
It's so wow!

"See the bullet points? What's the point?" Fatty Wei asked.

Li Zheng said, "Correction."

Wu Yi said, "That's right, he'll use the gun calibrator next."

But this time Wu Yi wasn't right.

In fact, everyone thought that Zhuang Yan would use the gun calibrator to correct it, after all, everyone's aiming situation was different, so the purpose of the gun calibrator was actually to make the gun's firing baseline more in line with their visual habits.

But soon, everyone realized that they were wrong.

Zhuang Yan did not use the gun calibrator, but instead pulled the trigger continuously.




Three more single shots.

After hitting it, Zhuang Yan stopped again.

Fatty Wei flirted with Wu Yi: "Squad Leader, you're wrong, he didn't use the gun calibrator."

Wu Yi was a little embarrassed.

Zhuang Yan didn't follow the rules, which he hadn't expected.

"He'll use it later, maybe he didn't hold it well himself for the first few shots, originally the gun calibrator usually takes more than ten rounds or even more, his three shots are definitely not enough."

As a result, just as his words fell to the ground, the solemn gun on the other end rang out again.

And this time, it was a continuous shot.

Ping ping--

Ping ping--

Each magazine was not filled with bullets, only ten rounds were pressed.

After Zhuang Yan finished playing, his hand drew a new magazine from the pouch and magically changed to the gun in an instant, and continued to start the continuous fire.

"So fast ..."

Liang Hu couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

He asked himself that he definitely didn't have Zhuang Yan's speed of changing magazines on the field.

Li Haiou's face was a little stiff.

He had to admit, the moment Zhuang Yan picked up the gun, every action was so natural, so pleasing to the eye, as if the gun was one of his arms, one of his fingers, long in his body, fused into one.

He could see the way.

Just these small actions, not to say how the final shooting results, just look at the action know that Zhuang Yan spent time on the gun is not ordinary, that is after ten thousand times a hundred thousand times of repeated practice to reach the level.

Zhuang Yan used 95-1 to shoot out all the bullets hit 10 rings, only the first three rounds piece left up, in the upper left corner of the center of the target.

And all the bullets fired after that hit the center of the target, no matter if they were single or continuous, and because they were so dense, the target paper in the center was thinned out.

Horrible ...

Too horrible ...

Li Haiou had always prided himself on his level of training.

But he now had to admit that he was still a frog at the bottom of the well even after being a soldier for more than twenty years.

PLA internal hidden dragon and crouching tiger, some people, even if he had been a soldier for more than twenty years did not have the opportunity to encounter.

Just like this Zhuang Yan in front of him.

He thought that Zhuang Yan was just more "cunning" in military command, but he did not expect the quality of a major to maintain such a high level.

This level of ...

He couldn't help but glance worriedly in the direction of Hou Jun.

Maybe even Hou Jun also ...

The second magazine, Zhuang Yan the first two are continuous point shooting, followed by three rounds of continuous shooting.

Until all empty, do not wait for the opposite side of the target, he copied the hand on the ground that has been loaded with a good targeting system of high-precision snipers, feet a cross, the person nimbly sitting on the ground, a beautiful sniper sitting shooting action will be completed.

This time, he was aiming at the sniper's special mini-disc target at a distance of four hundred meters.

The mini-disc target was only 11.5CM in size.

Then, Zhuang Yan began his performance ...

The first time he did it, he was able to shoot the target at a distance of 400 meters.



After three shots.

He stopped, turned off the safety, and then twisted a few times on the direction and height adjustment knobs of the sights.

After that, he continued firing ...

The bullets shot out one by one.

Hou Jun stood on the target not far away and was already looking a little mesmerized.

This is not just sniping.

This is a kind of art.

A kind of gun and violent aesthetics and a kind of art derived from the skillfulness produced under a thousand hammers.

Zhuang Yan every action, as an experienced top sniper, he can see the hard work and sweat behind it, as well as contains the confidence and absolute top quality.

The magazine was empty.

All ten rounds went out.

Zhuang Yan checked the chamber, turned off the safety, put the gun away, and got up, still with that signature smile on his face.

"I'm good."

"Good ..." Hou Jun then remembered that he had forgotten to calibrate his gun.

Soon, the target reporter over there sent back information.

High Precision Sniper hit ten rings in ten shots.

Moreover, it was specially emphasized over there that the first three rounds were off to the right, but the scatter was extremely small, but the back seven rounds almost all hit the

While Hou Jun was proofreading his gun, Zhuang Yan stood aside and watched for a while, then left the target position to return to the starting line.

Shi Song and a few others had been waiting there for a long time.

"Painful!" Zhuang Yan exhaled comfortably, "I haven't touched a gun for a month, so I finally got over it today."

"I am truly convinced!" Shi Song tang a colonel deputy chief of staff also couldn't help but give a thumbs up in public, "I've long heard that Chief of Staff Zhuang is from the Special Forces, and has also been to foreign competitions, in the past, I always thought about what level you were at back then in order to get so many honors, now I see it, I understand it, it's really awesome!"

Prolonged, the eyes slid to the side of Li Haiou.

That meaning ...

Hehehe ...

Li head of the group you are not awesome?

Look, how about Chief of Staff Zhuang?

Fortunately, Li Haiou is also a most traditional soldier, admiring the strong, immediately also gave a thumbs up, "Chief, I'm not lining up your horse's ass, I'll practice for another ten years, but also can't catch up with you."

Zhuang Yan waved his hand and said, "I was also forced out by my competitive spirit back then, I was just lucky to meet a few good squad leaders, and also met very good teachers, they taught me well."

"Chief is too modest." Liang Hu said, "Our chief isn't one to praise people easily, you are truly great, only then will he give a thumbs up."

The recruits over there had already exploded when they heard Zhuang Yan's final score.

"Wow! This major is awesome!"

"Awesome! I'll be able to brag on Weibo when I get discharged and go back and say that I've met Major Zhuang and that the online reports aren't bragging, they're true! To be honest, back then, his report many people still in the military group all kinds of discussion, think there is bragging components! Now it seems, hmmm, they really don't know how big the sky is outside the wellhead!"

"Get get get!" Wu Yi interrupted the crowd's discussion, "It's still early! What do you new recruits know! You think our platoon leader can't hit this kind of achievement? You'll see, our platoon leader is no worse than him!"

The recruits' interest was immediately piqued again.

By the way, Hou Jun's platoon leader was known as E Division's number one sniper, and was also a top stream existence in the group army.

Then ...

He and this Major Zhuang really competed, in the end who won?

Huge question mark in every person's heart, curiosity is like a balloon that has been infinitely blown up, getting bigger and bigger.

On that side, Major Hou finished his gun and stood up to report to a few chiefs, "Reporting to the chiefs, I'm ready."

Zhuang Yan turned his head and looked at Hou Jun with a smile, then said, "This distance, this kind of target, the difficulty is too small for you and me. I've also met an expert today, so why don't we do something a little more difficult?"

Hou Jun froze, and then his competitive spirit also blazed up, "Okay, just listen to the chief, I'll accompany you to the end of whatever high difficulty you say to play!"