
Principles of the military

On that day, when he rushed to the hilltop, the little white boy, Jiang Xi, was run down the hill by Li Zheng and Fatty Wei and Yang Hui.

Li Zheng still can't leave Jiang Shi behind.

Before returning to the camp, Fatty Wei began to cry.

"It's over, it's over, we're done ..."

The time had been exceeded.

A trip to the hilltop recruits was stipulated to be completed within ten minutes.

Actually, this time was not short, the veterans only needed seven minutes.

Unfortunately, even ten minutes was over.

When he returned to the camp, Wu Yi was already standing on the lawn by the basketball court with a stopwatch, and when he saw a few people, he shook the watch seconds in his hand and shouted, "I say comrades, you're over time!"


Means to be punished.

Li Zheng added Jiang Liping to the lawn, and when he let go of his hand, the two of them collapsed on the ground together.

Fatty Wei also Yang Hui also tired enough, just now down the hill, the three took turns pulling to help, Li Zheng also slipped a fall, almost became a rolling gourd.

"The whole platoon only three of you have exceeded the time limit." Wu Yi took a stopwatch and handed it to Li Zheng, "Look, it's eleven minutes and thirty-two seconds. As I said, those who go overtime will be penalized with a trip of three kilometers, you guys take a break and start running in ten minutes."

His gaze fell on Jiang Liping who was on the side.

Zhang Jian and the other recruits in the platoon who had returned early had already slowed down and stood not far away whispering.

"I told you to leave Jiang Ashikaga alone, but you didn't listen."

"Alas, one person has dragged three ... people down."

Li Zheng sat on the ground and did not answer Wu Yi's inquiry.

It's not that he doesn't want to answer, but the person is almost falling apart, the gas is still not slowed down, it's hard to talk.

Hou Jun suddenly walked to Li Zheng's side, squatted down, and looked at this recruit egg in front of him for a while before asking, "Answer me, you can run back by yourself without being punished, why do you still have to go and help Jiang Liping?"

Li Zheng took his camouflage cap and wiped his face, thinking that he was going to be punished, he could only smile bitterly, "I won't abandon anyone."

The platoon leader was right, if he continued to run regardless, he would definitely not get punished, and he would not go over time anyways.

But he definitely wouldn't do that.

Hou Jun stared at him as if he wanted to see through the Li Zheng in front of him.

"Tell me, why?"

Li Zheng finally slowed down, calmly said to Hou Jun: "That year ... the earthquake in my hometown, my parents and I were buried in the rubble for four days in a row, every moment of those days I was expecting someone to come to save us, I was very afraid, afraid that the people on top of the rubble will not know that my mom and dad and I were here, and more than that, I was afraid that they wouldn't be able to find us and give up on the rescue."

He sat upright and met Hou Jun's gaze, continuing, "Platoon leader, I know what it's like to be abandoned, it's really scary. It's a good thing that the troopers didn't give up on us back then, didn't stop searching for us, didn't abandon us, or else I wouldn't have been able to come here to become a soldier today. Therefore, I came to become a soldier precisely because of the words 'do not abandon, do not give up', platoon leader, I will not give up on anyone, let alone my own comrades."

Hou Jun listened, nodded vigorously, and stood up without saying a word.

To Wu Yi, he said, "Assemble."

Wu Yi shouted at the platoon of soldiers, "Assemble Assemble! Come over and assemble!"

The recruits were confused, but they still clattered and ran over to gather together, and Li Zheng and Fatty Wei and the rest of them joined the platoon.

"Look to the right, look forward! At ease!"

The team quickly assembled.

Wu Yi handed the ranks over to Hou Jun.

Hou Jun stood in front of the ranks with an expression that had never been more serious.

He held out his hand to Wu Yi and said, "Give me the stopwatch."

Wu Yi was also skeptical, but handed over the stopwatch.

Hou Jun looked at the time on the stopwatch seconds and it stopped at eleven minutes and thirty-two seconds.

"This is the result of Li Zheng and a few of them, to be honest, eleven minutes and thirty-two seconds, really bad, I guess calling Old Chen, the owner of the small store by the training ground, and letting him run is even faster than this."

Some people in the team couldn't help but laugh.

Only Zhang Jian felt a little bad.

He turned his words around.


Hou Jun's gaze swept icily over everyone in the team.

"They scored 100 points on another level, and you guys-"

He pointed at the other soldiers.

"Are 0 points!"

At this point in the conversation, Hou Jun took a deep breath.

"In the army, what is the most important thing between comrades? It's trust, what is trust? I can give you my back, I trust that you'll take the bullets for me when I'm in danger, I trust that you'll come to my rescue when I'm injured, and no matter how dangerous it is, you won't abandon me or give up on me. It's-"

He raised an index finger and waved it vigorously in the air.

"It's called not abandoning, not giving up! It's the supreme principle of a soldier! It's also the magic weapon of whether or not an army can win a battle! But look at what you guys just did! Jiang Chai collapsed and didn't run away, the entire platoon of 30 people, only 3 people stayed with him to help him through the difficult times together, and the rest of you? Ran away, butchered, didn't see, couldn't see? Is this comradeship? I want a bunch of soldiers, not a bunch of selfish little people!"

A scolding that caused the recruits to lower their heads.

Never have they seen Hou Jun get so angry.

It was like a dynamite barrel that had been set on fire.

"Now, except for Li Zheng, Wei Guoxing, Yang Hui, the rest of you, including Jiang Xibei who was crying just now, what the hell, being a soldier doesn't believe in tears, crying doesn't work, practicing does! Listen to the command, all have-"

He half-turned, his hand pointed to the distance.

"Three kilometers ready!"

The recruits were at a loss for words for a moment, as if they were dreaming.

How is it that they ran within the required time, and actually now became the target of being penalized for running ...

"Remember, I'll teach you a lesson today, to your comrades you must never give up and never abandon them! Otherwise, you don't deserve to be a soldier! Begin - run!"

Aside from Li Zheng and the others, the rest of them hollered and scrambled out.

Hou Jun threw the stopwatch to Wu Yi, then walked towards the platoon room, and when he passed by Li Zheng, he threw him an approving target and said, "Not bad, you're a kid I like!"

Looking at Hou Jun's distant back, Fatty Wei secretly tugged on Li Zheng's coat corner and whispered, "Fuck me, just now I was scared to death ... Luckily I turned back to help, or else the one who's being penalized right now might be me ... "

"How are you willing to turn back too?" Li Zheng suddenly curious to find the answer from Wei fat man, according to say Wei fat man this kind of person sex greasy slippery but, did not expect actually key moment a little not contain lake.

Fatty Wei said: "We are good buddies ah!"

Yang Hui also smiled and said: "Yes, we are good comrades, I can not look at you alone to take care of the white boy, right?"

Li Zheng's heart was warmed.

In the past, he only saw the three words "comradeship" in movies and art works, but today, he has a deeper understanding of these three words.

Turning back, looking at Hou Jun's back towards the platoon room, Li Zheng thought in his heart, this acting platoon leader is really a bit interesting, unlike the usual seemingly so inhuman.

Hou Jun usually gives people a feeling of absolute selflessness, training up the emperor's old man are not recognized, but today it is unusual to let a person feel a special warmth.

After getting along for more than a month, Li Zheng felt more and more that there was something in this veteran that made him feel very intimate.