
little accident

In the scope, the crosshair was undulating up and down, like a willow fluttering gently in the wind.

Hou Jun's hand was a little sweaty, the grip on the gun handle felt a little slippery, his finger was poised and ready to press the fateful trigger.

Hou Jun had long since familiarized himself with this pattern, and when the collimator began to move down close to the bullseye, his finger pressed on the trigger.

As long as it is pulled down, that sniper-specific bullet shoots out, and this dream that has been chased for nine years will become a reality!

Suddenly, a small accident appeared ...

Maybe it was too much exuberance, maybe it had been brewing in his stomach for a long time, or maybe his sphincter muscles were a bit lax at that moment.

Anyway, Hou Jun's hindquarters solidly farted the moment he pulled the trigger.

This fart was not earth-shattering, but it was enough to cause a sideways glance.

Next to him, Zhang O subconsciously frowned.


The gun went off.

The entire room was silent.

The mini saucer target in the distance did not fall down in response to the sound, and was still properly standing there, the round target seemed like a comical smiley face, looking at the sniper Hou Jun hundreds of meters away, demonstrating to him.

Those recruits of the second battalion outside the field, including Li Zhengnei, did not know what had happened.

They didn't know the rules either.

They just saw Wu Yi's face turn white all of a sudden, the same as a dead person in a morgue who had been frozen in a freezer for days.

Fatty Wei immediately saw the signs and bumped Li Zheng on the side with his elbow and said, "Ay ay ay ay, I think something is wrong."

Although Li Zheng guessed that something was wrong, he didn't open his mouth.

Because every time the old squad leader Hou Jun shot, Wu Yi and chicken blood like exuberant to the new recruits all kinds of bragging.

And this time was different, Wu Yi was silent, his face was no different from a dead man.

"Don't talk too much."

Li Zheng reminded Fatty Wei.

"You've caused enough trouble."

Ma Teng from the back interjected, "Fatty, what situation did you name?"

Fatty Wei was still a dog who couldn't change his ways, and after holding back, he ultimately didn't hold back and said to Ma Teng, "Let's see, 80% of it is missing the target."

Ma Teng said, "You can see the target?"

Fatty Wei mysteriously nuzzled in the direction of Wu Yi and whispered, "The target is on the face of our squad leader."


As he was talking, the second shot rang out.

After the first shot ran off the target, Hou Jun made up the second shot.

Then, Li Zheng saw Hou Jun standing up in the distance, his back was all despondent.

He suddenly realized that this veteran must be in great pain at the moment.

Even from a distance, he could feel it.

When Hou Jun got off the field, Liang Hu and Xie Dong greeted him.

The two of them were awkward and did not know what to say.

In the end, it was Xie Dong who spoke first: "Maybe there is still a chance."

But before his words were finished, the soldiers of the special brigade over there cheered, and one after another got up and jumped high.

It seemed that they knew the results, and Zhong Rui's group had clearly come out on top.

Hou Jun could not see any emotion on his face at all, but it was precisely because he could not see any emotion that Xie Dong was even more worried.

Hou Jun is a veteran who has everything written on his face, he is a long soldier, so he doesn't like to hide it, and the company battalion regiment, no matter whether it's an officer or a soldier, they all respect him enough, and when he speaks even more harshly, the others feel that he's right.

"I'll go back first."

Hou Jun finished and left the shooting range without looking back.

The gunfire on the field continued, while Hou Jun knew that the drama that belonged to him had already come to an end.

Three days later, the final results came out from the training team, and Hou Jun and Zhang Ao's group lost without a doubt.

Hou Jun returned to the boot camp and became his acting platoon leader.

For several days, he lay on the bed in the single room next to the small private room, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Three days later, Hou Jun was fine and moved his bed out of the small private room and put it in the big platoon room.

Wu Yi carefully asked Hou Jun: "Platoon leader, you sleep inside forget it, outside to engage in emergency assembly, noisy it."

Hou Jun rolled his eyes, said in a bad mood: "Noisy only popular, no sound that is the morgue!"

Wu Yi saw the situation, hurriedly shut up and did not dare to babble again.

But his heart is secretly happy, it seems that this is over.

Look at Hou Jun's full of anger cursing tone, he knew that he was familiar with the old squad leader is back.

Hou Jun blamed his failure on that loud fart that was released at an inopportune time.

"That damn fart!"

When Xie Dong came to find him and Zhang Ao intending to sit on the ideological work to comfort and console the loser, Hou Jun sat on the edge of the flower bed, staring at the ground with his teeth bared, grabbed a piece of grass in front of him, viciously ripped it into two, and threw it harshly on, cursing with his mouth uncleanly.

That day on the shooting range, when Hou Jun pulled the trigger at the critical moment, that loud fart ruined everything.

He made a trigger pulling pose while saying, "I was aiming well, and this fucking shit came ... when I said it."

Speaking of this, Hou Jun's face turned green.

"The ... collimator flew at once!"

The wire is only 5MM, to hit it is indeed a fine job.

Even if the pulse skipped a beat, the collimator would wobble, let alone a punchy fart.

Although in time, Hou Jun and Zhang Ao's group took the shortest time, but ran a round, lost in accuracy, and finally failed miserably and became a loser.

Hou Jun felt most sorry for Zhang Ao.

It was his bad luck to be his partner.

He wanted to turn his head to say sorry to Zhang Ao, but he didn't realize that Zhang Ao was not sad at all, and now he was covering his mouth and rolling his eyes.

"Damn Zhang Ao, what are you laughing at! Lost the election you still laugh! You heartless loser soldier!"

As soon as he cursed, the company commander Xie Dong laughed.

Hou Jun cursed, so that meant it was normal.

However, Hou Jun felt that this was indeed a bit humiliating.

No one would believe him.

The third phase of the old sergeant, the army famous sniper, originally all the way smooth wind flat push, and finally the gutter overturned, planted in a fart.

Xie Dong only laughed less than three seconds to seal his mouth.

It was inappropriate to laugh at this time, especially since he was the company commander.

He wanted to comfort Hou Jun, but he did not know where to start.

He knew Hou Jun's dream, ten years as one day, from the day he was drafted into the army, he had always wanted to go to the international military competition field.

Unexpectedly ill-fated, time and again missed the opportunity.

This time was the most hopeful, success was almost within reach, but the duck suddenly flew away, in addition to bad luck, he really did not know which angle to evaluate this can make Hou Jun a little relieved.

So, he changed the topic: "In fact, you do not be discouraged, maybe there is still a chance."

Hou Jun hooked his neck and looked at the ground as if he was absent, and said: "There are three years I will be discharged from the army, the Golden Eagle International Sniper Competition is once every two years, before the start of the next session I just have to be discharged from the army, not to mention that this year we are going to the G military region, the next time it is certainly not our turn."

Xie Dong said, "That's not necessarily true. I heard that the military reform is going to start, we may have to change greatly, our division is estimated to be split into brigades, there are individual regiments will be reorganized to establish a new special operations brigade, if it is our regiment ... think about it, the competition opportunities of the special forces can be much more than this kind of motorized regiment we have to go, maybe you can still catch up. "

"Change special warfare?" Hou Jun's eyes flashed with a trace of excitement, then pretended to be indifferent, "Really?"

Xie Dong nodded: "All in the rumor, but no shadow of a thing, nowadays the priority is to bring good recruits, I tell you, this time your platoon led back to the head of the soldiers there are two very good, one is called Zhang Jian, one is called Li Zheng ..."