
if it's not right, it won't come together

In front of the E Division Command building, the SUV stopped at the entrance.

Division Commander Wang Xinjun and Deputy Division Commander Zhang Wenqing and Chief of Staff Feng Huaijin greeted them.

Serious and solemn got down from the car, Wang Xinjun took the lead and saluted, Serious returned the salute and showed a smiling face and politely said, "It's been a long time since I've seen you, Divisional Commander Wang, last time we parted ways for three years there, right?"

Wang Xinjun nodded and said, "There, there. Minister Yan has a good memory."

After saying that, his gaze crossed over seriousness to land on Zhuang Yan behind him, and a trace of unnaturalness flashed across his face.

"Long time no see, Chief of Staff Zhuang."

Zhuang Yan saw the embarrassment from the faces of Division Commander Wang and the other two, in fact, he knew what was going on, the encounter three years ago, that time it was not a very pleasant affair, and I'm afraid that the whole of E Division would not have a good impression of him.

"Division Commander Wang, Deputy Division Commander Zhang, and Chief of Staff Feng, it's good to see you again."

Chief of Staff Feng said, "It was also a pleasure for us to cross paths with Chief of Staff Zhuang three years ago."

There was a hidden needle in the words.

Don't look at Feng Huaijin who looked like a scholar, but in reality, he was a cannonball temper.

Three years ago, Feng Huaijin was the first to protest against Zhuang Yan's unscrupulous scouting mode.

The first protest, the director department agreed to go back to the file to start again, but the second time, but still lost, Feng Huaijin protest again, the results of this time was not accepted.

This is a long story that goes back to when he was a child without a mother.

Serious could see the little bit of emotion these E Division leaders had towards Zhuang Yan, and deliberately changed the subject, pointing inside the gate and saying, "Let's go in and talk about it."

A group of people entered the command building, the conference room had already been prepared, the public service soldiers had already prepared mineral water, everyone sat down around the small conference table.

"Time is a bit tight, I still have some things to rush back to the military region, so long story short."

Serious spoke crisply, never dragging his feet, it was his style of doing things.

"This time, is for the E Division this division to brigade work pre-deployment preparation, because this time involves the entire G military region, the workload is very large, and the final party eucalyptus today has not been finalized, but the head of the headquarters means not to wait, to carry out the mapping work early, change is inevitable, certainly to change, but if the change, change the process of the handover, the division of the work, and so on, must be detailed The ideological work of the soldiers and cadres must be done well, and stability must not be allowed to occur. In addition, once the reorganization formula is finalized, there will also be the problem of changing specialties in the future, how to quickly form combat power after the change, this must also have long-term planning."

He turned his head to look at Zhuang Yan.

"Chief of Staff Zhuang you all know each other, not a stranger anymore, he came here this time to guide the military reform of E Division, during this time he will stay with you to familiarize himself with everything about the unit and to feel it out, speaking of which, this time the headquarters agreed to transfer him from the Blues Army unit to the G Military Region, what is the purpose of this I think we all know very well. The Blues have been known as the millstone, in fact, they also have an important task, mapping the latest methods of warfare and tactics, Zhuang chief of staff over the years in the new type of combat ideology, tactical research is quite good, in the military publications have published a lot of insightful research articles, so let him to the E Division, in the future, after the military reform of the transformation you face, he will have a very good help and advice, therefore, please be here in the Therefore, please ask all comrades here to cooperate with his work, and if he needs any information or goes to any place for research in the near future, please send someone to assist and safeguard his work. Well, I've said the purpose of this trip, now I want to hear from Division Commander Wang what questions you guys have to ask."

With the words so clear, the ball was naturally kicked to Wang Xinjun's feet.

Wang Xinjun a few people exchanged glances, it seems that there had been a discussion beforehand, in the end it was him as the division commander who spoke first.

"It's only natural to cooperate with the work, we will definitely do our best. But ..." Wang Xinjun tentatively asked: "The last meeting announced the start of preparations for the military reform so far, the military region or, group army or, we have not received the relevant specific formula, in the end, our E Division to be changed into what troops? Can Minister Yan reveal it?"

