
new comrade-in-arms

No different from all the new recruits coming down to the company, the thirty-two new recruits assigned to the fourth company this time were warmly welcomed by the veterans.

The reason why the veterans were happy to see the new recruits was that there was actually a layer of unspeakable thoughts in their hearts.

Just like a daughter-in-law to become a grandmother, last year at this time I was this kind of silly look down the company, and now from this group of new recruits seem to see the year's self, emotionally but also a little pleased - grandmother bear! Finally, I've become a veteran!

Beds are assigned by the squad leader Wu Yi, a class last year left four veterans, this year added to the Li Zheng, Ma Teng, Fatty Wei and Yang Hui, Zhang Jian did not and Li Zheng divided into a class, which makes him secretly relieved, who do not want to stay in a class with Zhang Jian, his big poisonous tongue, there is always the impulse to let people go up to him physically overdose.

The second squad leader is Chen Chong, the third squad leader is Kang Zheng, Hou Jun is still the acting first platoon leader.

Zhang Jian and Jiang Liping were assigned to the second class, serving under Chen Chong.

Just put the luggage, folded the quilt, outside the sound of the whistle, the duty of the third platoon leader in the outside shouted: "gathered!"

Everyone hurriedly grabbed their hats and buckled their belts and ran out to gather on the lawn in front of the barracks.

This time, the instructor of the fourth company was in charge of the lecture.

However, Li Zheng realized that the instructor was no longer the one from the Recruit Company, but a different one, and the company commander was still the same company commander, Xie Dong.

This instructor surnamed Peng, called Peng Liqin, looks much older than the company commander Xie Dong, Xie Dong and Hou Jun is the same year soldiers, not yet to thirty, this instructor is a captain, looks more than thirty, on the body of the skin is dark, long a winter melon face, you can not say that looks ugly, but also absolutely can not be said to say that the handsome, the body of the temperament and Xie Dong is also completely different.

Company commander Xie Dong is full of power, very energetic, this instructor Peng is not, maybe it is the reason of age, maybe it is the reason of composure, on the contrary, it looks a little twilight, end of a poker face, very serious.

The gathering was a short meeting, instructor Peng Liqin introduced every cadre in the company for all of them, and then began to explain in detail all kinds of matters that the new recruits should pay attention to after arriving at the company.

It is said that the company instructor is a mother-in-law mouth, tofu heart, the old Peng also stained a little nagging fault, an open mouth to the protection of the country youth dedication to national defense and willingness to sacrifice that aspect of the high place to say, endless talk for more than half an hour, which allows everyone to continue to go back to the room to tidy up the housework and hygiene.

Recruits are back in the platoon room, squad leaders and company cadres were concentrated in the meeting.

Fatty Wei was absentmindedly folding his blankets and looking around with a pair of small eyes.

The platoon had three soldiers transferred from other recruit platoons, two from the second platoon and one from the third platoon.

For a soldier like Fatty Wei, who has a wide range of friends at home, he certainly won't miss the opportunity to get to know each other at the first opportunity.

The beds of the two soldiers of the second platoon are opposite to Fatty Wei's bed, bunk beds, two people.

Across the beds, Fatty Wei stretched out his fat paw.

"Brother, which person? Get to know each other, my name is Wei Guoxing, from Donghai, they all call me Fatty Wei, what do you call yourself?"

This set of very social but effective way of self-introduction works very well, introduce yourself first, that is on behalf of your own frankness, a brother, to close the distance between each other, take the initiative to greet and get to know each other, that is respect.

Coupled with the fat face of Fatty Wei that smiles up to see the teeth and not see the eyes of the fat face, in exchange for an ice withered also have to be polite back to a polite word.

Sure enough, the opposite side of the second platoon over the new recruit hurriedly stretched out his hand, and is both hands, shook the fat paw of Wei fat man.

"My name is Li Haojiang, from Yimeng."

"Aiya, comrade-in-arms from the old revolutionary area! Nice to meet you!"

Fatty Wei stretched out a single hand, Li Haojiang came to shake with both hands, Fatty Wei felt very honored.

Li Zheng measured Li Haojiang, this person is strong and solid, thick eyebrows and big eyes, is also a round face, is the skin brown point, but from the eyes to the eyebrows to the nose to the lips, every place seems to print two words - simple and thick!

Fatty Wei is also very eye-catching to Li Haojiang, feeling that the other party is a real person.

So he immediately wanted to unite.

"You wait!"

He lowered his head and pulled out his backpack from underneath his bed, pulling out a pack of beef jerky from inside and reaching over to hand it over.

"Have one!"

Li Haojiang quickly waved his hand, "No, no, no! You're too polite."

"Take it! Take it! We're all in this together! In the future, we'll be comrades eating from the same pot! What's the point of sharing a little snack between comrades?"

As he said that, he intentionally glanced towards Zhang Jian's direction.

Zhang Jian is diagonally across the street, also saw, heard, did not raise his head, did not look at Fatty Wei.

After some excuses, Li Haojiang finally accepted it.

