
It's time to shoot for real.

Li Zheng's interest in snipers for the first time is actually not in Hou Jun's qualification for the foreign sniper competition on the field, but began that night and Hou Jun in the stairway duty post some conversation.

Online sniper movie and television material is quite a lot, but that's just to see a hilarious, equivalent to scratching the itch.

As the saying goes, the insiders look at the doorway, the outsiders see what's going on.

Snipers in the end is how a military profession?

Why is Hou Jun so obsessed with this profession?

In the early morning of this day, Li Zheng returned to the platoon room and lay on the bed, how can not sleep.

His heart has a kind of stupid, want to tell Hou Jun that he also wants to learn sniper professional impulse, but he is a person who has a strict plan for his life, after the death of his parents, he has always learned how to plan their own life, and put into practice.

After the death of his parents, he had always learned how to plan his life and put it into practice. He went to school, became a soldier, and everything so far had not deviated from his own predetermined track.

After tossing and turning, Li Zheng finally suppressed the impulse that had just sprung up in his heart.

It was better to serve in the army for two years, go back to complete his studies, and in the future, it was more in line with his life plan to go to graduate school and stay in school.

Being a soldier is only a part of life experience, not the whole of oneself.

This is exactly what the new recruit Li thought.

Early the next morning, regimental commander Li Haiou appeared in the second battalion of recruits.

This time he came over specifically to find Liang Hu and brought a message.

After the National Day holiday, Division Commander Wang Xinjun decided to come to the Recruit Corps to see the progress of training, and Vice Chief of Staff Shi - also known as the head of the Recruit Corps, Shi Song, decided to have a common subject mapping assessment competition, where the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions would have a confrontation to see which battalion's recruits had the best training results.

Moreover, Shi deputy chief of staff said, not only to compare the formation subjects, but also than five kilometers cross-country, than the single and double bar a practice, than the bomb throwing, than the shooting a practice of these basic subjects.

The time is set in two weeks.

Liang Hu listened to the frown wrinkled into a ball, said the chief, this Shi deputy chief of staff did not look at the training program? Our shooting practice is still only ten meters narrow target fixed aim and 100 meters fixed target according to the stage of the gun aiming, live firing to a week later to start, now than? Compare to what? The new recruits have never seen a real bullet!

Li Haiou said: "Look at what you said, we have not trained, other battalions have trained? None of them have! We're on the same starting line, so what are we afraid of? I tell you, other subjects such as the formation of those, you lose I will not scold, but if you shoot three kilometers cross-country these two subjects lose, then do not blame me for poking your forehead and scolded you useless."

Liang Hu of course knew the meaning of Li Haiou's words, the three kilometers is a comprehensive embodiment of integrated physical fitness, is the most representative of the physical quality of the recruits of a kind of performance, and shooting is the second battalion is the traditional strength of the Meng Hu Regiment.

These two lost, when the head of the face of the regiment will have no place to put.

Especially new recruits, other professional training has not yet unfolded, even some of the basic common subjects, these two can be described as the main event in the training of new recruits, Menghu regiment can not afford to lose, can not afford to lose this person.

Liang Hu said, "Then you mean, we start live-fire training now?"

Li Haiou said without even thinking, "Of course, what are we waiting for? Are we going to wait until the first and third battalions have practiced? The first to eat meat, the last to drink soup, running slow shit can not catch up with the hot, this reasoning still want me to teach you ah? What kind of battalion commander are you?"


Liang Hu saluted.

"Then I'll immediately go and call up a few of their platoon commanders for a meeting to lay out the plan."

After saying this, he turned around and was about to leave.

Just two steps away was called by Li Haiou.


"What other instructions do you have, regimental commander?"

"It's like this ..." Li Haiou thought with his back hand, and finally said, "This time you have to discover some talented shooters out in the live fire, these talented soldiers will be given to Hou Jun for intensive training, and on the day of the examination. No matter what, give me at least three full rings."


Liang Hu had a hard time.

The so-called full ring refers to the one hundred meter chest ring target prone position with support precision shooting.

With 5 rounds of bullets, its performance evaluation standard is 30 rings passing, 40 rings good, and reaching 45 rings or more is excellent.

If all 5 rounds hit the 10-ring bull's-eye, the total score of 50 rings is called "full ring".

Generally speaking, even second-year veterans and even three-year veterans would not dare to say that they can guarantee that they can hit a full ring, let alone these new recruits who have only joined the army for a month.

"Is it difficult?" Li Haiou said, "Doesn't your second battalion claim to be unrivaled in shooting throughout the division?"

Liang Hu said, "Chief, that was our veteran battalion, not this new battalion."

Liang Hu could only smile bitterly, "Okay, resolutely obey orders."

Li Haiou said, "Not only to obey orders, but also to absolutely fulfill orders!"

Finished, suddenly sighed and said: "In addition to a Hou Jun and a Zhang Ao, your second battalion in these years, there is nothing that I can see on the top, you battalion commander to pay attention to ah, if Hou Jun retired, your second battalion's training base can still be maintained? Will you be able to keep your battalion's training foundation? Will you be able to keep the division's excellent training battalion flag? You as a battalion commander should have a good idea."

Liang Hu said, "There should be no problem."

Li Haiou said, "If you say there's no problem, then there's no problem, I'll believe you. By the way, a good shooter is fed by bullets, don't skimp on bullets for me, from tomorrow onwards at least once a day a practice shooting training, how many bullets to use to make a plan to send to the regiment, I'll let the old He side to give you a good guarantee."



While the two were conversing, the recruits just happened to be out of drill, the team passed by Li Hai-Ou's jeep, and seeing the regimental commander, the platoon leader on duty gave the formation command, and then took the lead in saluting-

"One! Two! Three! Four--"

The recruits saw the regimental commander, and knowingly pulled their voices to the maximum decibel.

"One--two--three--four-- "

Li Haiou stood beside the car and returned the salute, watching the young faces pass by in front of him, the overflowing youth on his face like a sunrise rising in the distance.

Li is looking at Li Haiou's dark and hard face in the team, he certainly would not have thought that his batch of new recruits' live-fire had been brought forward by at least more than a week.

The news that live firing would begin the next day was the first news that squad leader Wu Yi had brought to the training ground to inform everyone.

From the small conference room of the company headquarters, he jogged all the way back to the training ground and said excitedly to Hu Chenxi: "You said that this year's group of new recruits is much cooler, they are going to start live-fire tomorrow, listening to the company commander, the commander of the regiment came over in the morning when he promised, enough bullets, the regiment specially approved, every day for the next two weeks to ensure that at least one live-fire shooting! "

Squad deputy Hu Chenxi was fanning himself with his beanie, and was a bit surprised to hear him say this, "Ah? So soon?!"

The recruits who were sitting on the ground resting also boiled over when they heard the squad leader say that they would start shooting real guns next year.

Fatty Wei asked the most breathtaking question: "Squad Leader, the live ammunition you mentioned, is it real bullets? The kind of real bullets that can kill people?"

Wu Yi first stiffened for a short while like he was being punted, then gave a thumbs up and quipped, "Wei Guoxing you're so smart! Why didn't I think of it!"