
seen bad luck, but never seen such bad luck

Whenever there was a discussion, Jiang Liping on the side was the quietest.

He is always the quietest person in the group of new recruits, his mouth is like gold, and he doesn't speak easily.

Ma Teng went to tease him, said Jiang Xi, why don't you always talk?

The little white man, Jiang Liping, shook his head, smiled and still did not speak.

Fatty Wei said: "Jiang Xuyi, the day before yesterday I saw the platoon commander to talk to you, what's going on?"

Jiang Yan has always been a small transparent platoon, very low profile, Hou Jun to find him what this is a lot of new recruits want to know the problem.

Jiang Shi lowered his head and remained silent.

Fatty Wei said socially: "Say it, what trouble, brother can help you must help!"

Li Zheng couldn't help but flirt with Fatty Wei: "Come on, Fatty, you don't want to be a big head, you're in trouble now. I'm telling you, the day after tomorrow we're going to run five kilometers again, even if I try my best to pull you to run, you have to put in some effort, otherwise even if I put my life on the line, I won't be able to drag your 170 pounds of body ah! The platoon leader said, you drag your feet again, every day in the future will have to give you extra food, open small stove."

Fatty Wei heard five kilometers, shook his head and sighed: "You think I do not want to run fast ah? I have you and Zhang Jian kind of physical ability I also do not want to drag behind, but I really can not do ah! Alas ..."

He said with a long sigh, "I estimate that my lungs are black when I dig them out, and I've been smoking for six years."

After saying that, suddenly cursed again.

"Shit! Who said smoking good cigarettes does not affect the body, Laozi fifteen years old began to smoke Huazi, has been smoking Huazi, but running up to know that this can be really deadly, do not hide from you, my lungs run more than one kilometer, that is the same as a broken bellows, as if it can not pump gas, to suffocate the feeling."

Li Zheng said, "I advise you to quit smoking, anyway, the troops also do not let you smoke ... you this is not ten days did not smoke well, and did not see you poisoned death is not?"

Fatty Wei did not want to continue this topic, quickly turned back to the subject, said: "ay ay ay, I say you guys run off the subject ah, we are asking Jiang that day platoon commander to find him what, how do you do all to my body to pull? It's a long way off."

Then he turned to Jiang Shi: "White boy, say platoon leader to find what you do, we are comrades in arms, do not see outside."

Jiang Hok thought about it, and finally said.

But this said, all the people said dumbfounded.

Jiang Liping's interest in computer technology, especially programming, so he is extremely serious bias, math and English is very good, other subjects can be described as miserable.

The moment the college entrance examination, the family is worried about the feeling of this partial to the extreme results of the possibility of not going to college, so everywhere to him to find a university, intends to no matter whether it is two or three, or even college, as long as to get a diploma, in the future out of society to find a job, he has a skill can not be starved.

Today's society is so competitive, although what higher education diploma has been rotten street, but that thing is the people have I have, not even to participate in recruitment and other qualifications are not.

Some painstaking exploration, but also really gain, a province a university into the sight, and said, read three years, the last year of internships, take the undergraduate certificate, easy to deal with.

Anyway, get back to the enrollment advertisements all kinds of lofty, said what every year how many excellent enterprises from the school recruited how many people, how much the recruitment rate, how much success in the examination of the public, but also and overseas universities have a cooperative relationship, read as long as you are willing to study abroad clouds.

All sorts of beautiful blueprints are outlined just like the Vineyard School.

The parents of the Navy Logistics is not a fledgling rash, this year do not look at the ads to see the efficacy, who all understand.

In order to find out the details, his parents also specialize in going on a field trip.

The results found that people really did not brag, the university has a field site, the school does not look comparable to the Qingbei Fudan or Xiamen University, such a beautiful environment of the famous school, is in the suburbs of a third-tier coastal city, built in the seaside, classroom windows look out to see the sea, open the window to enjoy the slightly fishy salty sea breeze, the campus in the environment is beautiful, it really looks like that.

So they paid the money, came back to let Jiang Yi filled out the form, and soon went to school.

Jiang Shi in that school for three years, three years, he also took a bunch of computer certificates in school, just waiting for the last year of internship after taking the diploma to find a job.

But I never thought that the fourth year of the internship is actually let them go home to make their own arrangements, this home, waiting for half a year the school that did not move, did not ask to return to school.

The result is to call and ask, and found that the matter is big.

The school phone can not be reached.

Rushed to the school to see, has been crowded with students and parents like Jiang Liping.

It turns out that the school has no qualifications, three years ago when the enrollment, the formalities are still in the process.

The school is privately run, and the school managers think too much of their own ability, thinking that it is not difficult to run a university qualification.

I never thought that the second year of policy changes, this qualification really can not do down.

But the students recruited, money has been collected, also invested, see these thousands of students have been stationed in the campus has been read for a year, announced that it can not continue, not to mention the problem of compensation, I am afraid that parents will be able to that teeth to them to tear it!

This is so sneaky dragged, dragged to the third year, the school finally can not hide, there are parents found clues to the education sector to inquire, and found that their children to read three years of college was unlicensed to run a school ...

It sounds like a black joke.

But reality is always so magical.

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What's worse is not these.

But this three years Jiang Yan in the school certificate is fake, because the school simply do not have the qualification, so it is impossible to go through them to get any formal qualification certificate, all the examination is just the school money to let people come over to engage in a play, not a serious national unified examination.

Things have come to this, Jiang Yi Yi also has no thoughts.

Other people even if they are cheated to read the pheasant university, at least is also a university, Jiang embroidery was cheated to read the university, that is proper as a fake fake university.

The best time of life in more than three years of youth is so ruined.

The most important thing is that you can't go back to school.

The actual fact is that it's not possible.

Originally biased material, and then repeat the college entrance examination is also afraid of drifting.

The good thing is that he studied when the age of small, to find out that the university problem when people are only twenty-one years old, the family thought, not to go to the army, perhaps in the army exam exams, the requirements are not so high, but also to find a way out?

Even if you can't get into a military school, you'll have a veteran's identity, and your family will help you find a job or find some.

In this way, Jiang Liping listened to his family's arrangement and enlisted in the army.

And that day platoon leader Hou Jun to find him, because he in his own form always fill in his bachelor's degree.

But Hou Jun compared to the information of the Ministry of Armed Forces found that the information of the Ministry of Armed Forces showed that Jiang Zhaoqing is a high school, so he looked for him to talk.

The matter is not a big deal, but just involves a person's luck.

Like Jiang Xiping such an unlucky person, we have only seen in the TV before, the reality is the first time to see.

"I'm a college student." After Jiang Zhao finished his experience, he didn't forget to stubbornly add, "I've really read."

The crowd looked at each other in dismay, not knowing how to comfort this bastard.

After all, it was already considered strong for a person to be so unlucky and not go crazy.