
Platoon on guard duty

In December, the mountain is already a little cool, but it is also pattering with light rain.

Li Zheng is wearing a ghillie suit, the rain has already hit the body all wet, he can not help but want to sneeze, but also afraid of exposing the trail, can only bury his head into the ghillie suit, cover his mouth with his hand, hold a good while, actually will be sneezing back.

But this hold, the head suffocated some heat, and the body is cold, the feeling of ice and fire is like a body in the furnace, a section immersed in ice water, the taste is devastating.

"Is it the cold? "

Hou Jun, who was next to him, noticed Li Zheng's unusual reaction and inquired in a low voice.

Li Zheng nodded and said, "A little bit."

Hou Jun looked up at the distance.

The rain seemed to be getting heavier.

"It's all there, change into your raincoat! The rain will definitely get heavier later, don't catch a cold before anyone fights." Hou Jun gave orders to the soldiers in the platoon.

Right now, the 1st platoon was located in the middle part of the narrow strip of land between the Niutou Ridge and the Jiewolf Valley, leaning to the east side, and only six kilometers away from the only dirt road with a questionable mechanized march that cut through from the right side.

The day before yesterday, after taking Niutou Ridge, the Menghu Regiment had received an order from the division command to advance deeper from the east along the dirt road toward the Jedi Wolf Valley, because a reconnaissance detachment sent by the division had reported that the Blue Army's synthetic brigade command was located there.

As long as the Menghu Regiment was fast enough to penetrate into position before the Blue Army could react, it could form a combined attack with the 3 regiments attacking from the left, quickly forming a pincer attack and encircling the Blue Army's 113th Synthetic Brigade in one fell swoop.

But the battle did not go well.

Menghu regiment in the march to about 60 kilometers from the absolute wolf valley and suffered a blockade, the other side is to take a small group of multi-echelon, multi-point means of attack, when the Menghu regiment call their own air force to support, I did not expect because the enemy and our two sides are too close to the battle, so that when dropping bombs actually mistakenly bombed the convoys of the Menghu regiment.

Later, the blue army's long-range anti-aircraft artillery began to extend, the air force in order to avoid can only turn around and leave, the head of Li Hai-Ou angry cursing, the air force guys of the ancestors of the eighteen generations of cursing.

But more frustrating is still in the back, the red side of the air force flew away, but the blue side came.

Blue air force are all straight, straight and known as "treetop killers", with the cover of the terrain, suddenly pulled up from the hillside, flew directly to the top of the fleet of Mengtu regiment, had been tired to cope with the blue army small detachment attacks on the fleet of Mengtu regiment was immediately disrupted the real formation, a lot of mechanized equipment directly destroyed in the dirt road.

At the same time, bad news came one after another.

The troops remaining at Niutou Ridge were attacked by a sneak attack and had lost their position.

The Blue Army unit that captured Niutouling directly sent air assault troops to plunge into the back of the 3rd Regiment and stuck the 3rd Regiment in the ass.

Almost simultaneously, a synthesized brigade of the 113th Regiment appeared in front of the 3rd Regiment, cooperating with the air assault force in a front and rear attack.

The left attacking and encircling 3 Regiment thus suffered a major blow, suffered heavy losses, and almost lost its combat power.

Li Haiou suddenly realized that the reason why it went so well to take Niutouling was actually just a decoy.

From the beginning of the rapid advance of the troops in two directions, the two infantry regiments of E Division had already entered the trap.

Currently, only the 1st Regiment and the division's direct forces, along with an anti-aircraft battalion, are building defensive positions in a mountain range to the south rear of Niutouling, and are able to defend themselves for the time being.

A good hand of cards in just a few hours on the flip, completely into a rout situation.

Li Haiou brain is considered to turn fast, it is clear that this dirt road can no longer go, others have long been ambushed here, just like those Wuzhi, suddenly flew up from the hillside behind the big bird, so that even the people did not have the time to react, through a bazooka, will be the ground of the heavy firearms and vehicles, armored vehicles, all hit straight out of the red smoke, completely out of the exercise.

Deadlocked certainly not, although the soldiers are proud to fight to the end, but there is also a good man not to lose.


He gave the order.

Let the entire regiment immediately withdraw to the west.

To the west were rolling hills and woods.

Being an infantry regiment themselves, not to mention an infantry regiment from the south, hill and woodland warfare was also something they were good at.

Into the jungle, the other side of the Air Assault Brigade Wuzhi Battalion will not be able to play a role, the canopy will hide the soldiers' movements for them, and the trees and mountains will also block the mechanized equipment of the Synthetic Brigade to enter, since they have already lost heavy equipment such as armored vehicles, drag them into the mountain warfare as well, pulling them down to the same level of equipment and then fight another battle.

At least it won't be like a dead heat on a dirt road open field that can only be a dead end.

The Meng Hu Regiment quickly withdrew into the mountains to the west.

Li Haiou immediately issued several orders to company Wei unit all scattered deployment, in a 50-kilometer radius of the mountains to take a hexagonal defense, control this jungle.

The 1st Platoon, on the other hand, was dispatched by the 2nd Battalion to the nearest defile labeled X2 from the dirt road.

This was a natural blocking location.

