
Reporting to the head of the regiment, I know!

Li Haiou is not specifically over to see the new recruits, is incidental to come over, he has to go to the division meeting, let the driver detour, come over to take a look at the new soldiers.

When he got out of the car, he saw a bunch of soldiers standing around on the lawn in front of the barracks, and frowned.

Although he knew that these soldiers had only been in the army for a day, veteran Li Haiou, who was used to straight lines and squares, still felt that the line was a bit harsh.

So on the rushed Liang Hu said: "new to the soldiers do not wait, first to first practice, you can first get in formation, common subjects can wait, don't stand without standing phase sitting without sitting phase, even if it is the prairie sheep are more neat than them."

Liang Hu knows that Li Haiou has always ruled the soldiers harshly, but the new recruits have only been here for a day is also an objective fact, this matter is not in a hurry.

One day can't be practiced.

So he turned the conversation elsewhere, "Captain, are you here specifically to see the new recruits?"

Because of the afternoon division commander to come to the new regiment to inspect the work, Liang Hu thought Li Haiou because this is not assured specifically run a trip.

Li Haiou said: "No, by the way over, there is a meeting in the morning in the army, our division commander also go, at noon in the army after eating I come back with him, then come here to see."

Liang Hu said, "Chief, if I'm not wrong, I guess this meeting is related to the military reform."

Li Haiou said, "Don't relate everything to military reform."

Liang Hu said, "Chief, I am also for your own good, early planning, this military reform has been wind blowing, not a small change, is a big change, I heard that even the military district will be removed."

As the head of the regiment, of course Li Haiou wouldn't have not heard of this kind of wind.

It was just that he didn't want to talk too much about this topic.

As a professional soldier who is used to burying his head in the sand, Li Haiou has always been indifferent to what movements and what rumors.

To be a soldier is to be a soldier anywhere, as long as you don't leave the army, it's all the same.

This kind of thing is too much discussion is not conducive to management, reorganization is a major event, the People's Liberation Army from the founding of the country has experienced a number of major reforms, but where the military reform is concerned, it will be disarmed, disarmament will involve a large group of active military personnel out of uniform to return to the local community.

Li Haiou knows that sooner or later he will have to change his career, but never want to think about this change of career.

He likes the army life, like this relative to the outside world is relatively simple environment, especially in the combat troops in the masculine and blunt, not so many curves.

His wife, Shanglan, has told him many times about the problem of where to go.

As a member of the military, Shanglan often said that his two mouths are living in the days of the gods.

Li Haiou curiously said, fairy-like days are not good?

Shanglan said, fairy-like days may not be good, such as the Cowherd and the Weaving Maiden, once a year, magpie bridge meeting, usually to see a side is difficult.

Li Haiou listened to the embarrassed smile.

Over the years, he was preoccupied with the army, and usually seldom went home. Originally, the family of regimental cadres has enough conditions to accompany the army, but Shanglan is a Jiangcheng people, when Li Haiou was a platoon leader was introduced to know.

Jiangcheng is more than one hundred and sixty kilometers away from the E Division, which is not close and not far away.

Shanglan in Jiangcheng a good job, in the elementary school as a teacher.

Jiangcheng is the capital city of the province, so the treatment is good.

To follow the army can only come to the E Division station belongs to the county work, but this is no longer part of the city of Jiangcheng, a city apart has been the difference between heaven and earth, the welfare of the difference between heaven and earth.

So Shanglan has not been with the army for many years, but also in Jiangcheng as a teacher, until the birth of his daughter, who is now ten years old, looking forward to the moon and hope for Li Haiou to change his career, but Li Haiou just do not turn, but also rose to the head of the regiment, and even busier.

Gradually, Shanglan also accepted the fact that Li Haiou will not be able to change the industry for a while, at ease to do a weaver military.

All things must be thought through, do not compete with yourself, anyway, sooner or later will be transferred, two years earlier and two years later, that's it.

Shanglan's idea sometimes let Li Haiou chest has a depressed gas.

