
first come first served

After entering the gate of E Division, the bus drove all the way, and Li Zheng and the other recruits stretched their necks towards the window to look out the whole way.

What was the barracks like?

They knew now.

Two words - neat.

Four words - neat and tidy.

Everything here looked so regimented, the grass on the side of the road was neatly cut, there wasn't a speck of garbage to be seen on the ground, all the planning was square-on-square, everything was angular, everything was in columns and rows.

Even the trees on the roadside look like they have been trained to stand meticulously on both sides of the road, just like a row of majestic soldiers.

"Wow! Female soldiers!"

Fatty Wei was the first to discover the new continent.

Although his eyes were small, his eyesight in this area was no worse than anyone else's.

When he yelled, the other recruits in the car couldn't sit still.

A female soldier?

This was a rarity.

Thus, the recruits looked towards the left side of the car window, and one by one, their necks suddenly grew two inches long.

Fatty Wei really didn't lie.

A group of female soldiers appeared in front of the right side of the bus, about seven or eight of them, and the leader was a lady officer, wearing a regular uniform, tilting her head back and holding out her chest, with her short hair pressed under her cap to the point of revealing a short section.

"One-two-one, one-two-one, one-two-three-four!"

"One - two - three - four!"

The female soldiers were shouting pace commands, their voices crunching, each note overflowing with valor.

Seeing female soldiers for the first time, the new recruits got excited inside.

"The second one looks good!"

"No, it's still the fourth one that looks good!"

"The one leading the team is the most valiant!"

One by one, the new recruits who hadn't yet hung up their ranks began to comment on the female soldiers.

"What are you guys doing?!"

Company Commander He's thunderous voice directly scared the recruits, who had been somewhat disorganized, back into their seats, not daring to move a bit.

"What's wrong with you guys?"

Company Commander He stood up from his seat at the front of the car.

He looked around at the dozens of recruits in the carriage, his gaze grim, like two arrows shooting out, as if they could penetrate people.

"This is the army! Not your local area! Are female soldiers to be evaluated? That's your comrades in arms! To put it bluntly, you bunch of new recruits, the rank has not been awarded, see these female comrades, you give me honestly stand well called a squad leader, this is the most basic troop etiquette, understand?!"

"Understand ..."

"Understand ..."

In the carriage, a sparse response came.

He company commander is obviously not satisfied, tiger face and asked: "All have not eaten? Louder, understand!"

Li Zheng felt that the mouth of an officer like Company Commander He simply came with its own megaphone, vibrating one's eardrums, and he didn't know where they got such a loud voice.


The reply was louder this time.

Company Commander He nodded slightly, as if he was satisfied, but also as if he wasn't very satisfied, "Remember, you're here to serve as soldiers, not to travel, serve as soldiers, don't give me the fluffy look similar to the local ruffians!"

Said, the bus turned into a both sides are hillside cement road, after climbing a slope far see a on the old-style iron gate.

The whole gate was arched, already some years about, the base is cement, the rest of the part is like a child's arm thick steel pipe casting, arched door uppermost center there is a red iron five-pointed star, the right side of the doorpost hangs a glance to see is a new wooden sign, above the red game brushed a line of big words - E Division 2015 Annual Recruit Intensive Training Corps.

Two mounted sentries with sidearms across their chests stood straight in their gate post positions.

The new recruits who had some small movements before were all honest this time, each one sitting as well behaved and upright as a schoolboy on his first day of school, and a nervous gaze came out of each person's eyes.

Military camp.

In the end, what is it like?

Veterans in the end how?


What is the training?

Is it bitter?

How hard is it?

Even for a college student like Li Zheng, who has envisioned the military countless times in his heart and often browsed military forums for many years of psychological construction, he can't help but feel that his throat is a little dry at this moment.

People are slightly fearful of the unknown, the freshness of wearing a military uniform, the unknown of the barracks let his nerves suddenly taut.

He thought of Shao Xiaoqian, now I do not know where Xiaoqian? What is she doing?

"Stop the car!"

Just past the gate post, not driving fifty meters, a major in camouflage uniform with the rank of two bars and one star with a group of veterans waved and stopped the bus at the roadside.

Company Commander He glanced out the window and recognized that this was Liang Hu, the battalion commander of the second battalion of the Menghu Regiment.

"Battalion Commander Liang, what's going on here?"

He shouted at the other party.

Liang Hu stood under the car and waved at Company Commander He, "Old He, why don't you get out of the car when you're on the ground?"

