Valley to practice shooting, the second battalion is even more desperate, directly ran five kilometers to the foot of the mountain over the Liangcap Ridge to practice shooting, each hiding like a daring underground party! I'm exhausted."

Wen Lei sniffed, the big stone in his heart fell to the ground, and his taut face stretched into a pleased smile: "Tough on you! If our platoon shows its face in this big test, I'll ask the company commander to apply for a commendation for each of you when we return to the company!"

Commendation is a lesser honor than an outstanding soldier or something like that, but it's also written in the file, it's also an honor.

The deputy squad leader was overjoyed, standing up and snapping a salute, "Thank you, platoon leader!"

The two of them hadn't laughed enough, when suddenly the smile on Wen Lei's face froze, and he asked the sixth squad deputy: "By the way, did you go and watch Hou Jun and their training?"

The sixth squad deputy nodded: "Look!"

Wen Lei asked, "How was it? What's the level?"

The sixth squad deputy still shook his head, "Generally speaking, to say that the overall level is still the same, but to say that the pinch point, they really can't compare to Zhuang Haoran."

Wen Lei once again revealed a reassuring smile, but it suddenly solidified again.

"Are you sure you saw the shooting scores of those two recruits, Li Zheng and Zhang Jian?"

The sixth squad deputy recalled and said, "No, I didn't see it then, those two recruits don't shoot live ammunition anymore."

Wen Lei said, "How could that be!"

Indeed strange.

Pro down company assessment, this year and previous years is different, the head of the regiment said that the use of bullets to liberalize the manufacture, the last two weeks, basically can guarantee every two days a live fire.

How come they don't shoot live rounds anymore?

The sixth squad deputy said, "Indeed that's the case, when I went there, everyone else was shooting live rounds, and those two boys were lying on the side aiming their guns every day."

"Aiming the gun?" Wen Lei felt a little bad, "It must be confusing us! That Hou Jun kid knows that I'm keeping an eye on their training, they must be ..."

The words stopped here.

After a long time, he slapped his thigh and said, "They must have secretly practiced with live ammunition over at the division's small shooting range every day at noon!"