
I object!

At the entrance of the E Division's new regiment, the battalion commanders of the 1st and 3rd battalions were waiting for soldiers in front of the battalion headquarters building with their own cadres.

The regimental headquarters of the new regiment is set up in the battalion headquarters of the 1st Battalion of the Artillery Regiment, and according to the usual practice should have been set up in the Division Instructional Team, but the Division Instructional Team is currently in the Group Army sniper selection before the intensive training, there is no place to be utilized for a short while, so it is arranged to be located in the 1st Battalion of the Artillery Regiment, which is less than six hundred meters away from the Instructional Team.

E Division this year from the three regiments to squeeze out a battalion of barracks and barracks as a new regiment of new recruits training purposes, the veterans are compressed together and centralized management, each battalion to free up two company rooms to accommodate the new recruits, and so on the end of the new training new recruits down the company and then return to normal.

These adjusted out battalions were concentrated near the Division Instruction Corps, the 1st Battalion of the Artillery Regiment, the 3rd Battalion of the 1st Regiment, the 2nd Battalion out of the 2nd Regiment, and the 1st Battalion of the Mongoose Tiger Regiment.

One of the Meng Hu Regiment 1 Battalion is the way to the Artillery Regiment 1 Battalion, when in the adjustment of the site, Division Commander Chen Zhixin asked Li Hai-Ou, Meng Hu Regiment out which battalion to give the new regiment to use, Li Hai-Ou did not even think about it and said 1 Battalion.

Thinking about it now, Li Haiou's decision back then had a strong flavor of conspiracy.

"The new recruits are here."

1st Battalion Commander Fan Ji was the first to spot the bus slowly driving from the concrete road in the distance, and turned his head to a squad leader and said, "Go up and notify the deputy chief of staff, and tell him that the first batch of new recruits have arrived."

The squad leader answered "Yes" and turned around to run upstairs.

The two battalion commanders led their soldiers towards the playground, and as they walked, 3rd Battalion Commander Xu Dongjiang suddenly looked around and asked with a frown, "I don't see 2nd Battalion Commander! He's not coming to pick up the soldiers?"

It was only then that 1st Battalion Commander Fan Ji noticed that he had just stood in front of the regiment's entrance and chatted for so long, but actually didn't realize that none of the 2nd Battalion's men had come.

"Huh? Yeah, how come none of them came?"

Xu Dongjiang said, "The deputy chief of staff informed everyone to wait here at 4:00 p.m. sharp, how can you even forget such an important matter?"

He said he was going to turn around and let one of his squad leaders go to the regimental headquarters to make a phone call to notify the 2nd Battalion to hurry over to pick up the soldiers.

Before he could open his mouth, Fan Ji stopped him and said, "The emperor is not in a hurry! You do not think, Meng Hu regiment has always been bullish, this new training you look at how many opinions they put forward, this does not work, that does not work, they have more opinions, so many opinions on how to connect the soldiers so big things can be forgotten?"

Fan Ji is the 3rd battalion commander of the 1st regiment, came here to be the 1st battalion commander of the new regiment, before the preparatory work conference of the new regiment, their regiment put forward a lot of suggestions were Li Haiou one by one negated, and gave sufficient reasons.

Although Li Haiou had sufficient reasons, the people of the 1st regiment were still upset in their hearts.

We are all regiments under Division E, and we are all competing with each other in all aspects, more than training, more than management, more than results.

This new training unified management, are put together to engage in, the division is more or less to see the meaning of the regiment on the same stage.

The first day of receiving troops on the basket, Fan Ji feels that should let the Meng Hu regiment make a fool of themselves, kill their sharpness.

Xu Dongjiang said, "It's not good, it's better to notify, otherwise it won't look good if the deputy chief of staff comes over."

Fan Ji said: "What are you afraid of? The whole division knows that he Li is the division commander's heart, not just late? The deputy chief of staff will not take him what, at most, is to criticize two sentences, and will not be less than his Li Haiou two points of meat."

Xu Dongjiang think about it, this is not a big deal.

And the deputy chief of staff Shi Song is the division of the good old man, kind and gentle, good temper, he when the head of the recruits we all feel relaxed, and deputy division chief Zhang Wenqing is not the same, Zhang deputy division chief to engage in training that is deadly, especially like to train the cadres, requiring officers and soldiers with the same training, the same standard, half a point of sloppiness can not be, the whole division of the cadres to hear the old Zhang's name legs and stomach are sour.

So the two smiled at each other, walked towards the playground, and did not mention the matter of the notice.

The car quickly arrived, the deputy chief of staff, the new regiment leader Shi Song also arrived on the playground.

The two battalion commanders saluted the deputy chief of staff, Shi Song returned the salute just put down his hand and realized that the situation was a bit wrong.

"Where are the men of the 2nd Battalion?"

He looked around and around again to make sure that none of the 2nd Battalion's men were present.

"What the hell!"

Said he, raising his hand to look at his watch.

