
the end of one's patience

Fatty Wei felt that the sky was going to collapse.

I wanted to flatter the class president, did not think that this time the horse's ass really shoot horse legs, was kicked hard.

The first day of the report on the precedent, the first by the squad leader yells, the first by the squad leader training, left and right think that these two years to finish the calf.

He is not stupid, how he came to the second battalion in his heart as clear as a mirror.

Including the head of the regiment, no one is willing to choose him.

The reason why he can come to the second battalion is to buy lean meat with a piece of pig fat, and he is the piece of fat that no one wants.

At present, there are fewer recruits, Li Zheng's batch is the first batch of recruits to arrive at the E Division, in addition to the female soldiers in the communications battalion side set up a recruit class, the rest of the male soldiers are put on the side of the new regiment unified training.

The entire second battalion of three companies in this batch of only twelve recruits, the rest were picked up by other battalions.

The three companies of the second battalion have a total of nine platoons, counting the head and deputy head of the squad of 27 people, the absolute head of the squad is more than the new recruits.

Putting the luggage on, arranging the beds, the squad deputy came over to call everyone to go to dinner.

On the way to the dining hall, Li Zheng comforted the disheveled Fatty Wei all the way, telling him not to frighten himself, the squad leader is a kind of harsh care for him, there is no need to take it to heart.

When Fatty Wei was in a slightly better mood under Li Zheng's comfort, Zhang Jian jumped out to strike the Galaxy Village tycoon again.

"Li Zheng, don't comfort him blindly if you don't know anything. You don't even look at how he came to the Second Battalion? Do you think he was picked over? He came over because he was picked over and no one wanted him."

It had to be said that Zhang Jian definitely knew the situation of the troops.

"The new regiment is an assembly point set up here by each of the three different MOB regiments of E Division, they are in competition with each other, understand? The most important thing to emphasize in the army is competition, you have to compete in everything, you can't fall behind in anything, who would want to lead a soldier like him? It's hard to be forced to take him down, but he's just arrived and he's like bribing the squad leader, do you think this is your Galaxy Village? You think this is your Galaxy Village where you can solve everything with money?"

Saying that, he glanced at Fatty Wei with a disdainful face.

Fatty Wei's face immediately became purple, eyes immediately to attack.

Li Zheng tugged at Fatty Wei and said, "Don't be general with him, this is a troop, it's no good to make a scene."

Fatty Wei's chest rose and fell several times, and began to half close his eyes and mutter to himself to adjust his emotions.

"Hundred endure into gold ... hundred endure into gold ... hundred endure into gold ... hundred endure into gold ..."

Zhang Jian hemmed and hawed, "Starting to chant the mantra again."

"Zhang Jian, can you say less? Bullying people just because you're familiar with the troops? Is this how your father taught you to get along with your comrades when he was chief of staff?"

Li Zheng quite sympathized with Fatty Wei, who was not annoying, but it was Zhang Jian who had a poisonous tongue and disliked people without leaving any room for error.

No wonder Xiaoxian said that this person unusual people can't see eye to eye, I guess with Zhang Jian's nature, no one is willing to be friends with him.

Li Zheng is not Fatty Wei.

People who can get into a famous university will not have a lower IQ than people.

To say that he dislikes people, Li Zheng is not afraid of him Zhang Jian.

Only he grew up self-reliant, compared to his peers to mature a lot, personality more introverted and reticent, so do not like to fight.

But this time really can't stand to see before righteousness.

Zhang Jian is the most proud of their own family history, but also because of this, Li Zheng understands that he is most afraid of family history.

Directly pull his father in, damage his uneducated than anything effective.

Sure enough, this time it was Zhang Jian's turn to change color.

"Li Zheng, you have something to say, don't involve my family."

Li Zheng coldly said, "No one likes to talk about your family, it's you yourself who always use your family as a capital to press others, is it interesting for you to do so?"

Zhang Jian stared at Li Zheng and threatened with an iron face, "Li Zheng, you wait and see, you will never be number one with me."

Li Zheng's fire also came up all of a sudden, young people who do not have some personality?

So he said, "OK, I'll see how you won't let me take the first place."

The two people are tit for tat, suddenly heard Wu Yi in front of them shouting: "What are you several new recruits muttering there? Are you not going to eat? The cooking class has specially made delicious food for you today."

Glancing at Zhang Jian again, he reached out and nodded, "Zhang Jian, squad leader I'm true to my word, I had the cooking class add a chicken leg for you!"

"Thank you squad leader!" Hearing this, Zhang Jian's confidence and arrogance instantly returned to his body, purposely puffing out his chest and glancing towards Li Zheng on the side, that look was clearly a demonstration.

Fatty Wei stared at Zhang Jian's back as he left and gritted his teeth: ''Son of a bitch! Is his father great at being a soldier? My dad was a soldier too!"

Li Zheng asked curiously, "Your dad was a soldier too?"

Fatty Wei nodded his head in a jar, "Well, he was!"

When he finished, suddenly his qi deflated again.

"But only served as an automobile soldier for five years."

Li Zheng said, "Zhang Jian's father is the chief of staff."

Fatty Wei blurted out, "My dad is the village chief!"

Words to this, he suddenly realized that he said something wrong, hurriedly added: "The village chief ... under the director of governance and protection ... Hey, don't say it, eat to go!"

Said, hurried toward the dining hall.

Dining hall in the windows clean, just sat down and together with a few other people to share a few people greeted just sat down, Wei fat man and found a new continent.

"Oh my god, this table, cleaner than my face."

He stretched out a finger and lightly scratched it on the brightly illuminated aluminum tabletop, placing his finger in front of his eyes and looking at it again and again.

"Not a speck of dust."

Zhang Jian didn't miss any opportunity to dislike someone, and now he caught the topic again.

"Could it be that your family's table is often dusty? What kind of family ah? Your mom doesn't do housework at home?"

Fatty Wei's fingers froze in the air, and suddenly half-closed his eyes again and started mumbling.

"... Hundred patience to become gold ... Hundred patience to become gold ... Hundred patience to become gold ... Hundred patience to become gold ... Hundred patience to become gold ... "

Zhang Jian was happy again, "Chanting mantras every day, a monk reincarnated in his last life."

"Zhang Jian are you done?"

Li Zheng glared at Zhang Jian, he really couldn't get used to people like Zhang Jian.

Originally, he felt that the two could be good comrades, after all, this was Xiao Qian's neighbor, so all along even if Zhang Jian's mouth was a bit poisonous, Li Zheng tolerated it.

But now he felt that there was really no need for him to have any expectations of Zhang Jian, this goods a moment without disliking people probably can not live.

I thought that Fatty Wei, like before, read a few words of "hundred patience into gold" will suppress the anger in his chest, but I did not expect this time, the exception.

Things suddenly changed.

"Fuck, can't stand it no more!"

The rounded Fatty Wei suddenly became incredibly flexible, like a meatball from this side of the table straight to the opposite side of Zhang Jian.

In terms of physique, Zhang Jian definitely had the advantage.

But can not stand Wei fat man sneak attack is not it?

Before he came back to his senses, Fatty Wei has been like a barking mad dog directly pounced on him to the ground, and then ate the wrong drug as crazy as swinging fists, before the bird suffered all pinch in two fists, bam bam smashed to the brain of a confused Zhang Jian.

"I'll let you talk about my mom, I'll let you talk about my mom!"

He cursed while greeting Zhang Jian's face without any lightness or weight, instantly turning from a sheep to a tiger, even Li Zheng who was on the side was dumbfounded.

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