
Shao Xiaoqian's Dreams

Zhang Wenqing stood up and walked over to Li Zheng, looking the private up and down before saying, "Tell me, is this the first time you've hit a moving target?"

Li Zheng honestly answered, "Yes!"

Zhang Wenqing asked again, "I heard that you've been going to the division's small shooting range every day at noon to learn shooting from Chief of Staff Zhuang, is that true?"

Li Zheng replied, "Yes!"

Zhang Wenqing said, "Tell me, the first time you shot a moving target, how did you manage to hit it so accurately."

Li Zheng answered after a little thought, "Chief of Staff Zhuang told me that the bullseye is not in the eyes, it's in the head and heart."

"Oh?" Zhang Wenqing couldn't help but look back at Zhuang Yan, who was still sitting in his original position, looking at the two of them with a smile.

"You can't take first place today." Zhang Wenqing said, "Isn't it aggravating?"

Li Zheng said, "Not aggrieved, I would have been ineligible for the final stage of the competition, having this opportunity would have been earned."

Zhang Wenqing's gaze lit up with a few more points of appreciation, and added, "If you want to make a request, I can try to report your merits for you."

Li Zheng was first delighted, then regained his composure, "I don't want to make demands, because that would be unfair to others."

Zhang Wenqing looked at Li Zheng's face as if trying to find a bit of hypocritical expression, but couldn't.

In the end, he reached out his hand and heavily patted on Li Zheng's shoulder, "You are the uncrowned king today."

After saying that, he took his driver and left the range.

On the day of the big test, it was unfortunate that the first platoon didn't get first place in the two most important subjects.

The whole regiment stopped training that night because in one more day they would be going down to the company, cleaning up and packing up tomorrow in preparation for going down to the company starting the day after tomorrow.

In accordance with the usual practice, the night before the company was to be discharged, extra food was served, and beer was served on the dinner table as an exception to the rule.

Battalion Commander Liang Hu came over to give a toast to the whole company, and after the toast went to Wu Yi's squad alone to give them a toast.

When Liang Hu left, Fatty Wei patted Li Zheng's arm and said this is all directed at you.

Everyone said yes yes yes, definitely.

In fact, the first platoon did not do well in this big test.

Five kilometers at the bottom of the countdown.

Shooting subjects hit the final argument, Zhang Jian only took a third place.

Instrumental gymnastics, the third battalion had a soldier with amazing arm strength pulled 46 in one breath a practice pull-ups, the best result of the first platoon was Zhang Jian, pulled 41, ranked the oldest three.

There is also the bomb throwing.

The best result in the first platoon was actually Fatty Wei.

This is also surprising.

Fatty Wei used to be a member of the Bomb Throwing Commando.

But those two days of precious rest seemed to make him transformed, originally he rowed in the village dragon boat, arm strength itself is not bad, throwing bombs just action is not right so not far.

Later into the bombing commando, although the posture was corrected, but the high intensity of training and let his hand has been in a half-crippled state, did not play out.

Hou Jun ordered the suspension of training for two days, and gave Fatty Wei a variety of rubbing potion, to the day of the examination, Fatty Wei, the power of God, in one fell swoop, the grenade thrown to 58 meters.

This result in the entire new regiment ranked second, is a platoon of this assessment in the best place.

With all of this, Battalion Commander Liang Hu would never come over to make a separate toast, and the only reason the Battalion Commander deserves to come over is because of Li Zheng.

Li Zheng is now a celebrity in the new regiment.

In the past, everyone knew that there was a Li Yunpeng in the first battalion and a Zhuang Haoran in the second battalion, but now everyone knows that there is a Li Zheng.

Li Zheng didn't get a ranking, but as Zhang Wenqing said, he was the uncrowned king.

Not a champion, but better than a champion.

After dinner, the platoon arranged for an hour of cell phone use.

The new recruits were going down to the company, and everyone had a stomach full of heartfelt words to say to their families.

Li Zheng first called his grandmother, reported peace, and said that today he shot the highest ring in the regiment.

Grandma of course does not understand what a practice what 200 meters moving target and other rules, but grandson said that this is the highest regiment, that is of course the best.

When you get old, your eye sockets are shallow.

Said, the old man and remembered his son and daughter-in-law, see grandson has grown up, and become a soldier, have a good fortune, can not help but start to cry again.

Li Zheng heart also sour.

Grandma is old, the only grandson is not around, how to say is lonely.

I can't always be with her, to say filial piety is really guilty.

But the reality is like this, loyalty and filial piety are difficult.

Since I came to be a soldier, I have to be prepared for this kind of thinking.

