
scare people in the middle of the night

At night after the lights out number, lying in bed Li Zheng how can not sleep.

Tossing and turning for a while, his mind is grandmother for a while, Shao Xiaoqian for a while, and then he remembers his parents.

The barracks of the army is clean and tidy, the newly issued quilts and mattresses are of good quality, emitting a nice fresh smell.

Fatty Wei, who sleeps on the opposite side of the bed, is completely free of any psychological pressure, and not long after the lights went out, there was a thunderous snoring sound.

The heart is wide and the body is fat, there is a reason for Fatty Wei's sizable weight.

Turned around, looking up at the mosquito net top, Li Zheng is a little homesick.

A day ago was still in Donghai City, today is already sleeping in the platoon room of the army.

He really became a soldier.

So many years of long-cherished wish realized.

But there was no excitement in his imagination, instead there was a kind of nervousness about the unknown of the next two years of military career.

Outside the barracks is quiet, the door above the small window through the tantalizing yellow light, occasionally can hear the corridor has a slight footsteps, there is the duty post, at present the new recruits have not yet arrived, are veterans in the station.

Many of the beds in the platoon room were empty, perhaps tomorrow night there would be more new recruits from all over the world like himself sleeping on them.

Those were their comrades in arms for the next two years, and I wondered what kind of peers they would be.

Arrogant like Zhang Jian?

Or like Fatty Wei?

In the midst of his thoughts, he suddenly heard footsteps ringing in the corridor again, and stopped by the door.

Then heard the sound of opening the door, Li Zheng glanced there, from the figure vaguely judged to be the vice squad leader Hu Chenxi.

He hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Hu Chenxi was holding a flashlight in his hand, gently checking along the rows of beds one by one.

When he arrived at Li Zheng's place, Hu Chenxi reached out and fumbled with the mosquito netting, gently tucking it in where it wasn't tucked in.

He also used the flashlight to illuminate Li Zheng inside, and felt that there was no problem before he intended to turn around and leave.

Suddenly, he stopped walking and stood in front of Li Zheng's bed.

Li Zheng felt hairy in his heart.

He closed his eyes and waited for a while without hearing Hu Chenxi's footsteps, and secretly said in his heart that this class president does not have any special hobby, right?

In front of their own bed stood for so long?

The more you think about it, the more goosebumps you will get....

After a while, Li Zheng finally couldn't help himself and opened his eyes.

Just as he squared his eyes, he heard Hu Chenxi snort a laugh, and then Li Zheng was startled.

Hu Chenxi stood in front of the bed, the light of the flashlight reflected the face that was originally quite decent and handsome, under the effect of light and darkness became a little eerie.

"I knew you weren't asleep, pretending to be asleep ..."

Hu Chenxi spoke very softly, perhaps for fear of disturbing the other recruits next to him.

However, because it was so soft, hearing it in Li Zheng's ears was no different from a close-up shot of a person's face in a horror movie.

Li Zheng felt his hair stand on end, and hurriedly said, "Vice squad leader, you're not asleep either?"

"No sleep no sleep." Hu Chenxi said, "We as squad leaders have to wait for you to sleep before sleeping."

Then he added, "You can't sleep?"

Li Zheng nodded his head as an admission.

Hu Chenxi very old comfort: "New recruits just left home, the first day can not sleep ...."

The words hadn't even landed, but he heard Fatty Wei's snoring not far away raise N decibels all of a sudden, just like a subwoofer deafening.

Perhaps feeling that he had just said too absolute, Hu Chenxi was a bit embarrassed and turned back towards Fatty Wei's direction, before turning back to Li Zheng and saying, "Of course, there are still exceptions."

Li Zheng originally did not want to laugh, Hu Chenxi so explained, he wanted to laugh.

Originally, he felt that the squad leader and other veterans were quite strange and somewhat intimidating, but now, the distance was instantly drawn in.

It turns out that the squad leader will also be embarrassed.

Hu Chenxi handed Li Zheng: "Go to bed early, tomorrow we will start the basic training, save up some spirit, really can't sleep, you can count sheep, or read the seconds to try, anyway, it works for me."

After saying that, he left Li Zheng's bed and ran to the snoring Fatty Wei.

Li Zheng lay on the bed, closed his eyes in accordance with the instructions of the squad leader to count sheep.

One ...

Two ...

Three ...

When he counted to the twentieth, he suddenly heard a cry, "Fuck me," coming from Fatty Wei's direction!

This was followed by a shriek - "I'm losing it!"

Soon there was a third sentence - "Oops!"

In the first sentence, the voice was Hu Chenxi's; in the second sentence it was clearly Fatty Wei, and in the third sentence, it was still Vice Class President Hu Chenxi's.

The voice was shrill and explosive, and in a short period of time three exclamations of only two words broke the silence of the entire platoon room.

The sentry on duty post at the door was also startled, thinking that something unimaginable had happened, he dashed in and pressed the light of the room with one hand.


The LED energy-saving lamp instantly illuminated the platoon room as if it was daytime.

Li Zheng menacingly sat up and stretched his head toward Fatty Wei's direction.

Only to see Vice Squad Leader Hu Chenxi covering his nose squatting on the ground, his expression twisted, tears coming out of the corners of his eyes in pain.

Then looking at Fatty Wei on the bed, Li Zheng was staggered.

This cargo is naked and bare, fat body like a white striped pig hanging on the iron hook in the slaughterhouse, hands still covering the chest, a look of a movie in the horror of the bullied lady.


The sentry, still carrying a gun, nervously ran to Hu Chenxi at this moment, vigilantly looking at Fatty Wei, who was sitting on the bed with an innocent and naked face.

Hu Chenxi hurriedly stretched out a hand to stop the sentry, his mouth busy explaining, "It's nothing ... hiss-it's nothing ... "

In the middle of that "hiss", it is clear that it is sucking in cool air, pain ...

The sentry went over to take a closer look at Hu Chenxi's nose and said in surprise: "You've got a nosebleed, what's wrong with it?"

Hu Chenxi glanced at Fatty Wei who was already sitting on the bed at a loss for words, shook his head and said, "This kid actually slept naked, I wanted to shake him up and let him put on his clothes, but I didn't expect him to greet me with a foot on my face ... Damn ... It hurts me ... You help me see, my nose is not broken, right? My nose is not crooked, right?"

Fatty Wei busy said, "Vice squad leader, I really don't know it's you ... When I was half asleep, I felt that someone was pushing me, and I woke up and saw your face ... I subconsciously ... ..."

Li Zheng suddenly remembered that Hu Chenxi had also startled himself before.

In the darkness that flashlight swaying around suddenly appearing in front of someone's bed would indeed scare people out of their wits.

It is estimated that Fatty Wei was having a beautiful dream and suddenly was shaken awake to see the face of the deputy squad leader, scared out of his soul, and with a jolt, he kicked Hu Chenxi in the face ....

The sentry looked at Hu Chenxi's injury and couldn't help but laugh, "It's okay, it's just seeping blood, just go get some toilet paper and plug it."

Hu Chenxi couldn't care less and turned away to find toilet paper to plug his nostrils.

The sentry was a private, the deputy squad leader of the other platoon, he looked at Fatty Wei on the bunk and surveyed him with a strange gaze for several rounds before reminding, "Don't sleep naked in the army, okay? This stinking problem needs to be changed."

After saying this, he turned around and left, turning off the light by the door.

The platoon room returned to a dark silence.

I don't know how long, suddenly in the darkness, I don't know who finally couldn't hold back, ku ku ku covered his mouth and laughed out a pig-like sound.

Then, everyone laughed.