
speak from the heart

Xie Dong can not see Hou Jun this kind of sparse.

Sometimes he really wanted to scold himself this same year soldier, just Hou Jun often say words are words, sentences to the point, said times accurate, said to his heart.

So, after thinking about it, he still didn't criticize.

"Yes, but before that, what about the review I asked you to write?" This time, it was Xie Dong's turn to extend his hand.

"Review?" Hou Jun seemed to have heard something that surprised him.

Xie Dong said, "What's wrong with fainting two new recruits and letting you write a review? Didn't I make it clear to you that day?"

Hou Jun "Oh" a sound, as if suddenly remembered, reached out in the camouflage uniform pockets here and there, finally in the trouser pocket to find the review.

He handed the review to Xie Dong.

Xie Dong took it before looking at it, a look at only one page, immediately face black.

"Just one page? Let you profound review, your profound is only one page?!"

Hou Jun said, "Li Bai's poem is only a few words? All of them have been immortalized for hundreds of years, what's wrong with a page of my paper? The review is not in the long, in the deep, write longer, did not touch the soul, it is also a bunch of nonsense."

Xie Dong took the review, two fingers rubbed the thin letter paper, sighed: "I see ah, this army in the veteran why less? There is a reason, you look at you, as a soldier for more than eight years, than I'm the company commander are not put in the eyes, and then let you be a few years, I'm afraid of the head of the group to come to your kid dare to bare their teeth."

Hou Jun said, "Isn't this normal? According to the old rules of our troops, the position is the position, that is the public formal occasions only counts, privately talk about is the age of the soldiers, you let our chief to see a first-class sergeant to see, he shall not also call people a old squad leader?"

Xie Dong finally can only surrender.

Don't look at Xie Dong cultural foundation than Hou Jun good, but playing since the two recruits, arguing about anything he is never Hou Jun's opponent.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's talk about something important."

When he heard that he was talking about business, Hou Jun's expression immediately became serious.

"Well, I know what you're going to say, right now the backbones between the classes are having ideological fluctuations, you're asking me to help you stabilize the military's heart."

Xie Dong had to be unconvinced.

Sometimes Hou Jun willed himself to be understood through and through.

"Well, I have to admit that you are the roundworm in my stomach."

Hou Jun was not happy, "I don't want to be a roundworm."

Xie Dong said, "You also heard about the reorganization?"

"I heard." Hou Jun replied carelessly, "Sort of let me stumble upon it."

Xie Dong said, "It seems like you are not concerned or nervous at all?"

Hou Jun said in a serious manner, "It has nothing to do with me. You see, I just signed the three installments, how are you going to finish the remaining two years as a soldier, if you say now you let me go, then I will go, one is when so many years as a soldier, awareness I have, military personnel to obey orders as a vocation, including retirement. Secondly, you also know that I have nothing to think about, the selection was not selected, I have long been like a dead heart waiting for discharge, you say I am nervous about what?"

Xie Dong sized up Hou Jun, he could see that Hou Jun didn't completely speak from the heart, so he said, "Since you say that I'm your eight-year old comrade in arms, then you should also know that your little mind can't be brutalized by me, you Hou Jun is definitely not unconcerned, just that you want to act as if you are unconcerned. Am I right?"

Hou Jun grunted and did not open his mouth.

Xie Dong continued, "Hou Jun ah Hou Jun, when did you also become tongue-tied? You don't care, you're not nervous? If you don't care you will secretly find Wu Yi to talk to, if you aren't nervous you will grasp the training of the first platoon like a sharp intensive training team? Don't tell me that's your style, you didn't work so hard in the past few years, especially after Zhong Rui left the company, you've been disheveled for two years, you don't even want to lead the soldiers, I remember you even complained to me at that time that you're blind, saying that you're blind, and that you're devoted to bring up such a good soldier, and that you've just planted a good cabbage and let the special brigade give it to him? You also scolded Zhong Rui for being heartless and sorry for teaching you. What? It's only been a few years, you've forgotten all about it, haven't you? I won't say anything else, just say that your recent training methods for Li Zheng and Zhang Jian and their several good seedlings, I can see that you have had a hunch for a long time, so you're in a hurry to find a successor!"

Hou Jun ignored him and continued to smoke his cigarettes, finishing them and taking another one, lighting it and continuing to smoke.

Xie Dong grabbed the cigarette case, "Hou Jun! Comrade Staff Sergeant!"

With this bellow, he roared Hou Jun into a shock and froze on the spot.

Xie Dong said: "You kid don't talk to me like a horse! I'm talking to you about what you and I pose what veterans stink! Believe it or not in the future, my cigarettes crumpled up and thrown into the cesspool will not give you this son of a bitch smoke!"

Hou Jun froze for half a minute, and finally suddenly grinned and said, "OK, OK, Company Commander, I respect you, I listen to every word you say in my ears and in my head, OK?"

Xie Dong said, "Be serious!"

Hou Jun had to sit upright, with a breathless look.

Xie Dong said, "Tell me what you think, you are the oldest non-commissioned officer in the company, once the news of this reorganization came out, I heard a lot of negative comments in private, veterans have, new recruits also have!"

Hou Jun sighed and said, "OK, you grant me a leave, if you agree, I'll privately find the squad leaders in the company to go to Old Chen's store to sit down and drink a few bottles of beer, if you dare to approve it, I'll do a good job on their thoughts for you."

