
Second Platoon Leader's hunch.

The next day at noon, Li Zheng and Zhang Jian with the fastest speed to finish the meal, wear camouflage uniforms, tie up the armed belt, in accordance with the requirements of Zhuang Yan even portable gear are dressed, standing upright in front of the company's concrete roadside, where looking towards the direction of the division, waiting for Zhuang Yan's appearance.

After waiting for ten minutes, Zhang Jian was a little anxious, looked at his watch and said, "It won't release the pigeon, right?"

The atmosphere was somewhat marvelous.

Zhang Jian actually took the initiative to talk to himself.

Li Zheng also did not want to act high and mighty, so he said his opinion, "Impossible! I feel that the chief will not lie, even if he doesn't want to teach, last night's direct refusal was just that, why promise and then not come, soldiers are never true to their word."

"Hmph!" Zhang Jian slanted a glance at him and said with a sneer, "Saying it as if you've seen a lot of chiefs! Didn't you just meet Xiao Qian's father? Do you really think you can fly just because a toad is standing next to a swan?"


The familiar Zhang Zhenchang immediately returned.

Li is like opening his mouth accidentally by a fly fly in and accidentally happened to swallow a mouthful of saliva to swallow this thing into the stomach so disgusting.

He felt that Zhang Jian this person is really cheap and cheap, not even a tiny bit of good to him, give some sunshine he immediately will be more brilliant than the sun, blind your kryptonite dog eyes kind of.

Li Zheng reached out and smacked his cheek hard.

Zhang Jian looked at him in surprise, ''What are you doing? Saying a couple words about you isn't enough to hurt yourself!"

Li Zheng waited a glance at Zhang Jian and said, "I smoked myself to warn myself not to be bitchy again, what's the point of hitching a ride with people like you?"

He said, and stopped talking.

Zhang Jian was about to continue taunting when Hou Jun arrived.

"You guys are waiting for Chief of Staff Zhuang?"

The two turned around and were surprised to see Hou Jun.

The platoon leader, like them, had changed his clothes and put on the single soldier's carrying gear, and appeared in front of the two people with a fully loaded appearance.

"Platoon leader ..." Li Zheng asked suspiciously, "What are you ..."

"Ah ..." Hou Jun cleared his throat and said in a serious manner, "I am your platoon leader, the two of you are new recruits, you are going to leave the camp to go to the division, this is something that I have to follow and keep an eye on, not to mention the practice of the gun, right? In case of any training accidents, bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah-"

He spat on the ground.

"Crow's mouth!"

He cursed himself.

Then he continued, "As the platoon leader, it is only right for me to follow and supervise to avoid any situation."

Zhang Jian was stunned.

Li Zheng, however, saw Hou Jun's little thought.

"Platoon leader, you're going to steal a lesson, right?" He said.

"Scram!" Hou Jun's face instantly became tigerish: "Know how to talk? What stealing a teacher? Who am I, platoon leader? To steal the teacher? D group army first sniper, I want to steal the teacher?!"

Li Zheng stifled a smile, "is not needed, platoon leader shooting first-class, do not need to steal the teacher."

As he was talking, a Cheetah SUV slid over and stopped beside several people, and Zhuang Yan's head appeared in the lowered window.

"Get in."

Between words, he sized up Hou Jun.

Hou Jun was a little embarrassed, smiled and said, "Chief of Staff Zhuang, I'm their platoon leader, I have to be responsible for them ..."

The words were not finished, but Zhuang Yan directly interrupted and said dryly, "Get on the car together!"

Hou Jun was immediately delighted: "Yes!"

Then to the two recruits yelled: "What are you waiting for? Get in the car! Chief of Staff Zhuang's time is precious!"

Li Zheng and Zhang Jian were driven like ducks to catch up with the car, sitting in the car, he wanted to laugh, go but did not dare to laugh, because Hou Jun was sitting on the co-pilot.

Along the way, Hou Jun was cautious like a new recruit in front of Zhuang Yan, all kinds of high hats to Zhuang Yan.

"Chief of Staff Zhuang, I'm really impressed with your marksmanship."

"Zhuang chief of staff, really thank you, I and the two soldiers ah, is also quite a shooting talent, is a sniper of good material, but just a little short of the fire, by you know, I see the next company before the assessment, these two boys have the opportunity to take credit!"

"Zhuang chief of staff ..."

Finally even Zhuang Yan can not top, directly with Hou Jun said, "Later, I also teach you."

"Good!" Hou Jun froze, then rejoiced, "Great!"

In the back seat, Li Zheng and Zhang Jian could hardly help but cover their mouths.


Three days later at noon, after lunch.

Second Platoon Commander Wen Lei didn't return to his cubicle to read for a while after lunch like usual and then take a lunch break today.

He stood by the door and gazed across the walkway towards the concrete roadside not far downstairs.

The two recruits from the first platoon named Li Zheng and Zhang Jian were standing at the edge of the lawn at the moment, and the acting platoon leader Hou Jun was also there, the three seemed to be waiting for someone.

Wen Lei always felt that there was something wrong with his body in the past few days.

But he could not say what was wrong.

Originally the mood should be good.

Three days ago, there was another encounter with the 1st Platoon at the firing range, another round of live fire.

When the results came in, he was pleased.

The first platoon was slightly better overall, but the problem was that the top shooter was not in the first platoon, but in his own platoon.

Zhuang Haoran continued to hold the throne as the king of full rings for new recruits with an unassailable position.

He was extremely fond of Zhuang Haoran as a soldier and had made up his mind.

In the future under the company, in any case, can not let them pick away from the second battalion, the word must be brought back to the third battalion to go.

Their own hands of the baby bumps, why give up?

Just because he Hou Jun shooting bull?

Don't even think about it!

Although the first platoon of Li Zheng and Zhang Jian that the two recruits of the shooting results are not bad, but the 50 ring is not stable, especially in the face of Zhuang Haoran, often miss.

Maybe it is the output of the psychological shadow, so far and a platoon in the shooting range three times, Li Zheng and Zhang Jian did not once on the full ring.

First squad leader Wu Yi said that his two soldiers can usually shoot 50 rings, I do not know if it is a problem of heart quality, but the time of the battle is diluted.

Wen Lei doesn't care about this.

You usually say that flowers are useless, say you can like that Zhuang major like 400 meters hit 8CM small circle can, to the range live firing you hit how much on how much, only recognize this achievement, other did not see all as bragging treatment.

But with two days do not know why is suddenly happy.

The reason is to hear a little news.

It is said that every day at noon, a platoon of acting platoon leader Hou Jun took their platoon to shoot the most accurate two recruits followed Zhuang chief of staff to the division, or the latter personally drove to pick up, I do not know what to do to the division.

But every time they go there, they wear a full set of single soldier equipment, and it looks like they are going for training.


Thinking of this, Wen Lei's right eye skipped two times menacingly.

He suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Suddenly, he saw a dark green SUV drive in from the main entrance and quickly stopped in front of the three people on the roadside.

Then Hou Jun took the initiative to open the door and the three of them got into the car.

Wen Lei's heart was beating wildly, and he hurriedly ran to the side of the guardrail of the corridor in three steps, peeping at the scene in the car from different angles.

The moment the car door closed, he really saw the person in the driver's seat.

The appearance was not clear, but the rank of major on the collar badge flashed by.


The gossip was true!