
matter of great importance

The two spent the night in the infirmary.

There was a subtlety in the air in the infirmary that night.

Of course, at the end of the day, there was no scene like in the movie where they suddenly opened their hearts and talked all night long.

Zhang Jian sat on the bed boredly looking at the night outside the window, not knowing what to think about.

Li Zheng, on the other hand, was repeatedly thinking about one thing, how did he make it through these four hours today.

Occasionally, he would glance in Zhang Jian's direction, perhaps Zhang Jian would have also thought about this question.

There seemed to be a strange tacit understanding between the two of them.

As long as they appeared on the training ground at the same time, they immediately, consciously or unconsciously, treated each other as opponents.

Can't lose.

The first thing that popped up in his mind was these words.

Li Zheng even thought about whether to write a letter to ask Shao Xiaoqian if Zhang Jian had confessed to her back then and was rejected so he hated himself.

With Zhang Jian's family conditions, he could not have come here to be a soldier, in fact, it is more appropriate to be a soldier in his own father's regional army, at least it is easier to progress.

The reason why he came here, Li Zheng felt that this bastard came to E Division 80% for himself.

But even if he beat himself in training, so what?

What would it prove?

Does it mean that he has been a soldier here for two years, and he has followed him for two years to chase after him and beat him in all sorts of ways, even if he wins and hangs his chest full of military medals, so what?

Shao Xiaoqian is not at all interested in how many military medals he can hang, nor is it how good he can be in training, but he is interested in himself as a person.

Love is sometimes so blind, can be clear that is not called love, in the end just a feeling.

Further to bluntly say, the ultimate reason is that he looks more handsome than Zhang Jian.

Handsome is a subjective feeling.

Although Zhang Jian tall and majestic appearance, but the radish green vegetables have their own love, as the saying goes, in the eyes of the lover, in the eyes of Shao Xiaoqian, they are more handsome than Zhang Jian.

What can be done about it?

This reasoning, why he does not understand it?

I'm not sure if I can find the answer to this, but I'm sure I can find the answer to this.

Zhang Jian's emotional intelligence was not high, his family environment has created this kind of high-minded character, naturally unable to think differently, and even more unable to accept failure.

Therefore, to make this kind of meaningless and even some childish behavior is not strange at all.

Li Zheng finally suppressed his curiosity to ask Zhang Jian for clarification, and in the end, the two of them still spent the entire night in speechlessness.

That night before lights out, one after another people came over to visit the two people.

Including Fatty Wei and Yang Hui and white boy Jiang Lai a few, but not long after sitting on the hygienist drove away.

Later Hou Jun also came over, asked to come to the health worker two people's situation, heard that after all right and a look of disdain expression looked at the two people said: "or lack of exercise ah, you see, I accompanied you on the ground for more than four hours, I did not have anything at all, the two of you lying into the infirmary, this is the reason I strictly require you, good iron does not hammer not steel, the future seems to be to add a little more intensity. "

Said twisted his head and left, as if he was not worried at all.

The two stayed in the infirmary until noon the next day, the hygienist checked that the two recovered more or less, they reported back to the first platoon.

They did not realize that in these short ten hours, something big had happened.

Just entering the platoon room, Fatty Wei first welcomed them.

"It's okay, right?"

Li Zheng said, "It's fine, I have a great body and recover quickly!"

Zhang Jian on the side grunted and went straight back to his locker to take his clothes and toothpaste and toothbrush to the washroom.

Fatty Wei looked at Zhang Jian's back, shook his head and tsked twice and said, "Look at his virtues ..."

Then his eyes returned to Li Zheng and said mysteriously, "Something big has happened."

Li Zheng was stunned and said, "What big thing?"

He felt bad at once.

"Is it that the platoon commander was criticized?"

Thinking back to yesterday's situation, this is a bit of a big deal, Hou Jun as the platoon leader of the organization training, I'm afraid to be responsible.

Fatty Wei immediately negated Li Zheng's conjecture, shook his head and said: "Platoon leader can have what matter? Look at you, lying down for a few hours actually by the deputy division commander's praise, if I had known this, I also grit my teeth and insist on it."

Li Zheng heard that Hou Jun is fine, relieved, laughed: "Lie down for four hours is not a good taste."

Fatty Wei said, "Alright, isn't it just fainting? I'm not afraid of suffering, is that I do not know the deputy division commander will come over, otherwise even if lying down to the shrinking of the sun I insist on going."

Li Zheng asked: "You just said what a big deal?"

Fatty Wei seems to have come back to his senses, and said, "Oh, I almost forgot! I almost forgot! The first thing is that we might have to take the test early and then get off work early to line up."

Li Zheng was stunned, "What?"

Fatty Wei said, "Last night before lights out, the company commander came back from the battalion, said he had a meeting, came back and called the platoon leaders and squad leaders to the company headquarters to hold a small meeting, this morning after the end of the drill evaluation Hou platoon said, we may have to be half a month early off the company."

Leave the company early?

What kind of operation is this?

"No reason?" He asked.

Fatty Wei said, "That's the second big thing."

Li Zheng hurriedly asked, "Tell me."

Fatty Wei deliberately paused and pulled a small bench aside, "Sit down and say, this is a big deal, this is something that no one else knows, I guess I'm the only one who knows, I told you, you can't tell anyone else, I can treat you as a brother before I reveal it to you."

Li Zheng said, "Alright, no one is here now, you hurry up and say it, later when people come back."

Fatty Wei's expression became more and more mysterious, look around, look, and finally the thief spoke like a low-pitched door opened.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, the news revealed did startle Li Zheng as well.

"Our division is estimated to be reorganized!"

When Fatty Wei said this, a spy-like mysterious light flashed in his gaze.

Li Zheng's mind buzzed.

"What reorganization?"

 I'm glad I didn't open my mouth to curse, or else they would have found me!"

Li Zheng impatient: "I'm not interested in listening to you say where you hide your cigarettes, tell me what you heard!"

Fatty Wei said, "I saw that it was the two of them, so I hurriedly hid in the corner by the ditch, and put up my ears to listen, I thought they had found out that I was hiding cigarettes, but I didn't expect to hear that they were talking about the future reorganization of the matter."