
Li Zheng's past


It's reach-around pitch black.

You still can't see anything with your eyes open.

This was a small utility room, so small that it could only accommodate one person, and it was slightly difficult to even turn around.

Li Zheng had stayed here for about a couple minutes. That strong feeling of discomfort came to Li Zheng from all sides like a tidal wave, and the thick darkness seemed to bring him back to the boundless dead silence after that earth tremor in Green Mountain Town seven years ago.

"Son you have to remember ... mom will always love you ..."

In the darkness, his mother's gentle voice came from another world.

Li Zheng was trembling and could not stop the tears from sliding down his cheeks.

"Son, be strong, stay strong ..."

Those were the last words left by his mother.

Li Zheng clenched his teeth and heard a cackling sound.

This was the most painful image in his memory.

That year, Li Zheng was trapped under the rubble for four days and four nights.

Relying on the water left in a deformed rice cooker next to him, he miraculously survived until he was rescued.

The family was having a meal when the disaster struck without warning.

At the moment of crisis, his parents put one head on each end of the dining table and used their own lives to hold out a narrow survival zone for Li Zheng in the rubble.

Since that day, Li Zheng has lived a heavier life than many others.

His life was exchanged from the hands of the God of Death with the life of his parents, and he will always carry the life of his parents on his back.

Four days later, Li Zheng, who was lost in the lake, finally heard footsteps on the ruins and actually heard someone talking.

He excitedly gatherer the last bit of strength towards the corner shouted: "Mom ... Dad ... Someone is coming ... "

The darkness did not come any response, only death-like silence.

The cruel truth was in front of him, his parents were gone ...

He wanted to cry, but he did not even have the strength to cry, and only made a wailing sob in his throat.

Perhaps the heavens could not stand to look at him anymore, and finally left him a ray of hope.

Li Zheng's faint cries drew the attention of the rescuers.

"There's someone down here!"

I don't know who shouted from the rubble, and then people from all directions quickly gathered.

That day, dozens of people spent the better part of a day, digging non-stop every second, and the collapse of the old five-story building was hundreds of tons of cement and rebar.

The structure of the debris formed after the collapse is very unstable, if not careful will cause secondary accidents so that the rescue lost, so you can not use heavy machinery, can only rely on manpower excavation.

Time is life.

Life is an order!


The dozens of soldiers on the ruins said they would do it!



Even with their hands. ...

After digging from morning to afternoon and removing more than twenty tons of concrete and steel, the trapped Li Zheng was finally seen.

Li Zheng, who had been suffering in the darkness for four days, felt that the whole world was so blinding that his hands subconsciously blocked his eyes.

Through the cracks in his fingers, he saw a few figures in camouflage uniforms, who were excitedly turning their heads towards the people not far away, shouting, "The child is still alive! Alive!"

It turned out to be the People's Liberation Army.

There was help!

Li Zheng finally could not hold on and fainted.


A scene from that year flashed through his mind.

In the utility room, Li Zheng's breathing became more and more rapid.

He began to hallucinate that the four walls had come to life and were squeezing towards him from different directions to crush him into a pulp.

After the earthquake, Li Zheng became restless even when riding in the elevator, and had a strong desire to escape.

Psychiatrists diagnosed this called "claustrophobia", is a psychological disease, belonging to a specific environment has been hurt in the formation of a psychological stress trauma.

There is no specific medicine for this disease, can only take some oral anti-anxiety drugs, use some psychological and behavioral training, slowly come out from the shadow.

Over the years, Li Zheng has been fighting against this psychological barrier, he feels like a trapped warrior, must rely on themselves to break the shackles tied to the soul.

Systematic Desensitization Method, Shock Therapy, Exposure Therapy, Cognitive Therapy ...

Whatever helped his condition, he tried.

"I can do this ..."

He took a deep breath, pushing the hallucinations desperately out of his mind, and then lifted his wrist with difficulty as the watch screen lit up.

The numbers on the chronograph were pulsing, 51 minutes had passed.

The previous highest record was 40 minutes, and this time he had broken his own record.

The doctor told him that as long as he could stay in the small, dark confined environment for an hour without collapsing, then it would be considered a successful desensitization.

Just need to hold on for another 9 minutes ...

Li Zheng opened his mouth like a man about to drown and took a few big, fierce gulps of air.

He slowly let himself relax and slowly leaned against the wall, a picture of that year came to his mind-

Li, who had recovered from a serious illness, was standing by the side of the highway as military vehicles loaded with soldiers drove past the highway in front of him one by one, and he slowly raised the cardboard in his hand.

On it was lake good white paper, with a line of bold italic letters written in red marker color pen - When I grow up, I want to be a soldier too!