

Hou Jun led the two new recruits eggs to run wildly all the way through the dark rainforest for an unknown number of kilometers, and finally jumped into a large pit in the woods before stopping.

At this time, the three of them were as wretched as they wanted to be.

Muddy and panting.

Hou Jun lay down on the side of the pit and observed for a while in the direction they fled, making sure there were no pursuers before returning to the pit.

"I've already requested artillery coverage before I left just now ...," he said, "but our artillery doesn't seem to be moving ... "

As platoon leader, Hou Jun was a little bereft.

Obviously, if called battalion artillery fire, according to those guns have already been bound plurals, even if aimed in the direction of the pass, as long as a little revision will be able to a platoon's original guard position into a sea of fire.

He was holding the same heart to call for artillery fire, but unfortunately after a while he didn't see any movement, on the contrary, those Blue Army Air Assault Brigade soldiers were getting more and more, he could only withdraw.

"Platoon leader, how did they find us? How did they know that we had set up a guard position in that area?"

Zhang Jian held his breath.

It was too suffocating this time.

Not to mention being sneakily copied, those straight-8L landing points were all on the periphery of the alert position.

The rack of helicopters landed very accurately, which was nothing short of audacious.

To know, in the dark night and is a jungle area for rope landing is not ordinary troops can do, that is the level of special forces.

No need to ask, it must be the other side's reconnaissance battalion or some other unit.

Otherwise the quality of a single soldier is not that powerful.

"I searched ... "Hou Jun repeatedly chewed on the details of everything that happened before, and finally came to a general conclusion, "I'm afraid that the reason they stopped attacking for a day before was to conduct aerial reconnaissance on us. When the regiment commander took us into the jungle, they were able to hold back and not pursue us, not wanting to get involved in a meaningless jungle sparring match with us. With the sudden raid tonight, I'm afraid that they had conducted a detailed reconnaissance of the area the day before and got the location of our deployment."

Zhang Jian somewhat came to his senses and said, "I see, haven't we been seeing drones flying over our heads before? It's probably just doing aerial reconnaissance."

After saying that, he smashed his fist on the earth wall by the pit and said hatefully, "If our regiment's drone detachment hadn't been blown up by their attack on the highway, we would have had drone reconnaissance planes at this moment as well, so we wouldn't have to be so passive!"

Hou Jun said, "It's useless, drone reconnaissance needs system support, it's useless even if we brought a few drones in, their combat system hasn't been destroyed, their air-to-air firepower is still there, drones aren't a godsend, going over there is just sending them to their deaths, they'll be shot down. Our drones can only be useful if the position at Niutou Ridge hasn't been lost."

Several people fell silent.

Today's battlefield posture was quite unfavorable for the red side.

Before participating in the maneuvers, Li Zheng and these new recruits were all chest-thumping, thinking that they would be able to live the addiction of acting.

Before departing, Li Zheng had countless times fantasized in his mind about how he would face the enemy in a real military exercise, how he would engage in a firefight, how many enemies he would kill, and so on.

Red and blue confrontation, this kind of large-scale maneuvers of live video from the past in the TV can see, really addictive.

But when it came to himself, Li Zheng felt that it was not enjoyable at all.

Before the cliff edge is still exciting, but really to the blue air raid brigade airborne, he realized that the actual battle is not as simple as he imagined.

Thought the helicopter airborne well, how good to deal with, holding the gun against those who are solving the enemy a burst, to their own gun is not to a dead one, to two hang a pair?

But really at that time, surrounded by the roaring sound of propellers, blinding white light will be bright ground, as long as the head up to be shaken to open their eyes.

Only shot and hit a blue soldier who was roping down, and he himself was already surrounded by people on all sides.

Those comrades ...


He suddenly remembered something.

So puzzled, "We all hid in the woods how did they find out?"

Hou Jun said, "I reckon it's because they used infrared thermal imaging, although we are protected by the woods, but after a whole day and a half of reconnaissance, traces can be discovered through the comparison of the images. Especially our position on the regiment's side, with more people and more equipment, it's harder to cover up the traces."

Zhang Jian said, "When they were engaged just now, they hadn't even landed yet, so how did our men go up in smoke?"

These words sort of spoke to Li Zheng's heart as well.

He had personally seen one of Chen Chong's squads directly exit the exercise in an instant with smoke dozens of meters away from him.

This meant that they had been hit.

But Li Zheng didn't see any blue soldiers appearing around.

So who had shot down Chen Chong and the others?

"Yes, I saw the third squad leader and the soldiers of the third squad all smoking at once, but I didn't even see the enemy."

Hou Jun tilted his head and looked at the dark sky, sighed and said, "No need to think about it, it must be a drone attack, we are all exposed, the people soled all outside our guard position, before landing the drone made a wild bombing here, as long as you see the heat source point, you will be given a missile, can you not die?"

Li Zheng finally solved the doubts in his heart.

He was secretly surprised.

The Blue Army was that powerful?

This end of the rope landing, people were still in the air, and the drone on the other end started to plow the ground.

After the plowing was completed, the Air Assault Brigade soldiers who landed immediately closed in to take advantage of the chaos and harvested, directly taking out the entire platoon that had already been dumbfounded by the bombing.

If Hou Jun didn't pull himself to run, it is estimated that he would have to stay there, and now he would probably go into the shelter team with Chen Chong, the third squad leader, just like them.

