
not giving in

Li Zheng feels that Hou Jun is getting more and more friendly and not only deep in the veteran oil cold outside and hot inside, but also Hou Jun kind of unconquerable spirit.

Although the total results of the confrontation with the second and third platoon is won, but Hou Jun is not happy at all.

That night, he held a platoon meeting.

There was only one theme - how could the platoon have one, at least one, or more full-ring recruits before the end of the recruit intensive training.

First squad leader Wu Yi felt that the whole acting platoon leader thing wasn't reliable at all.

"Old squad leader, I don't think this can be forced." Wu Yi listened to Hou Jun's thoughts and voiced his concerns, "Recruits who can hit a full ring are already a rarity, it's already amitabha to be able to beat excellent, it's not realistic to ask for a full ring!"

What he said was not without reason.

This practice shooting, to say simple is also simple, to say not simple is also not simple.

Simple is after a certain amount of training, to hit a 45-ring excellent score is not too difficult, but to hit a full 50-ring score is not something that ordinary people can do.

Not that on-target achievement 50 ring hit not out, in fact, small division veterans station in the service during a certain live-fire shooting have tried to hit this kind of full ring achievement, just not a veteran dare to say that every time they can hit on the 50 ring.

Even the soldiers in the elite training team, the same is not possible to shoot 10 rings, there will always be a time to miss.

Even the veterans and top soldiers were like this, let alone the new recruits who had just joined the army for more than a month.

"How unrealistic?!" Hou Jun rolled his eyes and said, "Wu Yi, this soldier is the more you go back, when you were a new recruit in the first year is not like this, at that time you also practiced every day, and also bought me cigarettes and begged me to teach you how to get on the 10 ring. What's wrong with that? When you're an old soldier, you're less demanding?"

Hou Jun's characteristic is to choke people to death.

He knew the history of everyone in the company, even everyone in the battalion, personality traits, training levels, all by heart.

Even the individual platoon commanders, back then, he also brought out the soldiers.

In this way, who do not pretend in front of him, who intends to oppose his decision, but also have to weigh whether there is enough tenable reasons, otherwise it will be like Wu Yi so, was trained in a daze, even half a word of no dare not say.

Seeing that Wu Yi did not say anything, Hou Jun turned to the other two squad leaders of the second and third squad, Kang Zheng and Chen Chong.

"Second squad leader and third squad leader, talk about your views, the platoon meeting is a democratic meeting, speak freely."

The two second squad leaders, Kang Zheng and third squad leader Chen Chong, glanced at each other and said almost in unison after exchanging glances for an instant, "Whatever you say, old squad leader."

"Uh-huh!" Hou Jun revealed a smile with great satisfaction, "Since you all agree, then I'll say what I think. Basic training in all subjects cannot be relaxed, but shooting has always been the traditional strength of our fourth company, and the face of our fourth company, otherwise what makes us call the Sharpshooter Fourth Company? Not called five kilometers cross-country four companies? Why don't we call it RPG Company? Since it's called that, it has to live up to that name."

He looked at a few squad leaders, who were sitting straight, and no one spoke.

Li Zheng sat on the small bench and thought to himself that this person Hou Jun is really overbearing sometimes.

It is said that the platoon meeting speaks freely, but in reality it is his one word.

What he decides, he said he will go to run five kilometers tomorrow, even if tomorrow under the knife he will go to run.

However, this is where Li Zheng feels affection for Hou Jun.

Because Li Zheng himself is also the kind of person who decided to do something calculate nine horses can not pull back.

In his student days Li Zheng never gave in.

Which class grades are not good, as long as he vowed to the end of the year must be examined on the number of points, that year he will be crazy as hard for this.

A teenager without parents, without this spirit of never give up, if anyone else would have been depressed and given up on themselves.

To be able to get into Tunghai University, this is the result of Li Zheng's defiance.

See a few class leaders are silent, Hou Jun also no longer ask, directly announced the decision: "I intend to take the method of teaching according to the talent, from tomorrow onwards, the good seedling to strengthen the training, poor people also need to strengthen the training. For example, the few who shoot well, Li Zheng, Zhang Jian and Yang Hui, and Wei Guoxing ..."

