
The deal by the wall

All swore with the ancestral tablets in the village ancestral hall, Li Zheng had to believe Fatty Wei.

Two people through the weeds, soon came to the fence, the fence is a dirt road, only one meter wide, from the concrete road to the division headquarters has been extended to here, surrounded by woods and weeds, few people.

There are a few black shadows squatting by the fence, looking around like accomplices who are letting the wind out.

Seeing Fatty Wei arrive, one of the black shadows lowered his voice and greeted, "Why is it taking so long? There are less than fifteen minutes left!"

Li Zheng heard that it was Ma Teng's voice, and walked in to take a look, and sure enough, it was this guy.

Out of Ma Teng, there are other familiar faces - Yang Hui, Jiang Yi, Jiang Jie...

This half of the first class of recruits were all alive, except for one Zhang Jian.

"What are you all doing here?"

Li Zheng had an ominous feeling.

Without saying a word, Fatty Wei pulled Li Zheng over, looked around thievishly, and barked, "Squat down, don't stand."

Li Zheng had a belly full of questions, but still did what Fatty Wei said.

Fatty Wei said, "Tonight I'll be the host and treat you to a midnight snack."

"A late night snack?" Li Zheng said, "Where can I get a midnight snack?"

Fatty Wei looked at his watch, raised his head and looked through the concrete pillars towards the wall, a layer of anxiety floated on his face, "What's wrong, how can a businessman be so unpunctual?"

Ma Teng urged from the side: "I say Fatty, will he stand you up?"

Fatty Wei said, "Impossible! I am his big customer, let me off the plane? He cheated me once and lost more than a little money! No such business."

As he was talking, Jiang Liping patted Fatty Wei: "It seems that someone is coming."

Li Zheng raised his head toward the wall and looked out, and saw a dark shadow on the path carrying two bags of things, wobbling and hurrying toward here.

Fatty Wei was overjoyed and ran to the wall with a cat's back, glancing in the direction of the distant gate post.

Here from the gate post there are dozens of meters, and the grass is tall and leafy, blocking the line of sight, can not see, far only see the lights at the gate post.

"Old Chen you can come! It's overtime! Have to deduct money!"

Fatty Wei already can't wait, two fat paws through the concrete pillars to the wall.

The black shadow collected its footsteps at the wall, glanced at Fatty Wei in the wall, confirmed that it was right, and then handed over the thing in his hand.

Only then did Li Zheng use the moonlight to vaguely see who was outside the wall.

Not someone else, it is an orchard boss near the camp.

This boss surnamed Chen, when the soldiers are called him old Chen.

Old Chen is a very special person.

His home is not far from the camp's training grounds.

Although the E Division was stationed here, the camp area was supposedly a military restricted area, and there would be no civilians.

But Lao Chen was an exception, Lao Chen's father was a local farmer and had been here for generations. After liberation, E Division came south from the north and fought a fierce battle with the National Army troops when they hit here.

At that time, the Menghu Regiment was responsible for quickly penetrating behind the National Army to outflank it and break its back to stop it from continuing to flee southward.

As a result, the penetration to the Daliangling heights encountered a blockade by two regiments of the national army, the latter holding the key defile stronghold, resulting in the Menghu Regiment surprisingly unable to take it down for a while, and sacrificing a number of fighters.

The detour would lead to delays and the inability to form a merge in time, which would ultimately defeat the superior's operational intent of encircling and annihilating the other side.

When the regiment commander was getting anxious, the scout company commander who was sent out to scout the terrain returned and brought back Lao Lao Chen.

Lao Lao Chen said that although Daliangling is a dangerous terrain, and can hold several key roads nearby, but Daliangling has a small road to the back, which is very difficult to go, it is the mountain people cut wood and pick medicines out of the small road.

The regimental commander was overjoyed to hear this, and immediately sent the reconnaissance company commander with his own soldiers, plus two battalions of the two main companies, followed the old old Chen around the back of the Daliang Ridge, and then climbed from the crags to the top of the ridge by grasping the vines, and launched a surprise attack from the back of the weakest defense of the national army.