But get in the hand, he felt embarrassed, but he did not have snacks, feel all over the body and finally had to say: "Old Wei, that next time to buy things in the supermarket, I invite you to drink soda."

Fatty Wei waved his hand generously, "Okay! Between our comrades, what's the point!"

After that, he went to ask another: "Brother, where are you from?"


The next is some polite and blow each other, Fatty Wei sent out two boxes of beef jerky, and made two new comrades.

These two people a name Wang Qing, Ebei people, a name Chen Chen, Guixi people.

Li Zheng understood through their chat, the original second platoon these two new recruits transferred to the first platoon is not because of good training was selected over, but because the training is not good was sent here.

"That second platoon leader of yours is really something!" Fatty Wei slapped his bed, "What did he take our platoon for? A recycling station?"

Words just exported, suddenly feel bad, immediately patted his mouth two said: "ay, I'm not talking about you, I mean, the second platoon leader of that person is not good, do not abandon, do not give up, my first time to be a soldier know this sentence, the movie every day so shouting, so what, the training of the poor on the abandonment of the? Compared to our platoon leader, that's a far cry. If you don't believe me, ask them, when I first came here, my training was as bad as shit, but look, after being coached by my platoon leader for more than two months, I was able to run 5 kilometers in 20 minutes and 30 seconds during the examination! You say, what kind of progress is this! And bomb throwing ..."


Before he could finish, two coughs came from the doorway.

Fatty Wei was scared a little out of his soul because it was Hou Jun's voice.

"Wei Guoxing, what kind of whiny weird talk is that again?"

Hou Jun and a few squad leaders had apparently finished their meeting and returned to the platoon room, and happened to hear Fatty Wei blowing water.

"No!" Fatty Wei hurriedly stood up, "Platoon leader you know me, I was just praising you! My current five kilometers can run so fast, bomb throwing can throw so far, it is all because the platoon leader has taught me well, I am telling the new comrades, come to our first platoon you are blessed ..."

Stretching his hand does not hit the smiling face, being so praised, even Hou Jun such a veteran is embarrassed to scold Fatty Wei again.

"All folded quilts? Take a broom and go out to clean up, the lawn in front and behind our barracks and the basketball court in front, all sweep up quickly, I'll check later, not a single leaf can be there!"


The big guys hurriedly got up, went behind the door and took brooms, disappearing behind the door in a gust of wind.

When the new recruits were gone, Wu Yi looked towards the door before he threw the notebook in his hand heavily on the table!

"That Wei Guoxing kid is right! Second Platoon Leader is just a bully! Look at what he just said, what Hou platoon you have more experience leading soldiers than me, Li Haojiang and Wang Qing put you there is estimated to be able to salvage ... tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk! What a good talker! The two soldiers we brought ourselves to pick away, and the third platoon leader is also ... sent over that Chen Chen I saw the test results, all what the hell!"

"First squad leader you don't scold the mother, two divided into my class, but not your class, I haven't cried yet!" Second squad leader Kang Zheng pulled a bench with a displeased face and sat on his butt to sulk.

Chen Chong, the third squad leader, said, "I say old Kang, we're all in a difficult situation, I'm not divided into one in this class? The original our class of that Xu Yang, training is okay, although not as fierce as Li Zheng and Zhang Jian, at least it is not bad, now give me a Wang Qing, that kid I heard is a famous loser soldier, their squad leader can not control him ..."

"Okay!" Hou Jun interrupted Wu Yi: "How they do it is their business, how we do it is our own business. Chen Chong, do you think you can't control it, can't control it do you want me to personally control it?"

Chen Chong immediately dumbfounded.

When the squad leader is also whining, really said into your hands of the soldiers you say not good, that face who can not afford to lose face.

The squad leader also has the self-respect of the squad leader.

See three people do not say anything, Hou Jun said: "Other than that, the company before this month or common subjects are the main, and then a month I heard to maneuver, after the exercise is the reorganization of our squad leaders do not know whether to be discharged it, you still worry about that why? When a day soldier, stand a good day guard, this is the responsibility, but also your quality!"

Speaking of reorganization, Wu Yi couldn't help but say, "Platoon Leader, what do you think our regiment will be reorganized into this time? A heavily armored synthetic brigade? An armored brigade? Or amphibious? Air assault? Or special operations?"

Hou Jun said, "What do you want to change?"

Wu smiled and said, "Of course it's special warfare! How awesome, I thought of becoming a special forces soldier before I became a soldier, this has been a few years, I thought there was no hope, suddenly said to be reorganized, of course I want to get addicted."

Hou Jun said, "Don't dream about it! Besides, I myself guess that our chief does not want to change the special warfare."

Wu Yi said, "Why?"

Hou Jun said, "It's not that simple. Changing to special operations means that the specialty is not the right one, do you know how many cadres and soldiers will be cut? Our chief is a sentimental person, so if we change the organization more, at least there will be more people left."

Wu Yi nodded his head as if he understood: "Makes sense ..."