
Scary as hell!

All the hearts of those watching the confrontation hung in their throats.

As the gunshots rang out, almost every soldier was guessing the final result.

In fact, the subject of "memory shooting" is very comprehensive, because each magazine is pressed with only four rounds of ammunition, but also to replace the magazine, not only to remember the eight numbers, but also to hit accurately, quickly, and midway to change magazines must be faster than the opponent.

If the mental quality is not good, the training is not in place, change the magazine this small detail can make you and the victory lost.



The sound of gunfire has not subsided.

Li Zheng felt his neck grow two inches.

The cadres present couldn't blink their eyes for fear of missing any detail that would separate the winner from the loser.

No one could see the point of impact on the target 400 meters away, everyone had a sense of tension and excitement of opening a blind box, all looking forward to the last moment.

Li Haiou, who was watching the battle, suddenly remembered something and asked Liang Hu on the side with a sideways face, "Just now when Zhuang Yan ran to the shooting ground line, did you look at the time?"

Liang Hu's eyes did not leave over Zhuang Yan and Hou Jun, his mouth answered, "Looked, about 54 seconds or so ..."

"What?!" Li Hai-Ou was startled, this time couldn't help but screw up his head, "How many seconds did you say?!"

Liang Hu out of his mind like dead staring at the target position of Zhuang Yan and Hou Jun, mouth Woody replied, "54 seconds ..."

This achievement was shocking enough.

As a leader with troops from the head, Li Haiou knows that unarmed running 400 meters can run to 52 seconds in the army has been the existence of a phoenix, not to mention also carrying a dozen or so pounds of equipment, can actually run to 54 seconds!


Zhuang Yan shot the last bullet and took the lead to stand up.

The security personnel next to him immediately pressed the stopwatch.

"1 minute 10 seconds 21!"

He held up the stopwatch and announced Zhuang Yan's time.

Two seconds later, Hou Jun also finished his last shot.

He also stood up.

"1 minute 13 seconds 47!"

The safeguard officer likewise announced the time.


The team of recruits was abuzz!

Leaving aside how accurate the final target check would be, the time alone was scary.

"Holy fuck! Fuck me!" Fatty Wei felt that the whole world is not real, grabbed his already unable to grab the plate inch head, ate stimulants like commanding these two words up.

Li Zheng secretly counted, running 400 meters how to say also have to more than fifty seconds, then the remaining ten seconds of time need to open the envelope to see the numbers inside, but also to remember the 8 numbers, after which according to the gun began to shoot, 8 rounds of bullets to hit 8 under the circle, even if 1 second a round, also have to 8 seconds.

By the way, in the middle of the magazine has to be changed once ...

"How did this happen?"

Even he felt as if he was dreaming.

In the past, when he was at home, there were videos of special forces shooting everywhere on the Internet, and there were similar King of Soldiers confrontation programs in the central mom's TV program.

At that time watching TV also think special forces is too bull, but now he went to the army, see Zhuang Yan and Hou Jun masters of confrontation, Li Zheng realized that the original TV may not be the strongest, the strongest is not necessarily run to the TV program.

Compared to Zhuang Yan, those soldier kings in the TV program are really weak!

Yang Hui spat out his tongue and said, "You guys say, will this Major Zhuang run the target?"

His words aroused everyone's interest.

Yes, hitting fast does not necessarily mean hitting accurately.

When you hit really fast, you can't help but doubt the accuracy.

Zhang Jian said with a signature grunt, "Yang Hui, you know nothing! Do you really think that other people's major is picked up ah? He is the 'Red Arrow' brigade out of the soldiers, participated in international competitions, has gone to foreign special forces school for further study, took the honorary cadet, these things you know how difficult to get? Do you think it's possible to get a major just by hoodwinking?"

Yang Hui was so disliked that he wanted to retort, but he didn't know how to retort, so he could only keep quiet.

Although usually Li Zheng was not a fan of Zhang Jian.

But this time he really felt that the guy had a point.

Zhuang Yan finished inspecting the gun, put the high precision sniper open tripod aside, turned his head not far away Hou Jun gave a thumbs up.

"Not bad! You fought well."

Hou Jun said convincingly, "Chief, you are the most powerful sniper I've ever seen, and the first time I, Hou Jun, admired someone so much, compared to you, I'm far worse."

Li Haiou was greatly shocked to see Hou Jun bow his head and admit defeat.

What kind of person Hou Jun was, he, Li Haiou, knew best.

This veteran who walked horizontally in the Menghu Regiment, a veteran who hadn't served anyone in E Division, actually conceded defeat after one confrontation? He didn't even have the courage to fight again?

"Hou Jun, you're not someone who easily concedes defeat, what's wrong today?" Li Haiou couldn't help but say, "It's only been one round and you've admitted defeat?"

Hou Jun looked at his leader and wanted to explain, but for a moment he couldn't, because there are some duels between experts and masters where the inner things are only best known to the two.

Leaving aside speed, time and all these things aside.

Zhuang Yan's sitting shooting alone was not as good as his own.

Obviously, Zhuang Yan's choice of this shooting position was actually letting himself go.

He didn't want to say anything right now because there was still the last shred of hope of winning, and that was accuracy.

But he was confident that Zhuang Yan would not run out of targets.

This major's self-confidence came out from his bones and oozed out from his pores, it wasn't feigned.

People casually take the gun, casually stand there, that kind of aura just to look at know can not win.

Just like what Zhang Yining, the queen of the women's game, said, the moment I shake hands with my opponent, I know that person is going to lose.

Zhuang Yan said, "Your level has not lost the face of your group army, polished and polished, it will be a higher level, I will have the opportunity to teach you in the future."

Hou Jun hurriedly said, "Chief, that's what you said, it's a deal!"

Soon, the target paper was sent over.

Shi Song and the others all gathered around and looked at the target paper of the two.

After looking at it for half a day, they compared it to the chapter paper in the envelope.

Finally Shi Song frowned and said, "Both are full hits!"

Hou Jun looked at Zhuang Yan's piece of white paper and felt that his cristal bones were permeated with coolness.

It was too strong!

He was looking at the doorway.

Although everyone was a perfect hit and did not miss the gun, but every bullet hole on Zhuang Yan's target paper was in the center of the circle!

There were two slightly off, both around 1CM, and both rounds were off to the right.

This shows that solemn aiming consistency is very strong, sniper pursuit there is a dispersion rate, and sniper shooting consistency has a very strong connection.

Visible, Zhuang Yan's ability to control the gun has reached the point of perfection!

On the contrary, although all the hits were in the circle, the consistency was not high, some left, some right, some up, some down.

400 meters to hit the 8 cm circle, the requirements of this precision is very high, into the circle is already not easy, let alone to hit the center of the circle.

Hou Jun secretly estimated that according to Zhuang Yan's ability, he could definitely hit a 3CM small circle.