"But why are the three of us not hurt at all?"

Li Zheng was still a little puzzled.

His position just now wasn't exactly hidden, and he didn't have any cover.

Why didn't the drone attack him?

Hou Jun said, "I thought about this along the way. I only did it because of this-"

He tugged at the ghillie suit he was wearing.

"All three of us are wearing ghillie suits."

Because all three belonged to the sniper squad and could be on sniper missions at any time, the ghillie suits were always worn.

Li Zheng was a bit lake at first, but figured it out after a few seconds.

"It's our ghillie suits that have an anti-infrared function!"

Hou Jun nodded, "You know why the three of us were able to escape, right? Do you think that even if we are scuds, we can outrun those drones in the sky?"

The three of them fell into silence.

Right now, it seemed that there was a high probability that the first platoon was finished.

The situation over at the battalion and regiment headquarters was still unclear.

Hou Jun took the microphone off the radio and started calling the regiment headquarters.

But after calling for half a day, there was no response.

Hou Jun sat frozen for a while and unwillingly started calling another round.

There was still no response.

"Son of a bitch!"

He heavily snapped the microphone back onto the radio.

Now it was finished.

Looking at the situation, it was estimated that something had happened to the regiment's headquarters and other battalions as well.

This Blue Army was really ruthless, and their commander was really tolerant.

In the dirt road ambushed the fleet of Meng Tiger Regiment, actually can hold back not to pursue, spent a day and a half on this jungle reconnaissance and intelligence analysis, and then without saying a word to lay a dragnet, a one-time to a whole regiment to eat!

The perfect battle plan, at night when the Meng Hu Regiment was at its most lax.

Regimental commander Li Haiou judgment place will be from three points of the three channels into this jungle, did not think that people pressure fundamentally unsettled by common sense, directly on the mountain airborne ...

Before also sent soldiers to touch their own positions, if not coincidentally was looking for a rain stop Hou Jun a few found, I'm afraid that people have long been silent end.

The more Hou Jun thought about it, the more he was afraid, and his crest was cold.

When it comes to sniping, he is full of confidence, no one is afraid.

But when it comes to tactical planning under such a large force, he feels that he is nothing compared to that commander on the blue side.

No wonder he was at the brigade commander level and he was just a big-headed soldier.

"Alas ..."

He sighed helplessly.

Shasha shasha-

A sharp sound of footsteps reached the ears of the three.


Hou Jun lowered his voice to issue a warning and immediately turned his gun to the direction from which the sound came.

Li Zheng and Zhang Jian immediately occupied the left and right sides of the big pit, forming a three-sided defense position with Hou Jun in the middle.


Zhang Jian was the first to fire.

A dull plop came from more than twenty meters in front of him, as if something had burst open.

Then, the other side returned fire.

However, the gunfire was very messy and inaccurate, a bit panicked.

"Stop!" Hou Jun suddenly shouted, "Don't even shoot!"

That side heard Hou Jun's voice and shouted in excitement, "Platoon leader! Is it the platoon leader?!"

Hou Jun immediately heard that it was Fatty Wei.

This bastard's voice is best recognized, thick, slightly hoarse, whenever in a hurry it's like being shoved into a pot of hot water and scalded with a painful quacking duck male.

"The water has washed away the Dragon King's temple! Who the hell fired that gun?"

A few people drilled out from the woods and cautiously came towards the edge of the big pit.

Looking through the microscope, Li Zheng realized that it was really Fatty Wei.

Behind this bastard, there was also a Jiang Liping, a Ma Teng, in addition to the other also followed a Wang Qing.

However, Wang Qing's body has been smoking, obviously just now Zhang Jian that shot hit is him.

His own people don t recognize his own people, this is a manslaughter!

Wang Qing had a bellyful of grievances and jumped there.

"Who the hell is not long eyed ..."

Suddenly stopped talking, thinking of the opposite side of the Hou Jun, if the platoon leader did ...

Hou Jun said, "Okay, don't cry and mourn."

After saying this, he turned his head to look at Zhang Jian and did not say anything.

Who is Fatty Wei?

Although he did not see Hou Jun look at Zhang Jian that glance, but this goods as long as Zhang Jian in, certainly not spare him, what black pot also do not have to try to buckle to Zhang Jian head.

But this time he really buckle right.

"Zhang Jian, that gun 80% is you fired right!" he said.

He said.

Zhang Jian also had a hot flash on his face, he was the one who fired the gun out of the three.

He was really nervous.

But nerves are nerves, but manslaughter is manslaughter.

This also hit his own people.

On the battlefield ...

Seeing Zhang Jian did not say anything, Fatty Wei heart suddenly bright, biting the green mountain not to relax said: "I knew it was you, platoon leader and Li Zheng's marksmanship is not so water, you fucking dog ah? You're a fucking dog, right? You just bite whoever you catch, and you don't even look at who it is."

Zhang Jian was so angry that the rain on his body was going to bake into steam, but he couldn't refute what Fatty Wei said, so he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

Hou Jun said angrily, "What time is it, still pursuing responsibility!"

He looked at his watch.

And then looked in the direction of the guard position.

"Wang Qing, go to our original alert position by yourself and look for the Blue Army, they will send you to the shelter team, the others will find a place with me to hide first."

The words didn't land when the sound of rumbling propellers came from overhead.