
Reasons for not hitting the 10 ring

This match took place at noon.

After lunch that day, in accordance with Hou Jun's arrangements, Li Zheng, Zhang Jian and platoon a few other shooting achievements are more prominent recruits together on the training ground to practice rifle shooting a practice.

Said to practice, actually empty gun aiming training, 100 meters in front of the insertion of a chest ring target, and then a few soldiers this head down, holding the gun motionless lying there aiming, each training time is about an hour.

This training method sounds like a waste of time, the first contact with this training Li Zheng also have this feeling.

As a highly educated college student, he was more or less disdainful of this training mode that was too easy to be lazy.

Lying on the ground is not the same as lying in bed and sleeping?

How comfortable?

Even if the squad leader checks, it is only to take a checking mirror and put it on the gun to see if the aiming situation of the new recruits is correct.

The so-called aiming situation is the surveyor's hole, the collimator, the bull's-eye whether the three points into a line, whether in line with the requirements of the "100 meters aiming down the edge".

This mode of training was unkind to Fatty Wei.

He is fat, belly on the ground, inside the internal organs have to bear the pressure, and the worst is still egg pain.

Lie too long, really will be egg pain, the feeling is quite strange, but also very difficult, but also can not move, a move to shout report, the squad leader does not approve you are not allowed to move.

Before Wei fat man every time this kind of training will be sad face, there is a kind of crotch a cold feeling, the heart curses the sky and curses the ground is estimated to even the class president of the ancestral tombs are cursed again.

Recently, people thin down, lying there is also comfortable, so no longer resentful of the sky.

This day at noon, the sun is hot.

Time has already reached early winter, only the weather in the south will not be cool until the end of December, the daytime is still as sunny as the summer, and only at night will there be a feeling of cool air.

When everyone arrived at the predetermined position and inserted the targets, Hou Jun announced an important thing.

"Today's training is different from the past, I'm going to try a little something new for you guys, this is something that only veterans are treated with, no one in the new recruits have ever tried it, but I feel that since you are all selected good seedlings, you deserve to try it out, and I guarantee that this training is absolutely effective, I've been observing it for several days now, and last time the reason why the two of you, Zhang Jian and Li Zheng, couldn't hit a full ring, the reason for that is probably lies in this."

Fatty Wei couldn't help but ask, "Platoon Leader, what's new?"

Hou Jun reached into his pants pocket and touched a handful of shell casings, tossing them gently in his hand, making a tinkling sound.

"Bullet casings?" Li Zheng was a little surprised.

Just this?

A question mark rose in everyone's hearts.

Hou Jun asked, "Does anyone know what wonderful use this shell casing has?"

Zhang Jian shouted for a report.

"Report, I know!"

Hou Jun nodded at him, "Go ahead."

Zhang Jian said, "I used to see those veterans practicing sniper rifles in the army, and they just like to put the shell casings on top of the muzzle deflagrator and start training on aiming. The benefit of this is that it increases the stability of the gun according to the gun, hitting more steadily and accurately."

Hou Jun smiled with satisfaction, pointed at Zhang Jian and said, "Good, worthy of being from a military family, you know the ropes here. But what you said is not completely right, last time the reason why you guys lost to someone else's 2nd platoon's Zhuang Haoran, it's not that your aiming situation is wrong, although Zhuang Haoran that soldier has talent and knows more about shooting than you guys, but his biggest characteristic doesn't lie in the fact that he touched the gun a few more times than you guys, not to mention that I've learned that his father is a shooting team, but the gun used by the shooting team isn't the same as ours, so by the way, he can hit the full change the problem doesn't lie in the Aiming. If just touching the gun a few more times is the reason why Zhuang Haoran shot a full ring, it's reasonable to say that you, Zhang Jian, could have shot it as well, why didn't you?"

Zhang Jian's face was a little hot all of a sudden.

Before he often bragged about his knowledge of firearms, bragged about how he had trained with the cadet squad leaders of the instructional team, and even took the wind repair table and formula to stump other comrades.

But when he went to the live firing range, he didn't hit a full ring.

Being pointed to the key point by Hou Jun, naturally, his face was a bit unsettled.

"Reporting to the platoon leader, I missed."

He made excuses for himself to explain the loss.

"No!" Hou Junke didn't leave him any mercy and continued, "Your going to the instructional unit back then was nothing more than a formality than a practicality. Your father threw you there just want to let you have a basic understanding of the combat troops, and not require you to practice there into a top, and you are afraid that you did not like to participate in those trainings, and even you do not like the gun, you are just trying to be fresh, and after a few times of fighting, you will get tired of it, and other people are looking at your father's face, and of course it is not possible to really train you like the training of trainees, am I wrong? If you really like the gun in the beginning, like shooting this specialty, I guess you are not to be now this level. You said you missed, was it really a miss? You missed against 2nd and 3rd Platoon, and how many times did you train with live fire after that? Your highest was 49, and you didn't hit a full ring once. Can this be explained as a miss? It's just a matter of level!"

Zhang Jian's face was suffocating purple and red, Fatty Wei's heart at this time was cool, so cool that it flew!

"Reporting to the platoon leader! I feel that you have a torch-like gaze, insightful and wise ..."

Fatty Wei put himself can think of flattering words are used, if not Hou Jun interrupted him, estimated even in the movie Star Chow those "my admiration for you like a torrent of water unceasingly, as if the Yellow River flooded an uncontrollable" are said out.

"Okay, okay!" Hou Jun interrupted Fatty Wei with an impatient face, "I didn't ask you to kiss my ass!"

Fatty Wei shamelessly said, "Report platoon leader, I am sincere, from the heart!"

"Don't interrupt!" Hou Jun got a little angry, "Get to the point!"

Fatty Wei finally shut up.

Li Zheng had long since suffocated into internal injuries.

Zhang Jian was close to pouncing on Fatty Wei and ripping him alive.


Hou Jun suddenly realized that he actually couldn't remember where he was talking about after being interrupted by Fatty Wei's butchered words.

The original topic wanted to go back and didn't know how to go back.

"In the future, when I speak, no shouting reports to interrupt me!" He had no choice but to ask Li Zheng: "College student, you have a good memory, where did I talk about just now?"

Li Zheng immediately replied loudly, "Speaking of Zhang Jian's inability to shoot a full ring is not because of experience or the number of shots, it's because of other issues."

Hou Jun slapped his head and said in a loud voice, "Right, right! You kid really is a scholar with a good memory."

The words were always picked up.

"Trains aren't pushed, cowhides aren't blown. Any shooter, I just need to observe for a few days, I can say where your shortcomings are and where your strengths are, these days I observed your usual aiming training and live firing, and also went to see Zhuang Haoran's training, I found that the biggest difference between you guys and him lies in the word 'steady'."

"What do you mean by steady? It's not that I take an inspection mirror over your gun and stare at you to see if you can maintain consistency in your aiming situation from aiming to firing, that's useless! The method your squad leader used before was to train ordinary recruits, I don't intend to use this method to train you, if I want you to reach the level of a real sharpshooter, able to hit 50 rings with a high probability, I can only train you according to the method of the top students, and require you according to the standard of the sniper squad of the 2nd Battalion of the 2nd Battalion of the 2nd Battalion of the 2nd Battalion of the 2nd Battalion of our country. Therefore from today onwards, I'm going to train you all with a grade higher level of requirements."

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