
live ammunition

"Today we're going to have a rivalry match with the second and third platoons, so shake up your spirits!"

Back in the first platoon, Hou Jun stood in front of all the new recruits and started to beat the blood again.

"In the army, we can lose everything, but there's one thing we can't lose, know what it is?"

No one answered.

Because no one knew how to answer either.

Li Zheng felt that Hou Jun was simply asking in vain.

What's more, he could also see that Hou Jun didn't even think that anyone could answer, he was planning to ask and answer himself.

Sure enough, Hou Jun answered himself: "That is training! I'm a very honest person, I understand when you say that you can't compare to others in terms of housekeeping and hygiene, and my housekeeping is not the best in the whole regiment. But as a soldier's training can not, you go where others are looking down on you. Your training is good, which subject out of the top, usually even if you sparse point, in the eyes of the company commander battalion chief you are still a good soldier."

Wu Yi on the side of the very timely words into the main topic: "Platoon leader, how to compare?"

"Points system." Hou Jun said, "0 points for failing, 1 point for passing, 2 points for good, 3 points for excellent, 5 points for full ring, whoever has more points wins."

Hou Jun's gaze swept over the team in front of him, lingering briefly on Li Zheng and Zhang Jian's faces, and he didn't know if he was speaking to the two of them or not.

"Those few in our platoon that have potential, today is the time for you to show your face, whoever shoots a full ring today, I promise to get into the sniper squad when I get out of the company, I'll take it, and if you want to learn the real thing from me, come up with a little piss. Don't think that into the sniper class no benefit, I can tell you, go to the teaching team, go to the martial arts, anyway, there is what the opportunity to take the lead in the matter are given priority to the sniper class, this is not only what I said, the company commander said, is our company's traditions, today's fight is not good can't blame me for not reminding you, in the future to see other people to eat meat, their own side of the cry no one sympathy for you."

The match soon kicked off.

Match system is three rounds, each round each platoon on a class, 10 soldiers, respectively occupy 10 target position.

The subject is infantry shooting a practice, 100 meters prone position has to rely on fixed target shooting, the target is a standard chest ring target.

5 rounds of ammunition, according to the syllabus, 3 minutes to complete the shooting, overtime to stop shooting or do not count the number of rings.

Live fire would have been more than a few points of excitement, and now also to engage in confrontation, a platoon of recruits in addition to more than a few points of tension, but also more than a few points of exuberance.

Everyone was quietly discussing what kind of score they could hit today.

In the absence of live fire before, all the people are empty gun training, what ten meters narrow target aiming, what 100 meters empty gun aiming, the squad leader is through the inspection of the realm of the correctness of the aim of the recruits on the line to correct.

However, the empty gun is after all the empty gun, live ammunition is live ammunition, empty gun training and then good can not indicate that the live ammunition shooting will certainly be able to play well.

Psychological, field, everything will affect the accuracy of the bullet.

Empty gun training gun gun stable soldiers on the live firing range when shooting bald is not no, there are soldiers empty gun practice aiming than anyone cattle, but to the range on the live ammunition results on the diluted.

A platoon, to say recognized today can hit the best results of the recruits is Zhang Jian.

Even Zhang Jian himself thinks so.

Sitting in the departure area, Zhang Jian's small chest high, his chin involuntarily raised slightly up 20 degrees, longitudinal eyes, black pressure of a new recruit head, he felt a kind of overlooking the sense of superiority.


He had been playing with live ammunition since middle school.


He finally couldn't help himself and smiled proudly.

"Look at our second-generation military." Fatty Wei couldn't look at Zhang Jian's demeanor, "It's as if he's a sure-fire number one before he's even on the field."

Li Zheng inclined his head to look at Zhang Jian and turned back to Fatty Wei, "However, he does have the capital of arrogance, people who have fought with live ammunition, we can't compare with the experience alone."

Fatty Wei wanted to say something, but Li Zheng said the truth, think about it can only stop.

This can be really bad spray.

The first squad of the first platoon was the first to represent the first platoon on the battlefield.

The security personnel of the public service squad quickly distributed the magazines with pressed bullets into the hands of each squad of soldiers who were already prepared on the line of departure.

According to the regulations, they had to load the live cartridges into the belt of the carrying equipment, and when they heard the command "prone loading" at the firing line, they would lie down and start loading the cartridges, turn on the safety, push the cartridges to load the gun, and finally shoot.

When Li Zheng got the magazines, he couldn't help but take a few glances at the loading ports.

Five rounds of 5.8mm green-cased, copper-tipped bullets were lying quietly inside.

Many strange thoughts inexplicably flashed through his mind.

These were real bullets that could kill.

This tiny bullet can penetrate 8mm steel plate at a distance of one hundred meters?

That's incredible!

"What are you still looking at with the magazines!"

The safeguard officer noticed that Li was gawking and immediately reminded him.

"Load the magazine and prepare to get on the firing ground!"

Li Zheng scrambled to load the magazines into the but pouch, and accidentally glanced at Hou Jun not far away who was staring at him with a slight frown on his brow, obviously unsatisfied with his performance of being distracted just now.

"Listen to the command, first round of firing personnel, all rise, set off towards the firing ground line-"

The one who took command at the scene was the third platoon leader, who gave the order and blew the whistle.

Li Zheng shouldered his gun and walked to the target position that belonged to him.

There was a concrete target platform about 30 centimeters high, Yuanbao-shaped, convex at both ends and concave in the middle, with a small sandbag in the concavity.

That is for the shooter to rack the gun with.

Rifle a practice is prone with support, is the simplest shooting subjects, with the help of this target platform, the muzzle will be much less swaying.

A small wooden sign with the number 3 written on it was inserted next to the concrete target position.

This meant that he was target position number 3.

Looking to the side, Zhang Jian was at the number 1 target position, Yang Hui was at the number 2 target position, and then looking to the right, Fatty Wei was at the number 6 target position, and the little white guy, Jiang Lai, was at the number 7 position.

Third platoon leader Huang Junwei took the walkie-talkie and contacted with the target reporter in the trench below the distant target, and after getting the answer that he could shoot, he issued the next command.

"On command, prone loading!"

In front of the target position, the sound of unloading the gun and lying down rang out in unison.

Li Zheng lay on his back in front of the target position and loaded the bullets, gently set the barrel of his 95-1 type automatic rifle on the sandbag, then adjusted his posture so that his body was in the most comfortable position, and checked the condition of the stock against his shoulder, so that the man-gun combination was tight -

This is Hou Jun has been emphasized in the shooting training, said many soldiers in the live fire often have a feeling "aim but not hit", this is because the shooting error does not appear in the aim, but the shooting.

At the moment of shooting, both hands are not balanced, the butt of the gun against the shoulder is unreasonable, coupled with the impact of breathing, heartbeat can easily lead to muzzle shake, so that the bullet shot off.

Hou Jun said, the most appropriate shooting method is, in the elbows against the body or other support to ensure stability at the same time, to maintain uniform breathing, eyes always staring at the target, feel the muzzle up and down the tiny wobble, while the index finger gently pulling the trigger, even force, inadvertently will be the bullets sent out.

This is the army's "intentional aiming, unintentional firing" shooting skills.