This surprise attack battle is very colorful, just the national army is responsible for the blockade along the Daliang Ridge, the deputy division commander will be located on the top of the ridge, the result is the reconnaissance company and the second battalion of two companies in one pot to the end of the.

Command headquarters was ended, under the group of dragons without a leader, solid here two national army armored regiments run away, surrender surrender, and finally the Meng Hu regiment not only on time to complete the penetration of the encirclement, but also captured one and a half regiments of the national army.

However, the old old Chen who led the way was hit by a shell that did not accurately but inadvertently landed near him, and even the body was not found in its entirety.

Because of this, the fatherless Lao Chen has been the Meng Hu Regiment officers and soldiers in the care, grew up to marry and have children also stayed in this land to plow food, in the garrison near the contracted two fish ponds and an orchard, but also in the training ground side of the small store, trading supplies and snacks and so on.

His store specializes in doing business as a soldier, the price is fair and very popular, but all in the Menghu regiment discharged out of the soldiers, no one does not recognize his old Chen, no one does not know that the do is located in the large playground not far from the phoenix tree under the old Chen sundries store.

"This is I ran ten kilometers to the town to buy for you, earn you this money is not easy!"

Old Chen immediately defended himself.

He must not allow anyone to question his goodwill.

He had opened a store near the Menghu Mission for more than twenty years, and it was a gold standard.

"All right, all right! Cut the crap, I didn't let you work for nothing!" Fatty Wei said while receiving the two huge bags handed over by Old Chen.

"Oops I'm going!"

Fatty Wei suddenly exclaimed in a low voice.

"Can't get in!"

Li Zheng took a look, the two bags were too big and looked dead heavy, and the interval between the concrete pillars of the wall was too small for the huge bags to be taken in through the gap.

Old Chen said, "What's your hurry!?"

Said pointing up.

"Why don't you guys climb up the wall and I'll just hand it up from below?"

Fatty Wei could only let go of his hand and hand the thing back to Old Chen, then turned to Ma Teng and said, "Come, come, come, you bend over and I'll climb up."

Ma Teng's eyes instantly rounded, "Fatty, with your weight, it's better for me to step on you."

Time was running out, Fatty Wei could only accommodate: "OK, OK, OK, hurry up!"

Said, the person to the wall one stop, two legs eight forked to stand steadily, hand to the cement column a grip, like a bear lying on the top.

Ma Teng numbly stepped on Fatty Wei's thighs and used the force to climb the wall.

Almost a month after the start of training, although not as good as the veterans, but the physical ability of the new recruits is much better than at home, and their hands are also much more flexible.

Without much effort, Ma Teng got the bag and returned to this end of the wall.

Fatty Wei didn't forget to tell Lao Chen: "Three days later, same time, same place, right here!"

Old Chen made an OK gesture to reassure Fatty Wei: "Don't worry about me! If you don't believe me, go and ask those veterans of your regiment when I, Lao Chen, would fail to do what I promised."

After Old Chen disappeared into the path outside the wall, Fatty Wei couldn't wait to open the bag.

Just as the bag opened, Li Zheng asked about a familiar yet strong scent.

"Spicy crawfish?!"

He was stunned.

Fatty Wei could ah!

It was actually really a late night snack!

It was estimated that he had entrusted Old Chen to buy these crayfish from the town.

However, this place was about seven kilometers away from the town, which meant that Old Chen rode his beloved little electric donkey for fourteen kilometers to buy these two pots of crayfish back.

Li Zheng couldn't help but ask Fatty Wei, "How much does this tub of crayfish cost?"

Fatty Wei lifted the lid of the disposable plastic lunch box, stuck his fingers covered in spicy oil into his mouth and sucked on them, stretching out five fingers.

"Just these two pots of crayfish, five hundred!"