"It's quarter past four, where did the 2nd Battalion's men go?"

Shi Song's two thick and naive eyebrows furrowed, and his face, which was originally full of smiles, became ugly.

"Go!" He said to the correspondent beside him, "Go back to the regimental headquarters and send a call to the 2nd Battalion to have their battalion commander come here on the run!"

The 2nd Battalion was more than 800 meters away from here, and Shi Song increased the pitch of the word "run" to express his dissatisfaction.

Fan Ji looked on with amusement.

The good old Shi deputy chief of staff is angry, this time the people of the Meng Hu Regiment will have a good show to watch.

But he did not wait for him to finish sneaking joy, but saw a military jeep come speeding like lightning, in the side of the playground a brake stop.

The car door opened, and between them Meng Hu Regiment leader Li Haiou appeared in front of the crowd, striding towards them.

"Deputy Chief of Staff, sorry I'm late."

Li Haiou arrived in front of Shi Song and stood at attention and gave a standard military salute, not sloppy at all.

Shi Song looked behind him and asked, "You're the only one?"

Li Haiou nodded: "Just me."

Shi Song gently "tsk" and said, "How do you bring back so many recruits by yourself?"

Generally speaking, which battalion's cadres come to bring new recruits are not several squad leaders to follow together, this Li Haiou is good, a regimental commander, just bring a driver, driving a combat vehicle came over.

Li Haiou laughed, "Enough is enough, Deputy Chief of Staff, you can rest assured that it can't be wrong."

Just talking, the bus also arrived, squeaked and stopped at the side of the playground.

Seeing this, Shi Song couldn't care less about discussing with Li Haiou about how many people to bring to pick up the soldiers, waved his hand, "Go, go up and see how the quality of the first batch of recruits this year is, most of this batch of soldiers are enlisted in Donghai City, and it is said that there are several college students who are soldiers, the quality is very high, wow!"

His face was filled with the sense of anticipation that farmers have when they go to see the harvest in the fall.

The door of the bus opened, deputy chief of staff Shi Song with two battalion commanders and a group of squad leaders also just arrived.

He company commander holding a roster in his hand, flipping while getting off the bus, saw Shi Song, snapped a salute, just wanted to complain, but glanced at Li Haiou who stood beside Shi Song and smiled like a fox.

Li Haiou was enthusiastic and took the initiative to ask: "Company Commander He, look at you sweating profusely, is the air conditioning in the car broken?"

Company Commander He's face was like a constipated butt, painfully holding it in for a while, finally unable to hold it in, "Reporting to the chief, there are eight less recruits in the car."

Shi Song's face suddenly changed.

Eight less?

Even if he was a deputy chief of staff, he was not tantalized to hear this news.

It can't be lost!

That would be a big deal.

"What the hell?!" Good old Shi Song's face was almost deformed, "How come eight are missing?!"

Company Commander He's eyes couldn't help but move back to the smiling Li Haiou, and finally gestured in Li Haiou's direction and said, "Why are there eight missing, Deputy Chief of Staff you'll have to ask Captain Li."

Shi Song Menghui turned back, saw Li Haiou's smiling face, heart more or less bright up.

On the contrary, next to the two battalion commanders are a bit puzzled, a face of confusion.

Shi Song asked, "Li Haiou, tell me, what does this have to do with you?"

Li Haiou is very frank: "Report deputy chief of staff, just now the bus of recruits passed by our camp, I think it ... since later on sooner or later to pick up from here back, why not directly where I unloaded part of it, this time our battalion has a total of 12 recruits quota, I unloaded 8, the remaining few I pick here, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick. I'll pick a few of them here, and when I do I'll use my car to carry them back."

A statement that seems to be justified.

12 places, 8 first.

That's reasonable!

It's not like we don't centralize the picking of soldiers, doesn't it still leave 4 slots for picking here? It's not a bad procedure at all.

That's reasonable!

Shi Song couldn't really find a breakthrough to criticize Li Hai-Ou, the leader who didn't follow the rules.

However, the two battalion commanders next to him had their heads explode.

Isn't it obvious?

Wolves such as sheep, sheep in the flock of the fattest a few not long gone?

The rest of these?

To his Li Haiou more poisonous than arsenic vision, afraid of bundling a piece together are not compared to the 8 soldiers unloaded before it?

Fan Ji swept his eyes and just caught Fatty Wei coming down from the car.

Fatty Wei was not picked just now, he is a belly of grief, carrying his own LV handbag, pulling a trolley case, carrying a backpack and self-hatred like a whining woman out of the car.

The car door is small, fat Wei, plus luggage bump, tugging on the clothes, revealing a section of white and round belly under the waist.

1 Battalion Commander Fan Ji was like swallowing a fly, and his brows furrowed menacingly.


Just these goods left?

Dog day Li Haiou!

"Deputy Chief of Staff Shi, I firmly oppose this practice of Regimental Commander Li Haiou! I'm going to report to our regimental commander right away, and I demand a unified division of troops!"

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