Xie Dong said, "What the hell! You want me to grant you leave to go to Old Chen's store to drink beer? Do you think I'm a food market here? Talking to me about a deal?"

Hou Jun didn't sneer back this time, but said seriously, "The role of veterans lies in the fact that company cadres can sometimes help you when they can't do something right. I do not blow, our recruits company this dozen squad leaders, each squad leader heart what I know exactly, you find them one by one to talk about their hearts, with them reasoning good, pulling the family or, anyway, really not as good as I went to the old Chen store with them that a few bottles of beer to sit down and say a few words from the heart and soul useful."

Xie Dong did not speak this time.

He had to admit that what Hou Jun said had some truth to it.

It is not that he, the company commander does not understand the situation of the company, he is also very familiar with, just some things the company cadres to do, really not as good as Hou Jun this kind of old sergeant to do more appropriate and more effective.

The non-commissioned officer is the lubricant between the officer and the soldier, and so is the veteran soldier.

As a captain company commander, it is really not good to take a group of squad leaders to go to the store to drink beer and talk about things to talk about, that is obviously a violation of discipline.

But the old sergeant is different, as long as you turn a blind eye, they go to a small gathering, spit, talk about the heart, said, talk about, emotions naturally straightened out.

This kind of thing is sometimes really not rely on sitting in the company's small conference room to talk about a big reasoning can be resolved.

Hou Jun suddenly stood up, walked to the window and stared out the window.

Only after a long time did he return to his position and sit down again.

"Xie Dong."

This time, he did not call out Xie Dong's position, but instead called him by his first name.

It showed that his next words were spoken as a comrade to a comrade in arms, not as a superior/subordinate debriefing situation.

"I've been a soldier for more than eight years. As you know, when I first became a soldier, I wanted to make a merit, and then my only thought was to go to the international martial arts field to show my skills, and now ..."

He laughed bitterly and shook his head in a self-deprecating manner.

"All those thoughts are broken now. The only thing I'm still attached to is Fourth Company. I've been in the Fourth Company since I came in as a recruit, it's not too much of a stretch to say that the Fourth Company is my second home, and I also know that my soldiering is considered to be at an end, and even without this reorganization, I'll still have to get out in another two years or so. However, over the years, I in the fourth company training first, marksmanship first, sniper specialty division first, everyone saw me say I am the best soldier, but this side effect is also obvious, you company cadres are pointing to me to achieve results, pointing to me to bring out a number of good soldiers, but for many years, I alone dominate the company and even the whole battalion regiment division's shooter list first, the bad thing is also obvious, no one dares to challenge me, and no one wants to take over the company, and no one wants to challenge me. No one dares to challenge me, and no one wants to take my place. When I'm discharged, see who can take my place in the 4th Company? Yes, there are many good marksmen in the 4th Company, and many good trainers, but I'm not bragging. Can you find someone who's as good as me? Can you find one? I'm leaving and we're relying on them?"

Speaking here, there was another long sigh.

"So it's a good thing that I'm getting out of the way, gotta make way. In the past, I did not think of finding someone to replace me, Zhong Rui could have been, but his kid and by the special brigade to dig away, sniping and shooting are all about talent, no talent and then work hard is also in vain. Now well, I found this batch of soldiers is really a bit of fun, before several years, I froze did not find four companies of recruits appeared again in the talented shooter seedling, this time a actually out of several. Including that fat man Wei, you do not look at his pair of black-eyed, this kind of eyes only spotlight, only see accurate see clearly. Li Zheng, Zhang Jian, needless to say, I think so. So you say that I take the recruit platoon as a sharp training team to practice is fooling around, but I don't think it's fooling around, good steel is a thousand hammers, the sky will not fall out of the pie for nothing, how do I practice, who knows better than you? When I practiced according to the gun, elbows are lying swollen, camouflage uniforms are worn out a few sets of today's level of training, I'm going, anyway, I am a veteran, I'm not afraid of other people to criticize me, I do not need others to give me more honors and praises, I'm already more than enough, I am now concerned about one thing, that is, before I leave the army, to train a few can catch up with my good soldiers, in the future, no matter whether we change the four companies to which unit, are the top of the existence. will be a top-notch presence."

In the last few sentences, Hou Jun appeared a little excited, his voice trembling.

As Xie Dong listened, he felt that the corners of his eyes were heating up.

Hou Jun was speaking the truth, genuinely, he could hear it.

There was no one who loved the Fourth Company more than this seemingly sparse veteran in front of him.

He understood and was relieved.

Hou Jun is the backbone of the company's veterans, he took a stand, this matter is stable.

Finally, he said to Hou Jun: "In order to cooperate with the reorganization, it is said to be this batch of new recruits to be early down the company, you grasp is right, down the company I heard that there will be a drill, a big drill, our entire army to go, I heard a message, the performance in the drill will be used as a reference for future reorganization, so, for the four companies, for the Meng Hu Regiment, you have to work harder. "

After a pause added, "I'll pretend I don't know about you going to Old Chen's place to drink beer, just go."

Hou Jun got up and saluted, "Yes, promise to complete the mission."

After saying that, he pulled out another cigarette from the cigarette box and smiled to take it away.

Xie Dong called out to him, "Come back."

He picked up the pack of cigarettes on the table and threw it towards Hou Jun.

Hou Jun caught it, somewhat stunned.

Xie Dong said, "Take it all!"