
not show any mercy

Five days later.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

Comprehensive Command Room of the G Military Region's Directorate.

Zhuang Yan picked up the strong tea in front of him and unscrewed the lid to take a fierce sip.

A non-commissioned officer came over, picked up Zhuang Yan's kettle and said, "Chief, I'll go add some hot water for you."

Zhuang Yan nodded and hmmm'd.

The sergeant added, "Do you want me to scald a hot towel for your face? You haven't slept all night here."

Zhuang Yan said, "No need, change some tea for me, the flavor is not enough."

After the sergeant left, Zhuang Yan yawned, then rubbed his eyes and turned his gaze back to the big screen in front of him.

On the large screen in the combat command room, the red and blue side postures of this exercise were displayed on the screen.

The blue side this time was two synthetic brigades mobilized from a sister military region, and the first to appear this time was the E Division of the G Military Region.

A few days ago, Zhuang Yan had received orders to report to the military region's exercise director group, where he stayed for a few days.

What Zhuang Yan had done over the past few days was to work with an evaluation team to assess the military command, scheduling, tactical utilization, and other aspects of the E Division this time around.

He knew what the significance of all this was.

That was how this current chain of command of E Division, including the strategic and tactical thinking of everyone in the chain of command, and how good the tactical level really was.

At the same time, it was also as a preparation for the next step in the G Military Region's troop reorganization. According to the arrangement, the next step in the G Military Region's army reorganization was about to kick off, and this military exercise was of great significance.

As of now, E Division was in a bad situation.

From the moment it entered the pre-determined engagement area, E Division had blunders both tactically and in terms of dispatching, and especially in terms of joint operations, it was a mess.

This military exercise was not only a test for E Division, but also an assessment of those two synthetic brigades from the sister military region.

Synthetic combat units are the future direction of reorganization, for the establishment of this new combat unit model is still in the experimental stage, the headquarters want to use this exercise to see the new type of synthetic brigade and the traditional division-level combat units in the battlefield if the head-on collision, in the end, which one is better or worse.

This time, the E Division of the G Military Region received support from the air force and launched an attack according to the old set of combat patterns.

The objective was simple: to take out the 113th Synthetic Brigade and an Air Assault Brigade in the C211 area.

The 113th Synthetic Brigade was an armored synthetic brigade, while the 32nd Brigade was an air assault brigade, which was a lightly armored brigade.

In terms of strength, E Division was not at a disadvantage.

In terms of equipment, E Division was not disadvantaged in quantity, but it was slightly inferior in quality.

After all, the E Division is only a Category B motorcycle division, although a few years ago the firepower and armor reinforcement, equipped with relatively new tanks, also has a certain number of wheeled infantry vehicles, but in terms of quality can not compare to the 113th Brigade.

That air assault brigade, Zhuang Yan in familiar.

The brigade commander was an old acquaintance, Xu Xingguo.

"Chief, your tea."

The sergeant returned, placed the stainless steel water cup in front of Zhuang Yan, and added, "Minister Yan asked me to inform you to go to the small conference room."

"Oh!" Zhuang Yan nodded, "I see."

After the sergeant left, he took a sip of his strong tea, cleaned up the mountain of battlefield briefings in front of him, then selected some and put them into his own folder, took his military laptop with him, and left the synthesis room towards the small conference room.

There were already seven or eight people sitting in the small conference room, and Zhuang Yan came in, saluted the several G military region chiefs at the head of the room, and then passed a glance with Serious.

Serious waved at him, signaling him to sit beside him.

Zhuang Yan went over to sit down and couldn't help but yawn again.

Serious asked with concern, "Didn't sleep last night?"

Zhuang Yan nodded and whispered, "Uh-huh."

Serious said, "After the meeting, go to the lounge and take a nap, I will have someone call you if something happens on the director's side."

Zhuang Yan did not push back and nodded again.

Serious asked quietly, "How is Division E doing today?"

Zhuang Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Not good."