In fact, he did not want to just be a regimental commander, he wanted to be a division commander, if there is a chance, can add wheat ears on the rank of a general star is not impossible.

Don't want to be a general's soldier is not a good soldier, this is the same for anyone.

Can not be realized is one thing, people always have to have a dream is not it? To paraphrase Li Haiou in these two years on the Internet to see a fashionable words, do not have a dream, and salted fish have what difference?

Liang Hu is really a pot of water.

He mentioned the matter of military reform, which makes Li Hai-Ou upset.

He knows that with his age and seniority, education, if the real military reform, I am afraid that the opportunity to stay is not great.

But Liang Hu is also a piece of good intentions, after all, is an old subordinate, remind their superiors, change early plans, so as not to be in a hurry to cope with the loss of control.

"Liang Hu, I said this should not be mentioned again!" He was a bit displeased, a few more points of severity in his tone, "Military reform or not military reform is not something that you and I should consider, what you have to worry about at the moment is whether the new recruits can be trained well! Whether they can take over from the veterans, and whether they can keep the red flag of your second battalion's advanced training unit! Instead of thinking about military reform. If this kind of thing spreads around our regiment, it'll have a big impact on the mood of both cadres and soldiers, and won't be conducive to work! It's a critical time for the replacement of the old and the new, you can't give me the slip at this time, if you can't get any results in recruit training, you're not going to be the second battalion commander, go to the third battalion as the battalion commander, and I'll have the third battalion commander take your place!"

"Don't!" Liang Hu instantly panicked.

The second battalion was a flag of the Meng Hu Regiment, a model battalion, the most bullish battalion.

There was no difference in rank between the second battalion commander and the third battalion commander, but in reality, the difference was huge.

The second battalion commander went to be the third battalion commander, in the future he went out to even talk like a castrated rooster to raise his head.

"You don't have to stop talking nonsense here." Li Haiou raised his hand and looked at his watch, the time was seven and a half minutes in the morning.

He pointed at the group of recruits and said, "Go gather these recruits and pull them up to the training ground for a feeler test."


Liang Hu saluted, turned and ran to instruct the battalion duty officer to immediately blow the whistle to gather the three companies' recruits totaling 68, and bring them all to the training ground to gather.

The training ground was about two hundred meters away from the barracks, shaped like a soccer field, but somewhat different from a soccer field, in the middle was an open space, on both sides were all kinds of training facilities, obstacle courses, tactical fields, and infantry bombing ranges and so on.

Li Zheng and his new comrades in the Wu Yi slightly growl Xiao's command and tirelessly corrected finally stood out of formation, and followed the team to the company's basketball court assembly, such as the company assembled, uniformly brought to the battalion headquarters assembly field, and finally all were brought to the training ground.

The entire new regiment is not far apart, the nearest barracks are only two to three hundred meters apart.

The other battalion recruits have only been here for less than a day, so they have not carried out training, most of them are following the squad leader to learn to organize the housekeeping and place small benches and such small details.

Seeing the soldiers of the second battalion assembling and pulling to the training ground, the squad leaders of the third battalion of recruits next to them couldn't sit still, and ran out to stand on the dirt slope opposite the training ground, wanting to see from a distance what tricks the recruits of the second battalion assembled to engage in on the first day in the end.

This is the second time Li Zheng saw Li Haiou, this leader gives a feeling of iron, obviously a body of flesh and blood, but when you see him, it seems that you see a cast iron people walking, permeated with a hard spirit.

"First of all introduce myself, my name is Li Haiou, I am the leader of your regiment, our regiment is called the Meng Hu Regiment, why is it called the Meng Hu Regiment? Do any of you know?"

In fact, he didn't even think that someone in the recruits could answer this kind of regimental history question, after all, it was just a new recruit, it's impossible to know the origin of the Menghu Regiment.

Asking this question was just to pave the way for doing some explaining on his own next.

Just as Li Haiou was planning to explain the Menghu Regiment's mighty water history by asking himself a question to add a bit of collective honor to the new recruits, he suddenly heard someone in the ranks answering loudly-

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, I know!"