
good seedling

Entered the door, saw the battalion commander Liang Hu, the two recruits stand straight.

Liang Hu saw the situation and kindly greeted the two: "Sit."

Said pointed to his desk in front of the two chairs.

When the two sat down, Liang Hu personally pour water for the two.

Zhang Jian did not move, Li Zheng subconsciously stood up, "Battalion Commander, I'll do it myself."

Liang Hu pressed his shoulders and held him back into the chair, ordering without saying a word, "Sit down."

Pouring water for the two of them, Liang Hu returned to his seat and picked up a piece of white paper on the table and looked at it for a few moments.

"Today our battalion's recruit test, you two were the best performers, tell me, why did you come to become soldiers?"

Both Li Zheng and Zhang Jian were stunned.

In fact, before enlisting, the receiving cadres and the Armed Forces Department had done a survey and filled out forms, the motivation for enlisting and whether it was voluntary or not were all filled out.

Now just enlisted in the battalion, the battalion commander called the two people to the battalion in a grand manner, in order to ask such a question?

For the two new recruits, of course, will not understand why Liang Hu asked this question.

But for Liang Hu, there were other considerations.

Li Haiou's words before getting on the bus were not a waste of time, but a targeted reminder to Liang Hu.

The fourth company is a flag of the Meng Hu regiment, the entire regiment of all the companies, to count the company's combat strength is the strongest, because the fourth company in the history of the Meng Hu regiment of the battle results, so the fourth company is known as the sharpshooter company, not only because of the good shot, but the fourth company has been to maintain a special tradition, set up a sniper squad in the company.

Of course, this class is not in the establishment, but their own imaginary, the members of the class in fact usually under the management of the platoon and training, but in addition to the platoon training, but also once a month for a week of professional sniper training.

The reason for the establishment of this sniper class is very simple, one is to maintain the tradition, and the second is to bring the face with a point, with a class to drive the entire fourth company, improve the shooting level of the entire company.

As a soldier, especially an infantryman, marksmanship is especially important.

Every year, the group army, division and regiment have a large and small assessment competition, the key moment, the sniper squad of the fourth company can play a role, for the Meng Hu regiment to win the honor.

The sniper squad leader is not someone else, it is the first platoon acting platoon leader Hou Jun.

Over the years, Hou Jun has brought out many sharpshooters.

Only to engage in sniping this profession, not only rely on hard practice, but also to say talent.

Although Hou Jun's talent is not top-notch, he is hardworking.

Like him, he is willing to devote himself to the sniper specialty on the careful study, diligent study and practice of the soldiers really not much.

Over the years, the shooting level of the fourth company has been very good, and no one dares to call it the first in the Meng Hu Regiment, and even in the E Division, it is also the top of the list.

Unfortunately, except for a top sniper like Hou Jun, there was no one to follow in his footsteps.

No, strictly speaking, there is no one left.

Once there was a very talented soldier, also very love sniper this line of work, that person is Hou Jun now mentioned to blow up Zhong Rui.

Zhong Rui is the most powerful and talented sniper in the fourth company since Hou Jun. He took the second place in the annual shooting assessment of the whole regiment in his first year as a soldier, just after Hou Jun.

The second year to participate in the E Division organization of the top training team, in the Hou Jun's careful coaching in the martial arts to break the second year of soldiers in the shooting of the best record of integrated subjects, and this record is Hou Jun kept for five years.

Zhong Rui third year turned sergeant, Hou Jun on his expectations are very large, hand in hand to teach, teach all to keep no reservation.

The third year, the two formed a sniper team to participate in the military region sniper competition, and won the first place in the good results.

Just when Hou Jun is happy to have his successor, when Li Haiou and the battalion cadres feel that the four companies can at least be brilliant for several years, the regiment suddenly came to a few people, said the leadership of the special brigade.

Afterwards, Zhong Rui was called to the regimental headquarters, and one of the colonels asked him if he was willing to go to the Group A Army Special Brigade.

A group army special brigade is called blood wolf special brigade, originally it was a military region special brigade, then after the military reform, it was hosted in A group army, but they are still under the direct control of the military region, so this brigade has privileges in many aspects.

One of them is transferring people.

Zhong Rui himself didn't even know that he would be selected by the Blood Wolf Brigade because of that shooting competition in the military region.

Although Hou Jun is also more outstanding, but the blood wolf brigade captain vision how venomous, a glance at Zhong Rui's potential to be much larger than the Hou Jun, and there is also a point, at that time, Hou Jun has been a second sergeant, belonging to a special forces of the golden time is obviously already not much, and Zhong Rui is not the same, is only the third year of service, the sun is rising.

In the martial arts scene to see Zhong Rui performance after the blood wolf brigade brigade commander go back to run the military region to transfer orders, turn his head to D group army to come.

Whether or not to accept the transfer order is actually debatable.

Where to be a soldier, what to be a soldier, many times still have to be voluntary, especially the special forces recruiting, first of all, there must be a basis - voluntary.

That kind of place is not the average person can go, to put it bluntly to be able to endure at least one trip a day ten kilometers cross-country, once a month field survival, every year to the country east, west, south, north and south of a variety of different environments in the stationary training for a month or even a few months and do not complain of pain but also happy in the soldier is definitely not an ordinary soldier.

With some people's eyes, they are even a group of crazy.

A group of self-inflicted madness.

When the colonel asked Zhong Rui's opinion, next to Li Haiou, who was still the deputy regimental commander at that time, had his own little plan in his heart, and he knew very well about the special forces' recruiting procedures, so he reminded Zhong Rui: "You can decide for yourself if you want to go or not, no one can force you."

The implication was that Zhong Rui would stay in the fourth company of the Meng Hu Regiment.

Only unfortunately, Zhong Rui looked at Li Haiou, looked at the head of the regiment, and then looked at the colonel who came from the Blood Wolf Brigade before stumbling, "I ... I'll go ...."

A hammer is finalized.

Hou Jun later slapped the table when he mentioned this in front of Liang Hu, saying that Zhong Rui is a heartless, these years are not the four companies and their own careful cultivation, he can learn this hand of a hundred shots of skill?

After learning his skills, he has hardened his wings and has a high branch to climb, so he just patted his ass and left.

"Son of a bitch! That kid's heart has been taken by wolves!"

These were Hou Jun's words at the time.

Now Liang Hu found these two recruits in the best seedlings, in fact, is to explore the mind, to see the two people in the end is not willing to stay in the army to do.

If they want to, then they will be properly cultivated.

After all, Hou Jun still has three years to complete the third term, there are not many opportunities to stay, he left, the fourth company always need to put up another flag.

"Zhang Jian you speak first."

Liang Hu pointed at Zhang Jian and named him.

Zhang Jian immediately replied, "My family has been in the military for three generations, serving is a mission, protecting the family and defending the country is a duty!"

Liang Hu froze for a moment, then said, "I don't want to hear high sounding words, give me human words."

Li Zheng sneaked a glance at Zhang Jian next to him, thinking that this bastard definitely did not tell the truth.

The reason was simple, when Shao Xiaoqian and himself met Zhang Jian in the compound before, he had not heard Zhang Jian say that he was going to be a soldier.

If Zhang Jian was going to go, he definitely wouldn't hide it from Shao Xiaoqian.

Obviously, it was a temporary decision made by Zhang Jian after he knew that Shao Xiaoqian was going to be a soldier.

Combined with Zhang Jian's attitude towards himself, Li Zheng had reason to think that Zhang Jian was coming towards himself.

But he could say that he came to become a soldier because of himself?

I'll believe the hell out of you!

Li Zheng said in his heart.