
important appointment

Time was as slow as a snail, ten minutes here seemed like ten days to Li Zheng.

The hour was finally over.


The door of the utility room was finally pushed open, and the sweaty Li Zheng almost rolled and crawled out, like a chicken that had just come out of the water.

He opened his mouth and continuously breathed in fresh air.

When he lowered his head, he subconsciously looked at his watch again.

A full 61 minutes.

Before Li Zheng could get excited, he suddenly remembered something and screamed in his heart, "Shit!"

Picking up his cell phone, he turned it on and the screen lit up.

The moment he entered the system, the beeper ding dong dong menge rang, showing a total of 12 missed calls, all of which were his girlfriend Shao Xiaoqian's number.

In order to desensitize training without interference, Li Zheng turned off his cell phone.

This old raggedy little is a distant relative of the state-owned enterprise unit room, the two mouths after retirement to the capital with grandchildren to go, and do not want to rent to outsiders, the location happens to be in the vicinity of the East China Sea University, and so handed over to the University of East China Sea Li Zheng, so that he can help take care of the incidental to do hygiene.

Looking at so many missed calls, Li Zheng's scalp went numb.

He remembered that he had an appointment with Shao Xiaoqian tonight to go to her house for dinner!

Love talked about more than a year, this is the first time to be invited to the door, Shao Xiaoqian obviously want to determine the relationship between the two, was about three o'clock to find a place to meet, and then go to Shao Xiaoqian's home together.

A look at the table, it is already three fifteen in the afternoon.

The original time to stay in the small room is 40 minutes, I did not expect this desensitization training effect is exceptionally good, a moment of excitement actually delayed such an important thing.

"Done and done!"

He hurriedly dialed back, and the ringtone on the other end rang twice and was immediately pinched.

Dialing back again, it was still cut off.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Li Zheng's forehead.

This thing is wrong in their own, don't also blame the girlfriend angry.

So hurry up on WeChat to Shao Xiaoqian sent a message, explaining that before their own cell phone is off before they did not hear the phone ringing.

Good in Shao Xiaoqian not petty, soon the phone called in, connected to the side of the crackling head and face to ask the teacher: "Li Zheng, you learn bad, learn others off the phone to play disappeared, said, just now is with the little fairy darkness to go?"

Shao Xiaoqian is willing to open her mouth, Li Zheng knows that this is over.

As long as still answer the phone, still take care of you, prove that things are not serious, really don't want to take care of you, when you are transparent air, then really want to finish the calf.

"Xiaoqian, I'm really sorry. Just now is really did not hear the cell phone ring." Li Zheng did not say that he was in a relative's house to carry out desensitization correction this matter, this is his own a small secret, not willing to mention to anyone.

The good thing is that Shao Xiaoqian understand Li Zheng, the stomach does not have that kind of bend, do not do the thing of the womanizer.

"You see what time it is, about to come to my home tonight for dinner, so important things you can forget? You still have no me in your heart?"

"How can I forget? I forgot my own birthday I can't forget this, the gift has been bought."

"Hmph! I don't believe you!"

"But whether you believe it or not, I believe it myself."


Hearing the laughter on the other end of the phone, Li Zheng's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

"You come over, I'll wait for you at the entrance of Riverside Park, I'll give you fifteen minutes, out of time." Shao Xiaoqian's voice had a renewed sweetness in it.

"Alright, be right there!" Li Zheng grinned as he picked up his clothes and dashed downstairs to take a taxi.

Less than fifteen minutes, the two met at the park entrance.

Just met, Shao Xiaoqing on the small mouth pretending that the gas is not gone, Li Zheng can only go up a coaxing, good words to the death is not too tired.

Coaxed a few minutes, Shao Xiaoqian's frame finally can not end, hand a stretch, directly on the elbow of Li Zheng.

"Don't waste time, go, go on my house."

Small couples well. Are in the quarrel in the sulk, and then in the process of embracing the small waist kiss kiss mouth and good.

Love even if hailstorms feel romantic, break up the time to go to the beach to see the sunrise and sunset will touch the love hurt crying dog.