Company Commander He looked outside the car, which had just entered the gate, right by the basketball court near the second battalion.

"Aren't we going to the new regiment's big playground?"

Liang Hu waved his hand and said, "No no, their cadres are in a meeting, temporarily not going over there, get off here."

After saying that, without saying anything, got on the car, said to the new recruits: "All take their luggage, get off, to the side of the basketball court collection!"

When the words landed, he pulled Li Zheng, who was sitting at the front, and asked without any explanation, "Where is the luggage?"

Li Zheng see Liang Hu is a major, immediately some shortness of breath, pointed to the luggage rack, before he had time to speak, Liang Hu grabbed the luggage rack backpack, single-handedly carrying the backpack, the other hand pulling Li Zheng's arm, like the big bad wolf gripping the white rabbit like Li Zheng is still in a state of confusion pulled to the car.

Liang Hu just got off the car, those squad leaders like wolves and tigers surged on the car, their eyes swept around on the new recruits, like going to the market to pick chickens in the chicken coop, and when they saw a soldier with a good figure and image, they pounced on him and pulled him away.

"Practiced at home?"

"College student or high school student?"

"What's your specialty?"

The veterans went up and grabbed a new recruit who looked appealing to their eyes and asked, just like an agent in a job market.

When they get an answer, as long as they are satisfied, they immediately pull them out of the car without saying a word, not even giving them time to react.

The new recruits which have seen this battle, the face of this group of veterans like wolves and tigers, the head is still a slurry lake, not yet clear what happened on all the raw pull hard dragged down the car.

The company commander who received the soldiers is not the people of the Meng Hu regiment, is the company commander of the artillery regiment.

Menghu regiment in the E Division is famous, regiment as its name, a word - menghu.

The so-called Meng embodied in any small details, training Meng, life style Meng, even collective activities in the song than other regiments Meng.

This point He Company Commander is early to see, in the frozen less than half a minute, he finally reacted.

"Ay ay ay ay, I say Liang battalion commander, you can't mess around ah! I think you're just falsely passing on orders, there's no meeting on the regiment's side, is there?"

Liang Hu glanced at the carriage, those nice soldiers had already been pulled off by their own soldiers, the purpose had been achieved long ago.

This trick is called cooking rice, creating a fait accompli.

Recruit allocation of this matter is originally to the troops in the breakdown, generally speaking, the troops will be based on their own actual situation so that some key units to give priority to picking people, such as the division of the reconnaissance battalion, picking people into the period of the new recruits, and so on the end of the elimination of those who can not be trained, and then from the other new recruits to select the best seedling.

Although special units such as scout battalions have privileges, there is just a saying that proximity is the best way to get the best.

If the recruits are brought out by themselves, then the company cadres who lead the recruits will have a certain say in whether to give or not to give, and it is also discretionary.

Li Haiou knew this well, so he asked Liang Hu to intercept the vehicles and first intercept all the recruits who looked like they were in good physical condition.

Even if the time is complained to the division, really want to spit out can not be all spit out, good seedling say whatever must be kept.

This kind of thing is not a violation of discipline, at best, is a little on the surface of the small wrist, Li Haiou is the division commander's favorite, when he was a company commander, the division commander in the regiment when the head, the big deal is to go to the division to be criticized, anyway, the division commander of their own like their own family that father, the board will always be high up and gently fall, neither lose the majesty of the division commander, but each sentence of criticism is seeped in the old superiors on the old subordinate The old superior to the old subordinate is seeped in every criticism.

"Old He, since you don't agree with parking here, then you can go to the regiment headquarters, I won't stop you, I'm really sorry for the delay."

Liang Hu had a smile on his face, seemingly apologizing to Company Commander He, but in reality, every sentence was a victor's triumph.

Not waiting for Company Commander He to react, Liang Hu has already gotten out of the car, one stop toward the car, toward the car's Company Commander He waved goodbye, to the end also did not forget to add a sentence: "Old He, formalities later I go to the regiment's headquarters over there with you to do it, you first I took away the names of these soldiers hooked up, don't share it with someone else."

After saying that, he slapped his hand heavily on the car door and raised his chin to the driver, "Hurry up and drive! Don't let the heads of the regiment people wait for a long time!"

Driving is a driver of the logistics side, transferred to the new regiment to help, is considered to be out of duty, just saw Liang Hu robbing people with soldiers, has been crying and laughing, this moment heard that can go, the door is closed, a foot gas pedal, regardless of the He Company Commander is still in the "ay ay ay ay", the car is a buttery smoke to the regiment to drive to the headquarters.