Serious said, "Tell us your opinion later, provide some input to the head of the military region, be pertinent in your assessment, but don't avoid the problem."

Zhuang Yan said, "Well, I've always sung in blackface, I'm used to it."

The meeting started soon.

Serious was responsible for presiding over the meeting.

In addition to the several important heads of the G Military Region, there were also the heads of the Staff Department, the Operations Division, and the D Group Army, among others, present.

Other than that, there were some of the backbone of the directing team that Serious had brought from the headquarters, as well as Zhuang Yan and a few others who had arrived from E Division.

After Serious introduced the people present, he went back to his words and said, "Fellow chiefs, this exercise has already been underway for five days, and according to the meeting arrangements, I would now like to ask Group D Army's Chief of Staff Chen to summarize the current progress of E Division."

Chief of Staff Chen was called Chen Shouzheng, Zhuang Yan could see that, it seemed that the military comrade hadn't slept well in the past few days, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"... E Division in the early days of the war developed by land and air, infantry, artillery, engineering, the Tan all kinds of soldiers of the coordinated operation of a well thought out plan, the first battle is successful ..."

While listening, the ballpoint pen in his hand occasionally rustled a few strokes in his notebook.

Zhuang Yan, on the other hand, lowered his head and did not look at Chen Shouzheng.

He knew everything about the performance of E Division so far since the start of the maneuver, and everything was in the briefing in the folder in front of him and in that military laptop.

Chen Shouzheng first explained everything that could be taken out of the E Division's performance that was noteworthy one by one, and only at the end of his words did he point out a few shortcomings that existed.

However, at last, it was a great deal of saving face.

Of course, the E Division is the D Group Army's troops, the review can not be a little leeway.

Waiting for Chen Shouzheng to finish and sit down, only then did Serious say: ''Since Chief of Staff Chen has just commented on E Division's tactics, I now suggest listening to Comrade Zhuang Yan's summary. As far as the current battlefield situation is concerned, E Division is at a disadvantage, although Chen Shouzheng also said it just now, however, I feel that there are some key issues that have not been covered, I think it would be most appropriate to let Comrade Zhuang Yan speak on this matter, he is the head of the observation team for this exercise, and he has squatted in E Division for a period of time before, so I don't think there's anyone who knows more about the current situation of E Division than him. Moreover, he's been doing meticulous assessments since the exercise these past few days, I'd like him to comment on it as a way of throwing in the towel."

Proceeding to do so, he turned his head to Zhuang Yan and said, "You speak."

Zhuang Yan stood up and tried to salute those present again.

The faces of the several chiefs of Group D Army sitting across the table were a bit unsightly.

Who was Zhuang Yan?

They certainly knew well.

The former chief of staff of the Prairie Wolf Brigade was notorious for showing no mercy.

Back then, how many troops in the prairie folded thanks to him.

And every time the exercise summary and review meeting, the most unforgiving is Zhuang Yan, the worst thing is that the review can always hit the nail on the head, so that the rival troops are abused and still not even have the qualification to hum.

"Fellow chiefs, I've made a little rough summary of this critique, just some of my personal opinions, not representative of the optimal evaluation. Regarding E Division, through this period of squatting, I have a certain understanding of their training level, tactical style and fighting style, we also fought in the red and blue confrontation base in the prairie before, and I was impressed, so I can say that E Division is a unit that has always had a tenacious style."

Said here are all good words for the time being.

But the hearts of the Group D Army's chiefs had already been hoisted up long ago.

Crazy Zhuang definitely wouldn't say all good things.

Sure enough, what was feared came to pass.

Zhuang Yan's words turned and began to output.

"I partially agree with some of the situations summarized by Chief of Staff Chen just now, but there are some that I don't agree with, so I'll say a little bit about my views one by one. First of all is the so-called first battle victory, this first battle victory is not high in gold, Chen chief of staff mouth E Division first battle victory is actually not hit, is 'picked up'..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the several military region chiefs sitting on the first place suddenly changed slightly, while Chen Shouzheng's face instantly darkened.