

That hill was actually called Highland No. 2.

It was a landmark of the 2nd Battalion's tactical field, a marker usually used to train the battalion's company platoon in tactical use, and the white circle on the hill was a circle circled with lime and crushed bricks, with a large Arabic numeral outlined in the center with the same lime and crushed bricks - 2.

This route was not unfamiliar, usually a route for sprinting when the squad leaders trained their physical fitness, but the general requirement was within 3 minutes.

This time, the requirement was actually relaxed to 5 minutes?

The only explanation was that the purpose of this short run was really a warm-up.

Just running out less than a hundred meters, a strange scene appeared, the veterans who usually ran in front all the time in five kilometers or something like that had fallen behind this time, and instead, the new recruits rushed to the front.

Maybe it is the feeling of falling behind the new recruits face some ugly, the second class of veterans Zhang Kai Rui tearing his voice in the back scolded: "I say you bunch of new recruits stupid ah, running so fast, eager to go to the hanging casting ah! Didn't you see the platoon leader say five minutes?"

As soon as he said that, the recruits really slowed down.

When everyone thought about it, they were right.

Five minutes, even if it's just a wobbly jog, it's still enough for a round trip.

Li Zheng happened to be beside Zhang Kerui and couldn't help but ask curiously, "Veteran, is the second exercise hard to practice?"

Zhang Kai Rui twisted his head and sized up Li Zheng, that expression on his face was the same as the one on the squad leader's face before.

"Difficult? No, not difficult at all!"

Without waiting for Li Zheng to get happy, he added another sentence.

"It's just killing me."

"Taking lives?" Li Zheng was startled.

Zhang Kerui impatiently waved his hand, "You'll know later, that sourness! I guarantee that even if you are discharged from the army to the day of the wedding night you won't be able to forget it."

After saying that, hehehe smiled and ran to the front.

Soon, the warm-up run ended.

Li Zheng finally realized what the veteran Zhang Kai Rui's words "to die" meant just now.

Hou Jun took a 95-1 automatic rifle and demonstrated first.

He skillfully knelt down on one knee, according to the gun, aimed at the front, and naturally completed a kneeling shooting action.

Then raised his head and asked all the recruits.

"Handsome or not?"


The recruits laughed.

"Heh heh heh!"

The veterans also laughed.

But the meaning in everyone's laughter could be completely different.

Li Zheng looked at Hou Jun's kneeling shooting position and felt that it was nothing.

This kind of posture is often seen in TV documentaries, what's the difficulty?

Hou Jun said, "Kneeling position is a commonly used infantry shooting position, I'm here to explain to you the essentials of the action, then you try it and I'll correct it."

"The essentials of the automatic rifle cabinet unsupported shooting according to the gun mainly include six aspects. The first is the body support surface - from the right toe, the right knee, the left foot to form a triangular support surface, due to the shooter's different body type, the shape of the support surface selected is also different. The shape of the support surface and its position in relation to the direction of the shot determines the basic posture of the kneeling shot."

"The second is torso posture. When performing the kneeling preparation, the crest is required to be tilted from the lumbosacral joint, first to the left rear and then bent back to the right front, so that the entire crest is bowed. The shooter has a sense of the body's center of gravity being off to the left."

"Third is the left leg posture. The left knee is the fulcrum of the rifle's gravity, and the coordinated fixation of the left leg posture plays a direct role in the stability of the gun. The fixation of the left leg posture in the kneeling position is mainly realized by the coordinated exertion of the muscles."

"Fourth is the left arm posture. The left arm posture, like the prone posture, is a closely integrated link between the man-gun system. The left arm posture relies on two triangles for immobilization: the first is the butt-gun triangle composed of the left hand, left elbow, and left shoulder; the second is the triangle in a nearly horizontal position composed of the left hand, left shoulder, and right shoulder. As the right arm hangs in the air, the butt-gun triangle is not easily fixed, and the muscles of the left arm must yet be involved in a certain force, and the tension of the gun belt must also be fully utilized."

"Fifth is the right arm posture. The right arm has the role of balancing and stabilizing the left arm, left leg posture, through the butt against the shoulder, the right hand grip, to achieve the human gun closely integrated into a whole. The correct completion of the trigger action is the main task of the right hand."

"The sixth is the head posture. The principles on which the head posture is determined are, first, to facilitate aiming and, second, to facilitate the relaxation of the neck muscles. The head must not be pressed and pushed to the right by the force of the stock after the cheek is applied, and tension in the muscles of the scapular girdle due to undue exertion of the cheek is to be avoided."