Serious said, "The headquarters has already got the preliminary formula, the military region has also got it, now the headquarters is waiting for your military region's specific opinion on the preliminary formula, of course, this is not a secret, of course, I can say something about the situation that I know so far. According to the preliminary formula, your D Group Army number will be adjusted, the change will be very big, your E Division is set to retain the strength of 2 synthetic brigades."

"What?!" Wang Xinjun almost jumped out of his chair.

Hearing this news, he couldn't be tantalized.

A division that ended up being reorganized into 2 brigades?

That's not right!

"Minister Yan, at the risk of asking, is there some kind of misunderstanding going on in there?" He was resigned to the fact that this meant that E Division would be laying off a lot of officers and men, which meant that a lot of soldiers and officers might be facing specialization and retirement.

"Our division has over 20,000 men, and we only end up keeping 2 brigades?"

This was equal to laying off half!

Wang Xinjun immediately felt a great deal of pressure, and was also very reluctant to part with it.

No soldier was unaffectionate to his old unit, and if E Division followed Serious' words, it meant that half of the men would have to be relieved of their armor.

Serious said, "I'm here to give you a mental preparation, so you have to understand why we are paying so much attention to the E Division's reorganization, and why we let Chief of Staff Zhuang come over here to personally guide you, is to guide you guys are facing a lot of pressure."

Wang Xinjun wanted to say something, but the military order was like a mountain, as a veteran soldier, he understood that he shouldn't have any objections, he could only carry it out.

But, he really couldn't give up.

That feeling, as if pulling out a heart and asking seriously, how much do you cut?

Then the answer was to cut half.

Serious saw Wang Xinjun's unwillingness to give up, his tone became a lot milder, with a little comforting tone said: ''Wang Division Commander, I know you can't give up, but this is the general trend, in addition, although your division currently retains only two synthesized brigades in the members of the establishment, but the entire A Group Army's establishment has not been reorganized too much, under the new type of establishment composition, it pays more attention to the logistical support and multiple Soldier type synthetic security, E division although only retain two brigades, but does not mean that the personnel can not be diverted to other brigades, this time after the reorganization of the A group army will likewise set up additional land navigation, artillery, air defense, logistical support and other units, will also set up an additional special operations brigade, we are soldiers, in the army which position is to defend the country, this point you are an old comrade, and I do not need to emphasize it."

Wang Xinjun nodded his head heavily, "I understand, and promise to carry out the orders of my superiors."

After saying that, he looked at Zhuang Yan rather sadly.

"Chief of Staff Zhuang, then I'll ask you to worry more about this period of time, you can just say what you need us to cooperate with."

Zhuang Yan replied sincerely, "Please rest assured, Division Chief Wang, I will also fully cooperate with your preparations, and I hope to cooperate happily in the days to come."

Seeing that things were pretty much said and done, Serious got up very sharply and said to Zhuang Yan, "If you don't go and shake hands with Division Commander Wang and the others, I'm going to leave."

The implication was heard.

What happened three years ago is erased like chalk, looking to the future, sincere cooperation, Zhuang Yan wants to work here, Wang Xinjun's support is important.

There is another layer of meaning, in fact, seriousness did not say.

After all, Zhuang Yan this time is another big transfer across the region, G military region in the head of someone is Zhuang Yan, but these years have passed, we have less contact, this time back to the G military region, the head of either, the following commanders or, are looking at the performance of Zhuang Yan.

Can not open the door in the G military region, a shot, that depends on their own this old comrade in arms.

Zhuang Yan walked around the conference table and came directly in front of Division Commander Wang, saluted and stretched out his hand, "I'm here to assist in the work, what are the arrangements, Division Commander Wang please give the order is."

Wang Xinjun looked at Zhuang Yan in front of him, he was too much younger than himself.

Now, it's all about the youngsters.

His heart couldn't help but rise with a feeling of lonesomeness of a hero in his twilight.

"I know that Chief of Staff Zhuang went out from the G Military Region, this is considered your mother's home, the future G Military Region is all your young people's stage now, we ah ..."

Finally, he sighed.
