
Special punishment

"I'm not going to fall for your tricks!"

After holding on for a full twenty seconds, Zhang Jian still chose to give up.

"I'm not going to fall for you!"

At the end, he added one more sentence before he left the platoon room with a huff and a shake of his head.

Li Zheng had planned that if the crawfish matter was pursued by the company, he would take the initiative to stand up and be punished together with Fatty Wei.

After all, you can't have a share when you eat, and open butchers when you get punished.

This is not the way of friends.

A few ate crayfish recruits are apprehensively sitting in the platoon room waiting for the final "punishment" to come, but unfortunately in the end nothing to wait for.

Deputy Division Commander Zhang stayed at the 2nd Battalion headquarters for about 40 minutes before leaving, and all was quiet, the expected "punishment" did not come.

The afternoon was the end of the National Day holiday, and Hou Jun didn't organize any training, but only let the squad leaders organize the practice of folding quilts in the platoon room.

To four o'clock or so, the battalion commander Liang Hu convened the battalion recruits for a short lecture, to the effect that the company should do a good job of food security, can not let the recruits starve, to ensure a good meal, to do a variety of food, but the army's food is like this, it is not possible to be too luxurious, have to take the food at home compared to, there is no comparability.

After the dismissal, Fatty Wei felt like dreaming, the whole person is not real.

I thought that what was waiting for me would be a severe punishment, but I didn't expect anything to happen, and things passed so lightly.

After the National Day, the training continued, but with increasing intensity.

The competition between Li Zheng and Zhang Jian still continued.

To say the bottom, Zhang Jian is definitely better than Li Zheng.

However, nothing can defeat the word "serious".

Once a person was serious about something, he would explode with a power that even he couldn't imagine. For Zhang Jian, Li Zheng felt that he had completely given up his fantasies.

Since Zhang Jian must compete with himself, must take his own as a rival, then he simply become a qualified rival, don't let him down.

But five kilometers cross-country training in addition to the first and Zhang Jian desperately last shoulder-to-shoulder across the finish line, after Li Zheng never ran so good results, every time by Zhang Jian left at least one hundred meters of distance.

This matter is strange to say the least, no matter how hard Li Zheng tries, he just can't do it as fast as he did the first time.

The reason?

He thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out, and after thinking about it, he finally blamed it on the time Zhang Jian gave him the middle finger.

After that time, Zhang Jian never gave him the middle finger.

Giving the middle finger to someone is an insulting gesture, Li Zheng felt that the reason why he overplayed that time was because he was stimulated by Zhang Jian.

Unfortunately, I don't know Zhang Jian also saw that he couldn't stimulate Li Zheng, or he thought that giving the middle finger once was enough, after that he really didn't provoke Li Zheng in the five kilometers or three kilometers cross-country.

After the National Day, the first morning of the resumption of training to open the door is a five kilometers.

Hou Jun stood in front of the team, holding a stopwatch with that veteran's usual tone half-flirtatious half-encouragement to the recruits roared: "five kilometers of this thing is to be insisted on for a long time in order to get the best results, don't think that it is now difficult to run five kilometers of the new recruits, I was in the brigade of instruction when the run was ten kilometers, when I was a new recruits, also screamed bitterly, and in the heart of the squad leader to kill no less than a hundred times. But then I became a veteran only to find a strange thing, this five kilometers ten kilometers, a day does not run really not strong, rainy days in the platoon room, looking outside I can not help but change the physical fitness clothing to run a trip, otherwise that day is like a lost soul. Therefore, you later in my platoon, other I dare not guarantee, but a daily trip of five kilometers, I Hou Jun said to do, absolutely meet you!"

Li Zheng listened to Hou Jun, I do not know whether to laugh good, or cry good.

Every day a trip of five kilometers, according to the veterans said, but also backpacks, backpacks, wearing a single carrying gear, backpacks, but also put on raincoats, engineering shovels and other attachments, personal load per person at least thirty-five pounds or more.

Thirty-five pounds!

That's the weight of a whole piglet!

Now running unarmed is half a life, in the future will have to carry so many things to run, just think about it are sweating.

When it was time to start running, Hou Jun suddenly walked to Li Zheng's side and whispered to him, "Ever since I gave you your first five kilometers to run within 22 minutes, there hasn't been a single time that you've been able to run in this time since then, do you know why?"

Li Zheng see platoon commander personally with his own nagging, care about their own five kilometers of results, the heart is actually not touched.