That's right.

He named Wei Guoxing.

Fatty Wei had always dragged the platoon down in endurance events like five kilometers because of his poor physical fitness when he first arrived.

But people can't always be useless, even if it's a pile of shit in the field it's a natural organic fertilizer.

Fatty Wei's other subjects suck, but the last shooting confrontation, he actually hit a good score of 47 rings, just than the platoon's best results of Li Zheng and Zhang Jian less than 1 ring only.

This result let the platoon at the beginning of the helpless Wei Fatty led back to the platoon has already repented of the intestines of the Wu Yi feel again see hope.

This little fat man seems to be salvageable.

Hearing the acting platoon leader Hou Jun point to his name, Wei fat man involuntarily straightened his chest, appearing incomparable erect up, fat face overflowing with pride.

From the military to now, he has not been praised, this is a yellow flower girl on the sedan chair - the first time.

However, the next he was absent.

"I'm responsible for bringing you several soldiers with potential in shooting, and I'll personally lead the team to organize intensive training by squeezing out an hour at noon. As for the other comrades whose results in the subjects I mentioned are not good, the five comrades with the worst results in each subject will be trained by the first squad leader and the second and third squad leaders and the deputy squad leaders, with the aim of improving their results and making progress together. We have more than a month to the end of the period of recruits, the last big test is our stage to show off, at the end of training on the big test to come up with the results, won the first, that the waist is hard, and then speak loud, this is the division personally organize the assessment of the division commander to see, you want to open the door for the new recruits to show a good face, depending on the months you can not be hard work, can not bear the pain! "

Wu Yi asked, "That run five kilometers run well should not also organize to strengthen the next?"

Hou Jun froze, then shook his head: "Running well is not needed, running poorly is needed. Remember those commando teams you guys saw when you were in the instructional unit? What bomb throwing commando team, five kilometer commando team, four hundred meter obstacle commando team, shooting commando team, all of these subjects are those who are pulling their weight go in and strengthen for a month, the effect is just now! Wu Yi you have not never been to the instructional unit, this do not understand?"

Wu Yi shut up once again, his face piled up with an expression of "anyway, platoon leader, you're right".

"Report ..."

Fatty Wei carefully raised his hand.

Hou Jun pointed his hand, "What's the matter with Wei Guoxing? You say."

Fatty Wei swallowed his saliva and asked tentatively, "What about ... my kind?"

Hou Jun was stunned and said, "Which kind of you?"

Wei fat man said: "For example, I, shooting good, to enter the shooting team to open small stove, but I five kilometers poor, and to participate in five kilometers to strengthen the training, bombing seems to be no good ... but ... I do not have a diversion, to go to this go I can't go to that ..."

The recruits present suddenly realized that what Fatty Wei was talking about was a very realistic problem.

For someone like Fatty Wei, who excelled in one of the shooting categories while being at the bottom of the other categories, how should he participate in the enhancement training?

It wouldn't do to cut him open a few pieces!

Hou Jun laughed: ''Don't worry! I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for you. Instructor team on a lot of your kind, a few subjects with you have a relationship, do not worry, scientific arrangement is. For example, at noon shooting team to go to the big playground I train, the evening after dinner, bombing can not go to the bombing range, a squad leader to take you to train, in the morning, others close the drill you can not add 100 push-ups, and then go to the equipment factory to pull the single and double bar, will be separated from the time, not into it?"

Fatty Wei heard, and then threw himself into the well.

Count on your own fingers ...

Mom yah!

According to platoon leader Hou Jun, he didn't even have time to take a break from morning to night, just like a big star, his schedule was so full that a pin couldn't be stuck in it.

"Since everyone has no opinion, let's adjourn the meeting!" Hou Jun yawned and said with a wave of his hand, "Starting from tomorrow, next Monday, I'll look for the 2nd and 3rd platoon commanders to have another confrontation, this time with all the subjects, to see what level our faction is actually out of in the whole company. If we win, everyone will be happy; if we lose, we'll suffer together! Dismissed!"