
Gluttony, old soldier

The most open to the eyes of the recruits is not the sound of the gun turned out to be so harsh, more shocking is the sniper intuitive knowledge.

Li Zheng for the first time found that the original sniper hit the target is not only the kind of humanoid target often seen on TV.

There are a lot of strange, their own name can not even call out the target.

No wonder Li Zheng is not clear, because the entire selection of a total of 14 projects, the target used by the largest target diameter of 30cm, the smallest is only 5mm!

The shooting distance is between 100 to 1000m, so the accuracy of the sniper weapon must be within 0.3 mils, and the shooter must accurately determine the wind speed and be able to maintain a stable and accurate shooting action, otherwise it is not possible to implement the shooting with high precision.

Therefore, even if the new recruits stretch their necks longer, they can't see those different forms of humanoid targets, disk targets, round targets, and the international general Popel targets at a distance.

What Li Zheng didn't know was that they were actually coming over to observe the last round of the competition today, and the real competition had already begun since yesterday.

The reason why the Meng Hu Regiment organized everyone to come over to observe today, an important reason is that, at present, the Meng Hu Regiment sent by the sniper team composed of Hou Jun and Zhang Ao in the previous ten project assessment results into the top three, ranked in the second place.

This selection quota a total of six people, that is to say, if Hou Jun play stable this year, can maintain this advantage, out of the country competition is the nail in the coffin.

The veterans of the Meng Hu Regiment or the squad leader or the deputy squad leader, all know Hou Jun.

And all respect Hou Jun.

Troops are like this, especially combat troops, you military is great, who see you all respect you three times.

If you are not trained well and your military is not well, even if you grow up to be like the RMB, you will still be disdained by others in your heart.


With a whistle to, the field commander blew his whistle.

"The players of all units are back to the preparatory departure location, in accordance with the original arrangement of the order, two groups of rounds for the subject assessment, immediately executed!"

Soon, the captain of the set-up team came forward to organize the formation, and brought all forty of the competitors to sit down on a piece of turf about thirty meters away from the Bureau's firing ground line.

The conditioner in charge of issuing the bullets opened a box of specialized sniper bullets and distributed them to each sniper's hands.

These bullets were yellow, shiny and eye-catching, and at a glance, one could tell that they were made of pure copper, good goods!

Zhang Ao whispered to Hou Jun, the old squad leader next to him, "Squad Leader Hou, Zhong Rui is in a round with us."

Hou Jun didn't even look that way and rolled his eyes, "So what?"

Zhang Ao said, "He is indeed very powerful."

Hou Jun didn't say anything.

This is because Zhong Rui is now in first place with a slight lead over the other groups.

Seeing that Hou Jun didn't say anything, Zhang Ao hurriedly added, "Back then it was still the old class president you taught him well ah, it's a pity ..."

This is patting Hou Jun's ass, Zhang Ao is also a member of the fourth company, the same sniper class out, the master and Zhong Rui is the same Hou Jun.

He knows that Hou Jun has always had a knot in his heart for Zhong Rui, the reason why he said so, in fact, Zhang Ao also has a small heart.

In the end, he is worried that Hou Jun is emotionally unstable because of Zhong Rui, thus affecting his performance.

Hou Jun has been leading the soldiers for so many years, and as a soldier himself, he has also become a veteran, how could he not know the meaning of Sergeant Zhang Ao's words?

"Don't worry!" Hou Jun said, "I'm not going to mess up because of him."

Zhang Ao's heart slightly put down a little bit, said with a sigh of relief: "Just now I saw you closed your eyes and did not say a word, I thought you were angry because of him. Old squad leader, I'll tell you something, Zhong Rui just looked your way 12 times, sneaking a peek, and didn't dare to come up and greet you."

"Hmph!" Hou Jun sprayed a nasal sound: "Collective training for so many days, it's not the first time he wants to talk to me, this is the last day, tomorrow our collective training will be dispersed, I have to hold back, back then when he left I said, you go to the special brigade, then don't recognize me as the squad leader, and don't talk to me when you see me in the future. He chose to choose in the first place, I also made a choice. I'm a man of my word!"

Zhang Ao was completely relieved, "Aiya, Old Squad Leader, that's a relief for me, before I saw you frowning all the time there with your eyes closed, I thought you were doing it because of Zhong Rui!"

