
the day before

The dismounting of the company was already in full swing, and everything was being prepared methodically for the examination of the recruits before they dismounted the company.

Two days before the test, the regiment's security personnel had already arrived at the big playground, where they repainted the bombing lines and such, and a couple of trucks had come to the apparatus yard, unloading sand, and the 1st Battalion had sent a platoon official to work there for a midday.

The newly delivered sand was soft and delicate, and at night Li Zheng went there to hang a few singles, stepping on it felt soft and comfortable.

The first platoon held a platoon meeting, mainly to mobilize.

Of course, Hou Jun, a veteran soldier and inevitably throw a few pots of chicken blood to the recruits, Wu Yi is slightly excited to wave his fists to encourage the whole platoon of recruits, and strive to win the top in the new regiment big assessment.

"Third-class merit ah! This year is especially much, I've been a soldier for three years, and it's also the first time I've seen the recruit intensive training give so many places! Think about it, you've only been in the army for two years, just come to the eucalyptus bag to stuff a third-class merit, this soldier even if it's not in vain!"

In fact, don't look at Wu Yi so ambitious, but after the meeting was adjourned, he quietly found Hou Jun, raised his concerns.

"Old squad leader, there's something I'm still worried about."

The two of them met on the lawn next to the barracks, where the squad leaders of the second and third squads were also present.

Hou Jun had just gone to Company Commander Xie Dong's place to smoke a cigarette, and also piggybacked on it to smooth another one back, which he took out and snapped to light.

"Tell me, what are you guys worried about?"

Wu a spoke out their own concerns: "Other subjects, our platoon are not afraid, you see shooting Li Zheng, Zhang Jian, even Wei Guoxing and Yang Hui that at least a few can hit more than 45 rings did not run, equipment a practice, our platoon can pull the excellent also stood seventy percent of the projectile platoon on Wei Guoxing a nearly meaning, the other can be good more than, however, on this Five kilometers I am most worried."

Hou Jun swept him a glance and said, "Worried about what?"

Wu Yi said, "Five kilometers this subject you also know is not a test of personal performance, is a test of our whole platoon performance, Wei Guoxing ..."

Speaking here, he couldn't help but scratch his head.

"Speaking of him I can have a headache. You say I take him every day to open a small stove, every day to give him more evening once five kilometers, others can now run into good within, he? Even if you send someone to pull, can't even pull into the passing line, you say what to do ..."

Several other squad leaders agreed: "That's right, he's the only one in our platoon who's dragging his feet."

"That can not be, the whole platoon ran well, if not him, I estimate that we have a chance to take the first, with him, I guess the bottom."

Hou Jun listened to the crowd talking, also do not speak.

Waiting to finish a cigarette, threw the butt of the cigarette, looked at the squad leaders who are still discussing strategies and said, "What good way do you have, talk about it."

The crowd looked at each other.

All mouths say cool, but to ask about the way, there is really no way.

What can be done?

Every day is a small stove, every day the squad leader accompanied by running, but also aggravated the exercise of the leg muscles, what frog jumping what jumping steps, have recently carried out targeted training.

Wei Guoxing is a scale, a run of five kilometers, such as running out of two kilometers after the quasi began to fall back, fall even if, at least can follow far from too much trailing.

He was different from the others in that he fell out of sight.

People can run within 24 minutes, the whole platoon he ran 26 minutes outside.

Two or three classes of good soldiers have used the backpack strap to pull him, but the end result is to exhaust others half dead not to mention, pull his people were delayed, the results also bottomed out.

Usually the squad leader arranges for someone to help out, but who wants to be the last one to cross the finish line during the test?

Obviously can run in front, but fell in the end, no one would be willing.

"Then I can't personally pull him to run, right?" Wu Yi spread his hands helplessly, "The rules of this examination can be announced, class leaders are not allowed to participate."

Hou Jun nodded his head, not much content could be seen on his face, just tantalizingly said, "I know."

Wu Yi was a bit anxious, thinking to himself, "Old squad leader you know that then you have to think of something.

Second squad leader Kang Zheng said, "I have an idea."

Wu Yi hurriedly asked, "What idea?"

Third squad leader Chen Chong also urged, "Speak up."

Kang Zheng moved his gaze to Hou Jun's face and hesitated for a moment before opening his mouth, "How about ... letting Wei Guoxing pretend to be sick on the day of the examination, just say vomiting and diarrhea, so that he can go to the hygienist's place to open a leave, and be exempt from the examination and pull down!"

Chen Chong's eyes lit up, "This is a way, for the sake of our platoon's honor, it can only be like this."

After saying that, his eyes also moved to Hou Jun's face.

Wu Yi felt that this was a bit tricky and shameless, itself still hesitant, but he also had no tricks to solve the problem of Fatty Wei's slow five-kilometer run.

So he put his heart on the line and also said, "I agree! It's a solution that can't be helped!"

Although the other vice squad leaders did not say anything, they could tell by their expressions that they were also on Kang Zheng's side.

Hou Jun suddenly sighed languidly, withdrawing the gaze that had been resting on the moon and casting it on the several squad leaders around him.

Finally, his face suddenly became tigerish, his tone became very stern, and his hand lifted and his finger poked, missing Wu Yi's head by half an inch.

"Wu Yi ah Wu Yi, what do you want me to say about you! Why didn't I see that you were such a soldier when I was your squad leader? Pretending to be sick? Taking off exams?"

His sharp gaze cut through everyone's face, but anyone he swept past couldn't help but lower their heads.

"What kind of bad idea did you guys come up with? A wild monk reading a crooked scripture, don't you have any serious ideas? For the sake of honor? If honor is brought through such means, how can it still be called honor? Do you all have some kind of misunderstanding of the word honor?"

The several squad leaders all dared not say anything.

Finally, Hou Jun said, "When you participated in the squad leader training, didn't the instructors teach you what the four skills are? You guys say, what do you mean by the Four Sessions?"

No one dared to answer.

Hou Jun pointed at Wu Yi, "You say it!"

Wu Yi stammered, "Will speak, will do, will teach, will do ideological work ..."

Hou Jun stared at him for a long while, holding back his anger, "Yo! Can still memorize it, not bad! But you did it? I just want to ask, every soldier to your hands, is not as long as the good, poor do not want? What's the point of calling in sick and pretending to be sick? If there's a real war, you'll have to take sick leave from the enemy!"

After scolding, finally down a bit of gas.

And said: "In these four, will speak, will do, will teach, you have done, but will do ideological work? Do not do? Wu Yi, tell me, you in addition to catching Wei Guoxing to go to the extra meal to open a small stove to run a few more times five kilometers, you did not did not go to talk to him properly, properly communicated, why do not run fast!"

Wu Yi froze for a moment, then shook his head.

Everyone was silent.

Hou Jun was furious, and everyone didn't dare to touch his scales.

By the end of the day, Hou Jun confided, "Remember, you are new squad leaders, you came to bring in new recruits to learn how to bring in new recruits, the boot camp is not only for training new recruits, it is also a training ground for you, the new squad leaders! Go back! No more heavy training tonight, rest early, I have something important to announce tomorrow."

After saying that, he waved his hand, "Disperse!"