
increase the volume of training

"I'm going to die ..."

At the end of the five kilometers cross-country, the drenched Fatty Wei threw his backpack and collapsed on the grass like a pile of mud.

Li Zheng forked his waist, gasping for breath and looked at Fatty Wei, warning, "Just finished running five kilometers don't sit down, get up and walk, otherwise you may really die."

"Don't get up ... can't afford it ..."

Fatty Wei had a lifeless look, his lips were blue, and he shook his head out of the heavy shadow.

"I thought ... I thought ... that when I said that I was adapting, everyone would let go of the sheep ... until it was changed... ...I didn't think ... this is crazy, right, more hard than before ... so trained every day, I'm going crazy ..."

Li Zheng's eyes were also marinated in sweat raw pain, could not help but take off his hat and wipe the sweat, look around, in addition to a few recruits who are still on top of it, most of them have long since fallen to the east and west on the lawn, and there are a few squatting directly on the side of the road with their mouths open, where they spit out yellow bile water.

Ever since the small news of the reorganization blew up to the platoon, it jumped into the hot topic.

All the new recruits are holding a kind of watchful mentality towards this matter, after all, the reorganization they feel is also a kind of experience, coinciding with the meeting is also counted as a long time to see.

And division to brigade is not the first time this year, these recruits before the army on the Internet saw a report that some troops have begun to division to brigade.

Division to brigade does not only mean the establishment changes, but also includes the equipment upgrade, more modern, more digital, more mechanized, more intelligent.

Even some news mentioned that some of the Mobilized Divisions have been changed into Air Assault Brigades, Mountain Combat Brigades, Synthetic Brigades, Amphibious Brigades, etc., and there are even news on the internet that some of them have been directly changed to the Marine Corps, and organized into the Marine Corps sequence.

This kind of thing, think about it is very exciting.

Being a soldier once, to fulfill two wishes.

Can be changed to the Navy, it is equivalent to this service at the same time to experience the taste of the two branches of the military, if the change of airborne, the future may also be returned to the air force sequence, think about it is very cool ah!

On this matter, the former military V Yang Hui even said that nowadays the infantry in the special warfare, or perhaps directly into the special operations brigade.

Special operations brigade?

That's special forces.

When he said this, other people's moods and expressions were different.

Fatty Wei, for example, was not happy.

The Special Operations Brigade, the name is nice and impressive, but the training will kill you!

Jiang Lai this white boy is very happy, he felt that really can change the special operations brigade, he definitely apply to go to the technical reconnaissance unit, with their own computer skills, according to when a backbone no problem.

But there are also unhappy, such as Wu a squad leader.

He passed by and heard the new recruits discussing, couldn't help but come over and scolded: "You guys are discussing an egg here ah! You're starting to dream before the reorganization has even begun? You're still a special operations brigade! Special Operations Brigade you guys think it's great? I think you're all just idle, come on, come on, go out with me and move around."

The result of the activity was that all of them were taken to the big playground by the steps of the observation deck and jumped up and down ten times, almost exhausted out of their minds.

Regarding why squad leader Wu Yi didn't like everyone discussing the reorganization, and even more so, why he didn't like everyone discussing the matter of changing to the Special Warfare Brigade, the few recruits led by Li Zheng were puzzled.

According to Wu Yi class leader is not the kind of people who are afraid of hard work, not to mention who do not have a dream of being a special forces soldier?

Even if the opportunity to change the special operations is very slim, then dreaming can always be right? Why do you need to hear about the special operations brigade and then storm out?

At the end of the discussion, the recruits did not find an answer.

In fact, as a squad leader, a veteran of the Meng Hu Regiment, there was a reason why Wu Yi didn't like changing to special warfare.

Not only him, but basically the veterans and cadres of the Meng Hu Regiment would definitely not choose to change to special warfare if they had a choice.

First of all, the specialty is not the right one and you have to learn it all over again, which is still a small matter.

The worst thing is that the special operations brigade has a much smaller establishment, and changing to a special operations brigade means that quite a few officers and soldiers in the E Division will be laid off.

Veterans have been in a very affectionate relationship, separate, of course, not happy.

The advantage of directly changing the composite brigade or armored brigade is that this is only an upgraded version of the infantry, the Mobility Division itself has armored personnel carriers and the like, re-adapting to the new equipment is just, than changing the special operations brigade to be much smoother, at least the composite brigade and the armored brigade establishment of a large number of people, the number of people who were laid off must be relatively small.

What the recruits can't figure out is that the intensity of the training has increased, much more than before.

I don't know why, but all the battalions seem to have agreed to increase the amount and intensity of training.

Take the first platoon, a variety of commando team to get up not to mention, every morning before the general is three kilometers, a week at most twice five kilometers, now well, every day five kilometers not to mention, but also began to carry weight, to carry a backpack ...

"All up! Move your arms and legs, take a break, we immediately go to the equipment factory to pull the single and double bar, today's people who can't pull the excellent stay behind to add time to train, and those who pull the excellent can go back early to wash and prepare to eat breakfast."

Hou Jun took the stopwatch, looking at the time inside, while walking over to gently kick those recruits lying on the ground, let them get up and move, while very dissatisfied with the nagging: "Today's time is very bad, very bad, do you know how much time we platoon the last one?"

This kind of words, naturally, is again self-questioning.

Li Zheng thought to himself, the stopwatch is in your hand, you do not say, how do we new recruits know? Can't we just go over and look at it ourselves?

Hou Jun raised the stopwatch, raised it and said: "Too bad! Last one, Wei Guoxing! It's you again, 25 minutes and 43 seconds! We're not bragging about this speed. I can catch up with you even if I let you go a kilometer! You new recruits I do not require as fast as the veterans, veterans fully loaded with the most water can also run into the 23 minutes, you so say you have to run into the 24 minutes, I do not ask for much, before the next company to participate in the big test, must reach this achievement, who can not run within 24 minutes, Wu Yi you give me a good registration, the evening and every afternoon before the closing drill, the organization of the plus plus meal, run a trip of five kilometers and then go back."

Wu Yi looks at Fatty Wei with a smile, but is answering Hou Jun, "Yes! No problem, I'll organize it!"

Fatty Wei looks like this is going to cry out, begged: "Squad leader ah, I just came to run 28 minutes it, this is only two months, has been progressing at a rapid pace, can not let me add meals ah, I'm very full, I can not eat, throwing bombs, long-distance running, single and double bar ... I have to add meals, it will hold me up! ..."

Wu Yi smilingly came over and patted Fatty Wei's shoulder: "Don't worry, don't worry, the squad leader is not your enemy, you are my soldier, I love you too much, how can I let you die? I'll make sure to give you a good amount of control, you won't die!"

Hou Jun suddenly raised his voice and said loudly, "Isn't everyone wondering why all the battalions of our new regiment are suddenly increasing their training volume? Don't you guys want to know why this is?"

Li Zheng began to mutter in his heart, "Platoon Commander, ah Platoon Commander, if you have something to say, just say it straight, what is the secret? That gourd of yours, it's all worn out. ...