"Bullshit!" Hou Jun said, "I'm a sniper, do you think I'll affect myself because of this bullshit?"

Zhang Ao hurriedly laughed, "Of course not!"

Hou Jun suddenly frowned again, his expression somewhat distorted.

Zhang Ao hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Hou Jun took a deep breath once and then exhaled a handful of times before cursing, "Shit! Estimated to eat a bad stomach in the morning, the dog days of the cooking class buns raw and did not tell me, I ate before telling me ... this moment my intestines a little bit of movement ..."

In fact, at this time really do not blame people cooking class, are Hou Jun own work, the pot dumped to the people cooking class.

This morning the wake-up call did not ring Hou Jun woke up, fifteen minutes early to wash his face and brush his teeth, and then ran to the cooking class to see what people arrange today's meals to go.

The food of the elite training has always been in accordance with the highest food standards, naturally, every day good food and drink to serve this group of snipers.

Moreover, Hou Jun is a regular guest of the E Division instructional team, perennial training have him, when the first three years of the army is to participate in the training team, after that is to be transferred to the instructor, here on the brigade to the brigade headquarters, down to the cooking class public service class, mixed with each soldier and each officer are familiar with each officer to like family members.

As a result, when he entered the cooking class, he smelled the aroma and saw others making breakfast, he greeted them and glued his eyes to the steamer.

Opened a look, the inside is white buns, nose over a smell, with his experience as a soldier for nearly nine years, immediately judged to be leek meat filling.

This is a veteran soldier oil Hou Jun's favorite.

In fact, when it comes to the veterans, it is also that virtue, military hard, style of play, the big mistake absolutely do not commit, small mistakes occasionally and constantly.

Hara are flowing out of the Hou Jun did not care to ask the cook with or without consent, reached out and grabbed a big meat bun, while hot, stuffed into the mouth, three times all into the stomach, ate that a mouth full of oil teeth and cheeks to stay fragrant.

Waiting to eat two, the head of the cooking class this found the situation and only came over to stop him.

"Old Hou what are you doing here?"

Cooking squad leader is also a staff sergeant, military age is also longer than Hou army one year.

"You soldier oil, come to steal food again?!" Taking a look at the steamer, the cook squad leader couldn't help but curse.

It seemed like it wasn't the first time Hou Jun had done this.

"Stealing? Can this be called stealing?" Hou Jun wiped the oil on the corner of his mouth and said with an indifferent look, "What's the big deal, it's not the first time I've come here to take buns in advance to eat over the years, so what's the big fuss!"

The head cook sighed, looked at the buns in the steamer, then looked at Hou Jun who was full of concern and said, "It's not that I won't let you eat those one or two buns, the problem is, these buns aren't ripe yet."

He glanced at the electronic clock on the wall.

"Just put it in for only seven minutes, you're damn not afraid to eat tampered with thin?!"

Hou Jun was not at ease at that time, said loudly, old squad leader you are a blind man with an egg over a log bridge!

The head of the cooking squad asked him: "Hou Jun, what do you mean by that?"

Hou Jun said: "Worry about it! Don't you think that the annual field survival program of our field troops is for nothing? I'm not afraid to eat snakes, insects, rats and ants, I'm still afraid to eat one or two raw meat buns?"

Said, proudly walked away.

Before going out also did not forget to turn back and said: "Buns meat enough, is the flavor of the tantalizing point, next time put more salt, this seasoning is not your family, old squad leader you do not so stingy!"


Retribution came.

At this moment, Hou Jun felt a muffled sound in his intestines, like a restless worm wriggling.

Zhang Ao beside him obviously heard this unusual sound and worriedly said, "I think we'd better report for a suspension and go to the brigade department infirmary to get some medicine for you."

"Scary!" Hou Jun's eyes glared, "Making a big deal out of it! I guess I just wanted to let out a loud fart! It won't be diluted! Don't worry!"

He said and glanced in Zhong Rui's direction.

"Besides, the medicine in the infirmary isn't an elixir, so will it take effect if you eat it? If it takes effect after a while, it's still the same thing if you eat it or not. Look, the next group will be our turn, we can't apply for a delay, lest anyone think we're afraid of them."