According to Li Haiou's judgment, if the Blue Army wanted to enter the mountains to eliminate themselves, then they would similarly have to enter this mountainous area through several key nearby passes, as these were the only roads that were most suitable for ground troops to enter.

One of the key entry points was X2 where 1st Platoon was stationed.

The 1st Platoon's mission was to provide reconnaissance and alert effects for the 2nd Battalion as a sharpshooter platoon, and when a Blue Army was detected entering, call the battalion headquarters through the radio, and the 100 mortar position set up five kilometers away from the 1st Platoon would fire in unison, blasting the incoming Blues to cinders.

However, two days had passed and the Blues seemed to have made no move.

It seemed that they were in no hurry at all, since they knew that they had trapped the Meng Hu Regiment, they would trap them for a few more days, after all, most of the supplies on the previous convoy had been destroyed, and each person had a few days of rations on them at most.

When they couldn't hold out, they would naturally surrender.

And Li Haiou made the judgment - underestimating my Menghu Regiment.

Then I'll fight you!

Let's see who can outlast who!

It was already the evening of the second day since the maneuvers started, and the fierce battle situation of the previous day was completely different, the red and blue armies suddenly stopped, as if the troops of both sides had disappeared into the vast mountains and forests.

Except for the occasional blue drone overhead, there was no sign of blue movement at any of the entrances.

By the time everyone had changed into their raincoats, they were again lurking quietly behind trees and bushes.

Time passed minute by minute.

The sky gradually darkened, Hou Jun looked at his watch, the time had reached eight o'clock in the evening.

Vaguely, he heard the sound of someone sneezing, apparently deliberately burying his head into his raincoat to hit, the sound was very low, very small.

"This is not the way ... to go on," he said in his heart.

From yesterday noon to now more than thirty hours past, a platoon has been in the hillside of these woods behind the ambush, eat also eat single food, before the rain is not a problem, the night shift replacement is not tired, but now it rains is not the same.

It seems to find a place to avoid the rain to do, late December, the night of the mountains is still very cold, otherwise the night of this gang of recruits do not know whether they can still survive, sick down a few can be bad enough.

"Li Zheng, Zhang Jian, come here."

He gestured towards the two, greeting them as they approached him.

The two men bent over and leapt like rats to Hou Jun's side.

Hou Jun said, "I'll take you guys to the back to find a suitable place to hide from the rain, otherwise I'm afraid that many people won't make it through the night."

He also said to Wu Yi, "You keep an eye here for the time being, and contact me on the radio if anything happens."

Wu Yi made an "ok" gesture to him, "Okay, leave this place to me."

"Follow me!"

Hou Jun took the lead, leading Li Zheng and Zhang Jian through the platoon of guard positions, heading towards the depths of the dense forest behind them.

He had seen the map before.

The first platoon's position was to the southwest of a mountain stream, cliffs, many boulders on the hill, maybe those rocks are suspicious to find a place to block the rain, at least some poor resistance can be placed here to rest, fight and then come over to support is also not too late.

Walked out more than three hundred meters, Li Zheng has been panting.

Rain hit the canopy, and from the treetops along the branches and also leaves dripping, large droplets of water smashed in the steel helmet, snapping, let a person feel a kind of coldness.

The jungle at night can not see the fingers, good thing that the rifles in the hands of several people are on the microscope, can see clearly.

Hou Jun had two guns in one person, a rifle and an 88 sniper.

This is his patent.

And although Li Zheng and Zhang Jian were from the sniper squad, they hadn't been issued with specialized sniper rifles for the time being.

The boulders staggered on the edge of the cliff appeared in the crowd's view.

Hou Jun led the two men all the way to grope for the past, trying to find rocks with crevices, even if there are no boulders that are suspicious of blocking the rain, at least they can find a place to cover the light, make a smoke-dispersing pit, light a bunch of fires, and make a few earthen warming babies, so that these soldiers underneath don't lose their temperatures during the night.

After looking for seven or eight large rocks, eventually, Hou Jun stopped in front of a pile of messy rocks that were more than a meter tall.

"This place is good ..."

The words did not fall.

Suddenly, he frowned, pulled a recruit with one hand, and the person crouched on the ground, "Crouch down!"

The three people crouched down in unison.

Li Zheng's heart was beating straight through.

This feeling had already been experienced the previous morning during the firefight with the blue army on the dirt road.

But at that time, Li Zheng was a bit confused and didn't even know which direction the Blues were attacking from.

They had laser emitters on their guns, and also on their bodies and helmets.

As soon as you were hit by a laser, you had to quit the maneuver.

At that time, blanks were pinging all around them, and Li Zheng could only hide behind the wheel of a truck, and in the end, it was Hou Jun who brought them all to a dirt ditch by the side of the road, which prevented the entire platoon from being wiped out.

He admired his platoon leader.

The platoon leader was always so calm and his judgment was always so accurate.

He suddenly got nervous, something must have happened.

What is it?

Although it was raining, although his face was full of rainwater, Li Zheng still felt that his throat was dry, so dry that he could not even swallow his saliva.

Look at Zhang Jian who was squatting on the opposite side of the room, his expression could not be seen in the darkness, but the rapid breathing was also proving that this bastard was also nervous enough!