Although and dating more than a year, but Li Zheng has not been to Shao Xiaoqian home, and even her parents do not quite clear.

He felt that the relationship can not be like the market to buy food as meticulous all kinds of calculation, not like the police to check the account.

Once asked these things, Li Zheng always feel that the pure love affair will become impure up.

Although did not ask, but does not mean can not guess.

Just look at the temperament of this one, Shao Xiaoqian will not lose any female classmates in East China Sea University.

For the first time, Li Zheng is more or less a little nervous.

In fact, what makes him more nervous is still in the back.

The two took a cab to their destination and got out of the car, Li Zheng just straightened the wrinkles on the clothes ready to meet the next test with the best posture, but did not think to look up, and was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Yan'an Road?"

He mentally dripped a sound, and then stretched his neck to see not far away, three guardsmen standing straight mortar and pestle on both sides of the huge granite door, the leader is a second lieutenant, chest hung with an armed belt, waist don't have a 92 type pistol, the back of the two soldiers look serious, chest sidearm 95 type automatic rifle, oily muzzle in the dusk sunlight flashing hair-raising cold light.

"Is this ... your home?" Li Zheng choked on his saliva.

Shao Xiaoqian said, "Well, my parents are soldiers."

"Ah?" Li Zheng's eyes almost rolled to the ground.


Holy shit!

No wonder Shao Xiaoqian's character is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, full of valor, so it turns out that she is a child of the army.

Think of the two people when they first met, Shao Xiaoqian actually took the initiative to pursue their own, female chasing a man's strong contrast had once let Li Zheng had a delusion, as if he was a pussy.

Freshman year, the medical school flower Shao Xiaoqian initiative to chase the law department of the poor boy Li Zheng this once became the East China Sea University for people to talk about the news.

The two people's acquaintance began with a campus activity, this kind of activity to pull the strong man is a common thing.

The good thing is that Li Zheng was pulled by his classmates to work as a laborer, not having thought that the medical school girls also went.

Shao hospital flower appeared in the scene, the boys suddenly transformed into a little puppy in heat, surrounded by the past starry-eyed all kinds of attentiveness, only Li Zheng a person in the corner of the self-conscious busy themselves with the work in hand, did not care to look at Shao Xiaoqian a glance.

According to what the story of the frog and the princess is limited to the fairy tale and self media chicken soup for the soul, but the world is really what rare things have.

In the face of a large group of handsome and gold boys, Shao hospital flowers froze even look at the interest of a moment, but attention on the corner of the honestly burying his head in the work of Li Zheng not humming.

Afterwards, the boys present on that day were shocked, angry to break the chest and ribs, I knew Shao hospital flower good lonely and arrogant this mouth, when I should pretend to be noble should not be like a teddy in heat, reserved a little, steady some, perhaps also can get Shao hospital flower a good smile.

In any case, Li Zheng's peach blossom luck so magically began.

Women chasing men through the veil, Li Zheng as a normal development of young people do not lack parts, ultimately resisted Shao hospital flowers three or four times under the pretext that his computer technology is good so that he helped to buy a computer to help install the system to help remove viruses and then small favors to eat this kind of open and dark offensive, it did not take long to surrender.

After the two came together, Li Zheng found Shao hospital flower computer knowledge can be no more than their own chicken.

Back then, those little excuses suddenly became a small romantic intrigue, and now think of these things, Li Zheng is under the covers can hem and haw and wake up laughing.

After Shao Xiaoqian look at their own, Li Zheng once liked the mirror, after the object can reflect the light out of the human-like can not help but stop and look at two eyes.

There are pros and cons, the peach blossom luck of Li Zheng has become the male students of Tunghai University in the eyes of the object of indignation, mention his male students every time they want to use their feet to stomp on the ground out of a three-room two halls to.

Especially the medical school side of the boys, take a scalpel to Li Zheng to do a living human anatomy of the heart are there, the hospital flower Shao Xiaoqian by the law school of the poor boy Li Zheng bubble away, they are always a little bit of their own fishpond fish by someone else to fish away the unwillingness.