
memory shooter

"You're a sharp shooter aren't you?"

Actually, Zhuang Yan was also asking knowingly.

With a caliber like Hou Jun's, it couldn't be just an ordinary sergeant squad leader.

Hou Jun was not modest and answered directly, "Yes, chief."

Zhuang Yan said, "Have you participated in international competitions?"

This question really embarrassed Hou Jun.

His face was slightly red, and finally answered truthfully, "No."

Zhuang Yan was slightly stunned, he had been in countless soldiers, especially the various elite teams, training teams, overseas competition pre-selection team and so on.

Just now, just by watching Hou Jun shoot a few shots, he knew his shooting level.

This level is first-class within the group army, even within the military region, and Hou Jun is a staff sergeant with at least eight years of military service, so how could he not have a single chance?

He was either unlucky or his shooting level was unstable.

"Why not?"

Zhuang Yan did not beat around the bush, he wanted to know what had happened to the soldier in front of him.

Hou Jun said, "I'm unlucky, every time something goes wrong ... there are three chances, either I went to another set of training on my own or I accidentally missed when I was finally selected."

Zhuang Yan nodded slightly, asked here to understand, no need to continue to pursue.

But since he had participated in the selection, it meant that he had learned some of the rules of the international competition.

"'Memory' shooting, know how to play?" He asked.

Hou Jun nodded, "Understand!"

Then asked, "Chief are you sure you want to play 'memory' shooting?"

In fact, memory shooting is a kind of physical strength, memory and recognition, sniping ability four in one shooting subject.

This subject distance of 400 meters, the target is a man-shaped target, but the target paper is very peculiar, is a 50X50CM man-shaped target paper, human body parts on the horizontal 5 vertical 4 a total of 20 diameter of 8CM circle, each circle has a number, and the sniper must be after 400 meters of running to the shooting line, first get an "envelope! The sniper must reach the firing line after a 400-meter run, first get an "envelope", pull out a piece of paper inside, there are 8 numbers on the paper, write down the 8 numbers as fast as possible, throw away the paper and can't look at it again, and then take the gun and shoot immediately.

Points rule is to calculate the number of hits hair priority, hit rate is equal in the case of the party with less time to win.

The subject is not complicated, but the test of a sniper's comprehensive quality, no matter which aspect can not, will affect the final result.

Hou Jun was a little surprised that Zhuang Yan actually chose this subject.

After all, he did not dare to say anything else, but he was very confident that he would win in terms of physical strength.

Being young was an advantage.

Seeing Zhuang Yan choose this subject, Li Haiou couldn't wait for the soldier to go to the storehouse to get this special target paper.

The security soldier said, "Chief, our battalion's storehouse doesn't have this kind of target paper."

Li Haiou immediately pointed to his car and said, "You let Xiao He drive you to the instructional team to get it, they have just had intensive training, there are a lot of it!"

Shi Song looked at Li Haiou so enthusiastic, he could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Have a car good work, teaching team said far not far, more than one kilometer distance, drive a whoosh to, before and after less than fifteen minutes, target paper back.

There are more soldiers on the scene.

Not only the second battalion, other battalions heard that today Zhuang crazy to sniper confrontation with the first sniper of the group army Hou Jun site, immediately even the training has stopped, gathered with the team to this side of the shooting range.

No wonder, not to mention those E Division cadres have a deep memory of Zhuang crazy, say a major and a staff sergeant shooting confrontation, this kind of thing many people have never seen.

The cadres who knew about Mr. Zhuang were curious and wanted to see who would win between him and Hou Jun.

Those who don't know think that Colonel Zhuang is playing a scoundrel, using his official position to suppress others, you're a twenty-four cents a piece, playing against a staff sergeant, they dare to win against you?

The new recruits are purely to see a hilarious, major against the staff sergeant, the blue army chief of staff against the first sniper of the A group army, this huge identity gap, think of all exciting ah!

Seeing this, Shi Song hurriedly let the cadres on duty organize all the people to retreat to the designated viewing ground, after all, "memory shooting" this subject uses the ground is to be very open.

Finally, the starting point of the confrontation was set at the side of the podium in the big playground, and the distance from there to the shooting ground line of the shooting range was just 400 meters.

While making preparations, Shi Song came over and asked Zhuang Yan with concern: "Chief of Staff Zhuang, will you wear these clothes and fight against Hou Jun?"

Zhuang Yan was adjusting the elastic band of his carrying gear, when he heard Shi Song say so, he looked down at his attire.

Today was the day he came over to talk to Shi Song, so he wore formal attire, regular pants, shirt, and a pair of leather shoes.

He himself could not help but be happy, said to Shi Song: "Look ... my luggage is still in the guest house, or ... old Shi you help me find a pair of training shoes to?"

Shi Song asked, "What size shoes do you wear?"

Zhuang Yan said: "43.5."

Shi Song laughed, "Coincidentally, same as me."

He turned his head and told the orderly to hurry back to his room at the regiment's headquarters to get a pair of training shoes, and turned back to survey Zhuang Yan, who had already adjusted his traveling gear and was taking off his shirt to reveal the short sleeves of his training underneath.

After thinking about it, finally still can not help but ask: "In fact ... you do not need to compare sniper specialty with Hou Jun that boy, he is a good hand, our division to sniper specialty, there is really no one is his opponent."

Zhuang Yan took off his shirt, while to his body set of single military equipment, said: "In fact, I am also technology itch ..."

Said, look around, and quite a bit mysteriously whispered to Shi Song: "In our brigade these years no one is willing to play with me, to be honest, I can be lonely, practicing the gun can only be practiced with themselves."

"Pfft--" Shi Song was happy.

He had never seen such a strange cadre, who did not care about his status as a major, and seemed to enjoy the feeling of fighting against soldiers on the same field.

In fact, where does he know, the reason why no one shoots against Zhuang Yan is because the Blue Army Special Brigade, whether it is a cadre or a soldier, as long as they compete with him for a period of time, they will begin to doubt life.

Because lose.

Always lose.

Can't win at all.

It's not that other people intentionally let Zhuang Yan, but really lose.

Chess to chess match is interesting, a hard to lose, in the long run will be very boring, lose too much like a dream, think before the gun is still good shot of their own is not a real existence.

For some time, the blue special brigade snipers found a frustrating phenomenon, no matter how hard they try, secretly how hard to practice, Zhuang chief of staff is a little bit stronger than their own.

Just a little bit, each confrontation is not more than one or two rings is a second or two faster, you progress he progress, the boat rises.

Then realized a cruel truth - the original chief of staff has been in the water before!

It's no fun!

It's no fun!

So, no one was willing to go to the shooting range with Zhuang Yan to have a good time anymore.

Invincibility is also lonely.

Now, Zhuang Yan has finally found a rival in the E Division who is willing to fight with him with all his might and no room for error.

How could Shi Song understand this kind of joy?

In addition, Zhuang Yan actually has another layer of meaning, is also Shi Song could not think of, but he can not say straight to the face ...

The training shoes were soon delivered.

Zhuang Yan changed into the shoes and they fit well.

He thanked Shi Song and then picked up his gun and walked towards the starting point of the competition.

Only then did Li Haiou come over and ask Shi Song, "Deputy Chief of Staff, do you think he can win?"

Shi Song menacingly turned his face sideways and looked at Li Haiou, then sighed, "Li Haiou, you really don't underestimate people, I think Chief of Staff Zhuang ah ... four words - unfathomable."