
It's a joke.

I don't realize that the time is approaching the 11th National Day.

This is the first holiday the recruits spent in the army.

Recruits in the local have had a dozen or twenty National Day, early no fresh feeling, but in the army over the National Day or the first time.

At least put on the uniform, although the peace era did not have the opportunity to go to war, but at least it is also considered a member of the defense of the country.

Therefore, this National Day in the heart of every new recruit more than a point of unspeakable sacred.

Troops are actually more tense over the holidays, the first-line troops automatically enter the three levels of combat readiness during the holidays. The most nervous about this level of combat readiness is the division's gang of staff officers, start all kinds of combat readiness eucalyptus, go to the grass-roots level to check all kinds of combat readiness materials are ready, check the people check the gun, make sure that the position is ready to be pulled at any time.

For the soldiers, the feeling is not so nervous.

The most obvious change is that the housekeeping does not have to fold, get up in the morning will be quilts and accompanying supplies packed, all stuffed into the backpack leaning against the bed, the small bag room in the front of the transportation of all the supplies point check on the shelf, meaning that the car arrives, the people will be able to board the car to set off and drive to the front line.

There is also the festive service to be air-raid alert, and the duty fires of each battalion and company of each regiment should be in place to prevent any accidents.

In addition to this, the division will send out staff officers to conduct spot checks on the regiments and battalions and companies below.

What's a spot check?

That is, without prior notice, directly drive a jeep to pick a unit, drive into the camp, get out of the car and blow you an emergency assembly, holding a watch second card time, to see if it is able to be in the predetermined time all assembled in place.

Veterans of the army's holiday has long been accustomed to, not to mention the new battalion, generally seldom spot-check this kind of unit, or more assured.

Reassured, but the account can not be sloppy.

No one can guarantee that the division's staff will not suddenly pull up that tendon, came to the boot camp, to give everyone a move emergency assembly to celebrate.

Of course, in addition to the atmosphere of some tension, the most pleasing is that these three days do not have to carry out intense physical training, every day just out of the drill walk in formation, run a three-kilometer activity activities on the closing drill brush your teeth and wash your face, daytime all-day rest in the camp.

For after more than twenty days of physical training, all kinds of osteochondritis, sprains and wounds or physical exhaustion of the new recruits egg, is simply the existence of amnesty.

With everything ready, the next step was to eat.

For most of the eighteen and twenty young men in the barracks, these young people who still have to undergo intense training and beating every day, there is nothing more practical than eating.

Eat well, eat full.

This is the most important part of the army holiday.

In addition, the battalion in order to enliven the atmosphere, to appease the recruits of the ideological mood, in addition to three consecutive days of food, but also ready to organize barbecues, watching movies and other entertainment programs.

The main event is the evening of the 1st battalion organized by the new recruits to celebrate the activities, said that each class to prepare a program, anyway, is to show individual talent, poetry recitation, martial arts, magic ...

Wu Yi notified the new recruits in the class to report the program, and only Zhang Jian reported in the whole class.

The only one in the whole class who reported was Zhang Jian. He reported was the Capture Fist.

Because the military boxing everyone learns, playing military boxing is nothing new, capture boxing is the scouts learn, Zhang Jian at home when he was thrown by the old man to the instructional unit, followed by the reconnaissance squad leader learned, coinciding with the opportunity to show off the National Day celebration can show off the skills, of course, can not miss this good opportunity.

Wu Yi went to ask Li Zheng, said you report what program?

Li Zheng was in a difficult situation.

Because his parents left early, he did not have the opportunity to take any extracurricular classes, naturally, there is no talent to perform.

So asked Wu Yi, class president, or I pick a eucalyptus example to give you a "criminal law" lesson it?

Wu Yi is in a dilemma.

To the new recruits on the "Criminal Law" class?

How does it sound a bit strange?

Li Zheng said: "Criminal law is actually very interesting, my criminal law teacher surnamed Luo, his lecture corridor is full of people, it is difficult to find a person."

Wu Yi thought about it and thought it was okay, so he said that after you finish preparing the lesson, let me take a look, don't talk nonsense.

After registering Li Zheng this side, Wei Fatty took the initiative to come over and ask, class president, our country celebrates the performance of what program?

Wu Yi oblique also in front of the Wei fat man has been blackened seven degrees, tentatively asked: "You will be what talent? I can't see it!"

Fatty Wei tilted his head and thought for a moment, "I can climb a dragon boat!"

Wu Yi's forehead is full of black lines, said ah, quite good.

Fatty Wei said joyfully, "Class president, you also feel good ah!"

Wu Yi with a tone of comfort retarded, reached out and patted Fatty Wei's shoulder, said in a serious tone: "Guoxing ah, our integrated shooting range over there is a river ditch, want to go to see if it can paddle a dragon boat there? Besides, we don't have dragon boats in our army, do you want a submarine boat?"

Fatty Wei heard that Wu Yi is flirting with himself, laughed a little, and suddenly had a bright idea and said: "Squad Leader, the dragon boat show can not, but I can tell jokes, I tell jokes is very good! I used to go to the bar, as long as I tell jokes, the girls next to me would laugh their asses off."

Wu heard that Fatty Wei can tell jokes also really came a few interest, but the usual unreliable distrust of Fatty Wei, he wanted to check the goods in advance, so he said: "OK, telling jokes is good, can make people laugh is the ability. Then you first tell a joke I listen."

Fatty Wei's small eyes turned, jokes come and go: "Should the scene, let's tell a joke about the holiday. Said one day there is a few years old boy into the drugstore, the clerk asked him to buy what medicine? The kid said, "Uncle, I want to buy a condom. The two clerks looked at each other in dismay, but on second thought, nowadays children are precocious, the family education model is different, maybe people's families have this habit, let the child to help buy a condom is not something abnormal. So quickly took a condom to the child, the child took over to tear open the packaging, take out the condom to hold up the rubber ring child to try the feel, snapped a set on his head ..."

"The two clerks were shocked to see the situation, busy asking what you are doing! The child did not panic to answer, this year, the teacher said that we have to prepare a program, I went to ask the teacher said that I acted on the first of June what? The teacher said to me, you act a dick ah!"

Fatty Wei finished the joke, the surrounding silence, everyone's mouth became O-shaped.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Fatty Wei laughed.

But he was the only one laughing in the entire platoon room.

After a short period of dead silence, the squad leader, Wu Yi, suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed at the door, and said one word to Fatty Wei in an unquestioning tone - "Get out!"

Afterwards, Fatty Wei expressed strong skepticism about the class president's aesthetic standards, saying that was an unearthed artifact of old earth bumps, and that when I told jokes at home, there was no one who didn't laugh.

Li Zheng held back his laughter to comfort him, said you are too talented, not that bad, is the class president does not know, but your joke is too raw and fierce, I guess really go to the stage to tell, tell the end is not you were punished for five kilometers, is the Wu Yi class president followed to be punished to run.

Fatty Wei stared at a pair of edamame eyes looked at half a day Li Zheng, finally in the latter's face to find the answer, and finally disdainfully said: "cut!"