Because what is not good to care about you care about my five kilometer performance why?

"Don't know."

Li Zheng shook his head.

In fact, even if he knew, he could only say he didn't know.

Not to mention is really do not know.

Hou Jun revealed a mysterious smile and said, "You are the eighth batch of recruits that I have brought, believe me, your results today are definitely within 22, but there is only one requirement."

Li Zheng asked, "What request?"

Hou Jun said, "If you can't run fast enough later, I'll whip you!"


This is also called "requirements"?

Li Zheng's heart thumped, and he wanted to argue, but before he could say anything, Wu Yili's whistle had already blown.



After Hou Jun finished speaking, the armed belt in his hand flung out with a snap.

"Run for me!"

He practically yelled against Li Zheng's ear.

That feeling ...

Li Zheng felt like someone was holding a gong and pounding it heavily in his ear.

Then he was so shocked that he blazed away like a rabbit.

"Have you seen Zhang Jian?"

Hou Jun pointed ahead at Zhang Jian who was running in first place while running.

"The fact that you were able to keep up with him the first time proves that you have the potential to do so, after that you can't keep up know why?"

At this time, he had just run less than three hundred meters, Li Zheng's breathing wasn't difficult yet, and he opened his mouth to reply, "I don't know."

"I know!" Hou Jun finished, belt to Li Zheng's buttocks a hard whip: "You kid owe whip!"

That belt whip, Li Zheng felt Hou Jun's hand is also too dark.

It hurts!

That is really painful!

That kind of feeling, instantly let Li Zheng memory deep picture popped out of his mind.

When he was a child, he was especially skinny, and his father also smacked him like this.

With a jolt, he unconsciously ran with his feet whirring.

"That's right! You brat just owes a beating!"

Hou Jun laughed as he ran alongside him.

"Keep running! I'll whip you if you don't catch up with Zhang Jian!"

After saying that, he smacked Li Zheng's ass with another belt.


Li Zheng sucked in a mouthful of cold air and hurriedly accelerated.

Soon, he really caught up with Zhang Jian who was at the front of the team.

For the past half a month, Zhang Jian hadn't tried anyone else who could run shoulder to shoulder with him to the finish line.

Suddenly Li Zheng caught up from the side, startling him.

Lose to Li Zheng?

No way!

Zhang Jian immediately powered up and accelerated.

He accelerated, leaving behind Li Zheng, Li Zheng chased for a while, really feel that chasing down his own collapse, it is estimated to run less than five kilometers will have to rest.

Just when he was slacking off, the belt was like timely rain in a long drought, once again raised high, fell down hard, and smacked solidly on Li Zheng's not so rounded buttocks.

"Platoon leader, it hurts ..."

Li Zheng said while running.

Hou Jun held up his belt and made a gesture to whip it, his mouth constantly yelling, "Run up! If you don't run I'll whip you to death!"

In order not to let Hou Jun whip himself, Li Zheng could only run desperately.

He forgot that he was chasing Zhang Jian, and felt that he was hiding from Hou Jun.

As long as Hou Jun didn't whip, it would be a done deal.

As a result, he ran and actually overtook Zhang Jian!

Zhang Jian looked dumbfounded and didn't wait for him to come back to his senses, Hou Jun's belt directly smoked on his butt.

"Ouch ..."

He couldn't help but bare his teeth.

Acting platoon leader Hou Jun's hand black, is not soft at all ah!

"Platoon leader ..."

"Platoon f*cking leader, I'm not a platoon leader! Run faster for me! If you can't catch up with Li Zheng, I'll whip you to death!"

After saying that, there was another belt.

Zhang Jian almost cursed his mother in pain, but did not dare to curse, and could only desperately go after Li Zheng until he overtook him, and then it was Li Zheng's turn to repeat the previous story ...

So, this morning, the division's gate post sentry saw a hilarious scene - a staff sergeant holding an armed belt in his hand, in front of running two new recruits without rank, a tall and big running in the forefront, the other looks circumscribed running in the second position, the staff sergeant chased after the second place to whip his ass, the second place that soldier Passed the first place, it was the turn of the first place into the second place to be smoked ass ...

On the boulevard of the E Division's compound, from time to time came the screams of pain from Li Zheng and Zhang Jian.

But neither Li Zheng nor Zhang Jian noticed that they couldn't see any other recruits behind them.