
show off

After Xie Dong reminded him, Li Zheng and Zhang Jian, these two names left an impression in Hou Jun's mind.

The side of the training team quickly disbanded.

After all, the emergence quota has been selected, naturally and logically disbanded.

The day before everyone broke up and returned to the team, there was a big dinner in accordance with the usual practice, and Hou Jun went back to the boot camp to be his acting platoon leader directly after the selection day, so it was Zhang Ao who came over to the battalion to notify him.

When he heard about the dinner, Hou Jun waved his hand and refused without even thinking: "I'm not going!"

The reason he didn't go was actually very simple.

One is because of that fart, two, he was not willing to see his own disciple Zhong Rui, this time Zhong Rui out of the line, his own list, in Hou Jun's view, he can not go, go to this face is considered to be a disgrace to the ground.

Zhang Ao also does not persuade, he is familiar with Hou Jun.

The old squad leader this person everything is still, is a little bit of a man, want to face.

The new recruits have arrived.

Hou Jun decided to open a platoon meeting, squad leaders and soldiers to participate, so that everyone can introduce themselves to each other and familiarize themselves with the situation.

After all, the roster to see things are limited, when the squad leader when so many years, Hou Jun think nothing more than a direct and face-to-face conversation with the new recruits is more direct and straightforward.

At the platoon meeting, Hou Jun was the first to speak. First of all, he introduced himself, since your group of recruits to the army, before enlistment, whether it is a college student or a tycoon, whether your family is an ordinary family or the head of the army's children, here to clamp the tail to do people, learn well, do a good job, do not be afraid of suffering, do not look at the troops are dancing with swords and guns, this is a melting pot, in the head of the learning can be big, here to learn, the future will benefit from the discharge of a lifetime, here are not mixing well, the future discharge, the future benefit from the army, the army is not good. Here are not good, the future of the army back to the place is also a waste.

Finally, the words turn, back to their own this acting platoon leader's history.

Said what he when almost nine years of soldiers, there are three years will be rolled, as a veteran, with recruits such things should not have come, should give the newly appointed squad leader of the new recruits to exercise exercise, but is the regiment and battalion leaders hard to come, they have no choice but to come.

Between the words anyway, is a reluctant, but also give me the tone.

Hou Jun has a characteristic, speech like to talk about the reasoning, and endless.

This speech, spoke a full twenty minutes.

Originally, according to the platoon meeting process, acting platoon commander Hou Jun briefly introduced himself, and then the squad leaders, followed by the new recruits.

Because there are thirty people in a platoon, no one even two minutes to introduce themselves, it would take an hour.

So before the meeting, Wu Yi and a few other squad leaders to go and Hou Jun mentioned this in a small meeting, Hou Jun himself also slapped the board to set the tone, said to be brief, and then brief.

I did not think of myself, but forgot.

Wu Yi on the side looking anxious, secretly look at the table, think again let Hou Jun so say on, lights out when blowing the number of estimates will not be finished.

So reminded, "Old squad leader, time ..."

Hou Jun woke up suddenly, found that the time passed too fast, he spoke too much, too far away from the topic.

He glanced at Wu Yi with unfulfilled and slightly dissatisfied intent, and then promptly coughed dryly twice to hide his embarrassment, finally returning to the topic.

"I've pretty much said it all, according to the fact that I'm a platoon commander, there's no need for me to speak in such detail, these things will be slowly instructed to you by your squad leader later on, it's just that I don't feel at ease with this batch of soldiers of yours, not to mention the other things, the last time I came back to the battalion to get my things, I saw some people fighting, the first day of the army there was a fight, this bunch of new recruits of yours ah... ..."

Wu Yi is at the side, making eyes at Hou Jun, he knows that the old squad leader is running away from the train again.

The mouth of a veteran, the water of the sea ...

Hou Jun finally realized that he ran off the subject again, swallowed back the words that came to his mouth, and said to Wu Yi: "You preside over, I've finished."

Only then did Wu Yi send a sigh of relief.

Before it was too late, he nodded to Zhang Jian, who was next to him in the first place of the new recruits.

"Starting with you, Zhang Jian, take turns all the way through, speak one by one, save me some time, each person shall not speak for more than two minutes, just introduce your basic situation."

Then Zhang Jian was the first to speak.

He introduced himself can not avoid his family background at all - military second generation, grew up in the army, familiar with all kinds of firearms, physical fitness, his father requires himself to be strict, to become a soldier because their family's mission is to protect the family and defend the country.

To the end, also did not forget to emphasize that he is a university degree.

Said this time, Wei fat man in the back of the team quietly touched the side of Li Zheng, threw a wink at him.

The meaning of that is very obvious, is that Zhang Jian is showing off again.

In fact, Fatty Wei's meaning is not that Zhang Jian show off his family background, but Zhang Jian show off his identity as a university student.

College students as soldiers is not a rare thing, but Zhang Jian has a characteristic, especially like to emphasize his identity as a school student, and other people introduced to each other, others say which university they are, then Zhang Jian will certainly also emphasize that he is a university.

But there is one thing, he never mentioned his specialty.

Fatty Wei once said to Li Zheng, this is called what is missing to make up for what.

He said this is his father told him, because his family at least forty sets of houses to collect rent, in addition, there are twenty stores, but his father daily do not like brand-name, ordinary 20 or 30 yuan T-shirt, dozens of dollars a set of shorts, feet step on a pair of hundred dollars of sandals, a large string of keys in the waist, riding a small donkey went to collect rent.

Only to eat, his father is most concerned about, eat must be fresh, ingredients to high-grade, drink the wine must be good, smoke can not be poor, so the fat man with 20,000 yuan to buy a LV bag of things seem to be pained, every time I saw the fat man's Wei a variety of packages and limited edition sneakers, always inevitably a lesson.

Fatty Wei said, this is called what is missing to make up for what.

Listen to Zhang Jian said he is familiar with all kinds of firearms, Hou Jun came to the interest, also regardless of the time limit, immediately began to field test up Zhang Jian to.

"Zhang Jian, you said you are familiar with the parameters of active firearms, I will test you to see if there is no bragging. First question, how many meters is the correction for a Type 88 sniper rifle with a shooting angle of -10 degrees at a distance of 200 meters?"

Zhang Jian thought about it and answered, "-3 meters!"

Hou Jun exchanged glances with Wu Yi next to him, turned to Zhang Jian and asked again, "Have you used the Type 85 sniper rifle?"

Zhang Jian nodded, "Of course I've used it, I was exposed to it when I was twelve."

Hou Jun asked, "Same high and low angle correction, 85 sniper, 300 meters distance, same -10 degrees as just now, may I ask how many meters is your correction?"

Zhang Jian answered faster this time, "0, no correction required!"

Wu Yi got excited and couldn't help but applaud.

How could he not be happy that his squad had gained such a new recruit?

Hou Jun's eyes also revealed a figure of appreciation, saying, "It seems your father is very strict with you, not bad."

Zhang Jian was even more pleased with himself, his small chest sticking up high, like a proud little rooster.

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the corner.

"Platoon leader, it's too easy to take these tests, right?"

These words were like a grenade that rolled into the middle of the crowd, and bam, it exploded.


Thirty recruits, plus the head and deputy squad leaders and acting platoon leader Hou Jun, dozens of pairs of eyes were cast in unison towards the location of the source of the voice.

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