It was explained in detail once.

Hou Jun said, "Have you all memorized it?"

The veterans answered the fastest, "All remembered!"

Then the new recruits, seeing that the veterans had all said they had memorized it, were not to be outdone as they all replied, "Remembered it!"

Hou Jun was still smiling, but suddenly his face tensed up.

"Bullshit tantalizing! You new recruits remember shit!"

He got up, looked towards the team, then jabbed his finger, pointing at Fatty Wei: "Wei Guoxing, you shouted the loudest just now, you memorize it for me now, the postural essentials of cabinet unsupported shooting, if you can memorize it, I'll authorize you to close the drill half an hour early this morning, so you can go back to rest early."

Fatty Wei was first delighted, because he had heard that memorizing it would allow him to go back to rest earlier.

But next that face will be wrinkled into a ball, like squatting in the toilet but encountered constipation squatting a lonely like.

"Body ... body ... support surface ... as if ... toes ... knee ..."

Disconnected for a moment, Wei Fatty head a jungle.

What did Hou Jun say just now?

In fact, he didn't remember at all.

This thought anyway, later to practice, people how to do action, how they do, follow the example of the gourd, always will not be wrong.

It's okay if there is a mistake, the squad leader will correct it, right?

I did not expect the platoon leader Hou Jun more serious.

"Take your gun, target No. 2 high ground, give you 3 minutes, run!"

Then, came to Ma Teng.

"You just shouted that you memorized it too, you say it."

Ma Teng revealed a strange smile that was worse than crying, "Platoon leader ... I ..."

"Can you memorize it?" Hou Jun asked.

Ma Teng could only helplessly shake his head, he could not memorize it either.

"Same as Wei Guoxing, 3 minutes, run!"

Ma Teng ran to the No. 2 high ground with his gun on his back.

Asking one by one, Hou Jun was more serious this time.

He doesn't pick the veterans to ask, because the veterans in the platoon understand and memorized it long ago.

When Zhang Jian was asked, he only said the first two essentials, and four out of six didn't say it.

In the end, the only new recruit left in the platoon was Li Zheng.

"College student, you just said you memorized it too?"

Li Zheng nodded his head, "Uh, memorized it."

Hou Jun noticed that Li Zheng's expression was very serious, not like a lie.

In fact, he also knew that no one should be able to memorize it in one lecture.

The reason why he was more serious, the reason why he was punished, was because it was necessary to make all the recruits understand one thing, training could not be lake.

This was his teaching style and what he demanded of the soldiers under him.

However, Li Zheng actually said that he could remember?

Hou Jun didn't believe it.

Those six aspects of the essentials just now amounted to five hundred words.

It was impossible to memorize it after saying it straight once by himself.

After leading soldiers for all these years, and having seen a lot of soldiers, most of them had to take a week before they really imprinted the essentials on their hearts.

Could Li Zheng's memory really be that good?

"Then you answer, if you answer correctly I will honor my promise!"

Actually, Hou Jun still underestimated Li Zheng.

Li Zheng read the law, being large sections of legal texts and books was his best thing.

Five hundred words is actually really nothing.

"The essentials of the automatic rifle cabinet unsupported shooting according to the gun mainly includes six aspects. The first is the body support surface - a triangular support surface formed by the right toe, right knee, and left foot ..."

Thus, in the gradually surprised gazes of the veterans, and in Hou Jun's increasingly glowing eyes, Li Zheng recited word for word what Hou Jun had just said.

"Answer over!"

At the end of the day, Li Zheng, whose face was a bit flushed due to saying hundreds of words in a single breath, finished this answer with a loud voice.

The veterans looked at each other in disbelief.

The squad leaders were dumbfounded.


Hou Jun heavily slapped Li Zheng on the shoulder.

"Motherfucker! You have the best memory I've ever seen when it comes to soldiers! You know what? You were simply born to be a top-notch sniper! Know why?"

Li Zheng shook his head.

He really didn't know.

Hou Jun pointed to his head.

"A sniper's observation and memory are especially crucial, because you have to engrave the sights you see in your mind, you have to draw sniper cards, you have to draw topographical maps, and every change in the sights could be the enemy's lurking position!"

Perhaps too excited.

Hou Jun turned back to Wu Yi and said, "Look! I didn't choose the wrong person to make this kid a sniper! This morning, Li Zheng, you'll collect your drill half an hour earlier!"