
Private instruction from the major

"Where are those two boys, Li Zheng and Zhang Jian?"

Hou Jun came out of the platoon room with the intention of organizing night training, but he looked around but did not see Li Zheng and Zhang Jian, so he asked Wu Yi, who had just led the team to run.

Wu Yi pointed in the direction of the division headquarters and said, "They went to worship the teacher."

"Worship?" Hou Jun said, "Worship what master? Is there anything more powerful than me?"

Wu Yi music: "Old squad leader, they are to worship the division of Chief of Staff Zhuang."

The implication is, old squad leader, you and Zhuang chief of staff to see who is better.

Although Wu Yi has never been Hou Jun's loyal fans, but to say that the strength, he naturally also knows that Hou Jun and Zhuang Yan than still almost a little fire.

Hearing is Zhuang Yan, Hou Jun this time not bullish, half a word did not dare to refute.

Wu Yi asked: "Old squad leader, you say Zhuang chief of staff's marksmanship is what level?"

Hou Jun did not have the good sense to say, "They have participated in international competitions and won medals, how can I compare?"

Talking about this topic made him feel a little embarrassed, so he changed his mind and asked, "You said that they went to pay homage to the master, did you just meet Chief of Staff Zhuang?"

Wu Yi said, "Well, with our platoon of those running five kilometers when halfway met, he also guided Wei Guoxing how to get through the deadline, not to mention, quite useful."

Hou Jun subconsciously nodded: "People with so many years of soldiers, but also special forces, have two brushes is not strange."

He also asked, "You haven't said what kind of teacher those two boys went to."

Wu Yi said: "I am guessing, they straight said they want to run one more trip five kilometers, I know is to chase the Zhuang chief of staff went, you say they can worship what teacher? It's still not that thing about shooting guns. It is estimated that the gun can not beat the second platoon that Zhuang Haoran, not convinced."

Hou Jun said: "In fact, this is what is comparable? I asked, that Zhuang Haoran elementary school in fifth grade began to touch the gun, his father is the shooting team, participated in the national league medals, that is close to the water first moon, even if it is only a spider on the spider web in front of the temple, every day to face the Buddha chanting scriptures have to be the road into the essence, let alone the people it? This is not a matter of urgency. People Zhuang Haoran is the peak of the debut, they just touched the gun for more than a month, bullets have not shot a lot, like a step to heaven than others who have been practicing for a few years are powerful?"

Wu Yi said, "There is less than a week is the big test before the next company, I am not anxious, they are anxious."

Hou Jun sighed: "The two boys are good soldiers, but I can see that the two people like to compete, you do not find? But where these two get together, certainly to the death than, who refuse to lose to each other, last time according to the gun that thing I can see, I guess the two of them at home on the acquaintance, and certainly not deal with each other, otherwise it will not be like this."

Wu Yi said, "Whatever! It's good for new recruits to be a bit aggressive, but if they're not, it's no different from a salted fish. These years, you can see that the best soldiers are not aggressive. Soldiers with no personality like dough are disliked when they go to the cooking class."

Hou Jun was amused by Wu Yi, patted him on the shoulder and said, "That makes sense, when you were a recruit, I also looked at your stubbornness not to admit defeat, or you will not be the squad leader."

Wu Yi hemmed and hawed, and finally couldn't help but take another look in the direction of the division headquarters.

"Old Squad Leader, do you think they can learn some tricks or something from the Human Zhuang Chief of Staff?"

Hou Jun suddenly stomped his foot, "Ahem! I was so focused on talking about those two new recruits that I forgot about myself. In fact, I should also go after accompanying Chief of Staff Zhuang for a run, I also need to ask for advice!"

Wu Yi instantly had a black line.

He had truly never seen his old squad leader serve a person like this.

After all was said and done, Hou Jun still didn't go after Zhuang Yan that night, in fact, he couldn't catch up.

Li Zheng and Zhang Jian returned to the boot camp after more than ten minutes.

Hou Jun called the two people over and saw their smiling faces before he even asked, and knew in his heart that it was all a done deal.

As the acting platoon leader, he definitely did not object to his soldiers going to the masters for advice.

It was rare that that Chief of Staff Zhuang was willing to teach, so why not learn?

"It's done?" He asked as he sized up the two men.

Li Zheng and Zhang Jian were both very excited and nodded their heads several times in a row before saying, "It's done, platoon leader, guess what it took for him to agree?"

Hou Jun said, "I didn't put a bug on you, do you think I'm a god?"

Li Zheng said, "Just now let me and Zhang Jian accompany him to run another five kilometers, the results must be into the 22 minutes before promising to teach us how to shoot 10 rings."

Hou Jun said, "You ran into?"

Zhang Jian said, "Of course, platoon leader you know me, I never wimp out on training."

Hou Jun nodded and said, "That's true, you guys are pretty good among the new recruits. By the way, when did he say he would come over to instruct you guys?"

"Noon." Li Zheng took over the conversation, "The chief himself is very busy, he won't have time until noon, he'll drive over and take us to the division's small shooting range, he'll teach us himself."

"F*ck!" Hou Jun stood up with a huff, "The division's small shooting range?"

That shooting range he knew.

The area wasn't that big, as it was for those officers at the division to conduct pistol shooting training, it didn't need to be too big, only a hundred meters of shooting range.

But can go there to train, this treatment ...

This wait at the same time open small stove ah!

It's not a general small stove.

The other people's major!

Major personally teach shooting, at least is the regiment level or above treatment.

"Not ..." Hou Jun thought, there is an idea in his heart, but it is difficult to speak, the words to the mouth did not spit out.

Li Zheng asked: "Platoon leader you have what to ask?"

Hou Jun thought again, and finally did not say, waved his hand and said, "Nothing, you go to the first squad leader to report there, after the training early rest, get ready for tomorrow do not give me shame."


The two recruits snapped an upright, saluted and turned to run away.

Looking at Li Zheng and other two people left the figure, Hou Jun turned around in place several times, and finally raised his head to look up at the starry sky, murmured: "Why not piggyback on me one?"

The words were said, the heart had an idea.

That night, Li Zheng was in a state of exuberance all night.

It feels like those years when his parents were still alive, every time before New Year's Eve, after eating New Year's Eve dinner on New Year's Eve, lying in bed at night on this kind of mood.

Because the next day to go to the elders to pay homage to the New Year, and pay homage to the New Year is certain to have the New Year's money, for children, the New Year's Eve is the most exciting is to have the New Year's money to take, you can buy their own want things.

After the end of the night training to take a shower, Zhang Jian looks similar to himself, shower drenched actually opened his voice and sang the song "My Sun".

Zhang Jian likes to sing this tune, said his former vocal teacher taught him, is a small hobby.

However, his comrades in the same year could not appreciate it, whenever he sang this world famous song in the shower room with his voice, we all felt as if from the summer into the Arctic winter, goosebumps all over the body fell to the ground.

Tonight, Li Zheng felt that this bastard sang as if it was not bad, and hummed a few lines along with himself.

Only Fatty Wei, after hearing Li Zheng's voice in the next bath room, winced and cursed, "If one is crazy, the other is crazy too."