Fell for a while tears, grandmother also feel that can not let the grandson worry, and then blah blah blah said a pass intended to comfort Li Zheng, let him feel at ease in the service words, the words are just a meaning, they have a pension, there are units of the room, life is not a problem, Li Zheng's several cousins and aunts and so on often come to see her, there is something to be afraid of no one to take care of, and recently, she went to the daytime to follow the people to learn square dance, and at night, also to a small county city Recently, she also went to learn square dance with others during the day, and at night she also went to the small county town of Linjiang Park to dance, a group of retired elderly people of the same age in a piece, not lonely clouds.

To the end, the grandmother also took the initiative to hang up the line, took out the fan in the hand waved a few times, said he was going out to dance.

Li is to the extinguished down the cell phone screen dumbfounded for half a day, do not know whether to believe the grandmother's words good.

However, looking at the grandmother's spirit is still quite good, it should not be a problem.

Thinking this way made him feel a little better.

So I want to give Shao Xiaoqian a video call.

Just want to dial through his cell phone first rang, a look, actually is Shao Xiaoqian.

The two lovers in love in the video to see the natural to you and me, Li Zheng hurriedly left the row room to the corner of the sunbathing field to find a quiet place to talk slowly.

He wanted to Shao Xiaoqian said the day after tomorrow to go down to the company's affairs, and then talked about today's assessment on the range although he did not get the ranking, but is the first regiment of the matter.

Shao Xiaoqian listened to his description with a look of adoration, and gave a thumbs up, saying, "I knew you were the best!"

The phrase "the best" made Li Zheng's heart feel as sweet as drinking ten jars of honey, so he asked Shao Xiaoqian: "When will you go down to the company?"

At the mention of the company, Shao Xiaoqian's face immediately appeared disappointed, sighed and said, "It's almost time, but I don't have any hope for this."

Li Zheng said, "You're not even happy about going down to the company?"

Shao Xiaoqian said: "You are called under the company, we are called sub-unit, but to what unit I know, to the hospital."

After a pause, she suddenly said, "You say I want to be a doctor, why do I still come to the army? I'll just finish college at home and then get a graduate degree in medical school, isn't it the same?"

Li Zheng laughed, "Our heroine is planning to become a combat female soldier?"

Shao Xiaoqian heard the flirtation in Li Zheng's tone and said angrily, "Li Zheng, what do you mean? Are you looking down on me thinking I can't do it?"

Li Zheng hurriedly explained, "I don't mean that, I'm just asking if you want to be a female soldier in a combat unit."

Shao Xiaoqian said, "Of course, why else do you think I came to be a soldier? If I really want to be a machine soldier, why would I come here?"

Li Zheng knows that she is telling the truth, Donghai City itself has troops, Shao Xiaoqian's father was originally the head of the army, really want to be comfortable, there is no need to toss to the G military region.

He teased Shao Xiaoqian and said: "Then what exactly do you want to be a soldier? Is it special forces or artillery or something else?"

Shao Xiaoqian said: "Special forces! Female special forces! I've seen it on TV before, it's so cool!"

Li Zheng said, "I'm against it."

Shao Xiaoqian said: "Why are you against it?"

Li Zheng said: "Of course I oppose, you really become a special forces, what should I do in the future? Married to you, the family still have my status? You are not moving to force me to coerce me, I'm still not alive ...."

Shao Xiaoqian listened to the giggle, laughing, a good while before stopping laughing and said: "Do not do what you fear what ghosts knocking on the door? You really do not make mistakes of principle, how will I do it to you?"

Li Zheng said: "Not necessarily ah! Our battalion's fifth company commander, his wife is practicing weightlifting, professional athlete level, the other day to the team, the day I saw them in the battalion behind the ping-pong, there is a ball rubbing the net, the fifth company commander said that rubbing the net counts, his wife said that does not count, the two argued, she suddenly grabbed the fifth company commander, a hand lifted over his head, and asked him to serve or not, does not count ... ... ..."

Shao Xiaoqian was first stunned, then couldn't help but laugh and ask: "Then ... what happened to your fifth company commander? His wife won't really drop him, right?"

Li Zheng said, "How can it be? Can only say count, the wife said count count count, serve, absolutely serve, not serve also serve!"


At the end of the video, Shao Xiaoqian directly laughed so much that she disappeared into the screen.

Li Zheng thought to himself, "Silly girl, being a special forces? Just like you? Hehehe.

He always thought, Shao Xiaoqian childhood pampered, simply can not stand that crime, it is estimated that watching TV to see the people of the female Special Forces all kinds of bullish, as a child of the army, she was hot blood on the head.

Small girl well, said also on the past.